The Sinagua Indians who lived here years ago depended on nature to supply their needs. Plants provided food, building material, medicine and clothing. While you are visiting, look at the different plants. Many are the same type that people used when they lived here. Four plants are listed below, along with how they were used. See if you can find and draw 3 of these 4. | There are different types of yucca but all provided necessary items. Fibers from the leaves of these plants were woven into baskets, mats, ropes and sandals. Soap was made from the roots. | Yucca | The gum (or sap) of this tree was used to make a candy as well as to mend broken pottery. Its beans were crushed and made into a flour. | | Mesquite Tree | | This tree was used in building homes. The wood remains very strong for hundreds of years. | Sycamore Tree | This bush had many uses. The root was chewed and put on ant bites and bee stings. The blossoms and twigs were used to make a bright yellow dye. | | Salt Bush |