The speed limit is 35 miles per hour. Park rangers, in charge of traffic control, investigate all accidents. When necessary they gather material for preparation of court cases to be heard before a park commissioner. Signal when crossing the road to overlooks. Drive slowly on curves and in rainy weather when roads are slippery. In fog, observe “Travel Not Advised” warnings; they are posted for your safety. If you must proceed, use your driving lights. The solid centerline in the road is for your safety. Keep to the right. Pass only when your sight distance permits. Fires.Build fires only in fireplaces at picnic areas and campgrounds. Be sure your campfire is out! Be careful with cigarettes; do not throw them from your automobile or along the trail. Remember, fire is the forest’s greatest enemy. Pets.Dogs and cats must be on a leash at all times, or otherwise confined. Litter.You will find trash receptacles in all parking and picnic areas. Deposit your refuse there—do not throw it along the road like a litterbug! Campingis limited to 14 days in any one year. Campsites cannot be reserved; when they are filled, rangers will direct you to temporary campgrounds. Fishing.A Virginia license is required. Trout fishing only permitted. A 3-day-$3 nonresident trout fishing license is available at all concession units in the park. Obtain a complete set of fishing regulations from a park ranger at the entrance station as you come into the park, or write to the superintendent for a set. Firearms.Assembled firearms and similar devices, including air pistols and rifles, bows and arrows, and slingshots, are prohibited. Shenandoah National Park is a sanctuary for all wildlife, and the hunting, killing, wounding, frightening, or capturing of any wildlife is prohibited. |