
Shenandoah National Park is administered by the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.

The National Park System, of which this park is a unit, is dedicated to conserving the scenic, scientific, and historic heritage of the United States for the benefit and enjoyment of its people.

Development of this park is part of MISSION 66, a 10-year conservation program to unfold the full potential of the National Park System for the use and enjoyment of both present and future generations.

The administrative offices of Shenandoah National Park are located 4 miles west of Thornton Gap and 4 miles east of Luray, Va., on Lee Highway (U.S. 211). If you have questions or comments about the park, send them to the Superintendent, Shenandoah National Park, Luray, Va.

Park Rangers are the protective force of the park, and are assigned to enforce park regulations, and to help and advise you during your stay. Consult them if you are in any difficulty, or need information. Ranger stations are indicated on the map on pages 10-13.

Park Naturalists are here to help you understand and enjoy the park’s features. You will meet the naturalists at the visitor center, at evening campfire talks, and on conducted walks. They welcome your questions and comments.


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