National parks are established “to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wildlife therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.” Please cooperate with us in maintaining and protecting this park. The following observations are made for your guidance: Preservation of Natural Features and Public Buildings—Trees, flowers, vegetation, rocks, minerals, animals, or birds may not be disturbed, injured, or destroyed, and buildings, signs, or equipment may not be defaced or destroyed. No material of any kind may be taken from the park without a written permit from the superintendent. Bears and Deer—Feeding, touching, teasing, or molesting bears and deer is prohibited. Any close approach to them is dangerous. Camping—Camps should be kept clean, rubbish and garbage burned, and refuse placed in cans provided for this purpose. CAMPFIRE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for building campfires in areas outside designated campgrounds. Fires—Be careful with fires at all times. Make sure your campfire is completely out before leaving it. Smoking and the building of fires may be prohibited when hazard makes such action necessary. ALL KINDS OF FIREWORKS ARE PROHIBITED. Fishing—Fishing regulations are subject to change from year to year and the limit for a day’s catch may vary. Learn the limit and the regulations before starting to fish in any of the park waters. Fishing in any way other than with hook and line, and with the rod or line held in hand, is prohibited. A STATE FISHING LICENSE IS REQUIRED. Hunting—Public hunting within the park boundaries is not permitted and the use of firearms while in the park is prohibited except upon written orders or permission from the superintendent. Boating—Boating permits, which are required for boats placed on the waters of the park may be obtained at any ranger station. Mountain Climbing—All mountain climbers must register at the ranger stations before starting to ascend any peak and must report their return from each climbing expedition. SOLO CLIMBS ARE NOT PERMITTED. Automobiles—Drive carefully at all times. Speed limits are posted; these vary for different sections of the park. All accidents should be reported at the nearest ranger station. Fees for automobiles, trailers, and motorcycles are collected at the park entrances. All fees are deposited in the United States Treasury and are not available for expenditure in the park. Congressional appropriations are the only source of funds for administration and development. Dogs and Cats—Dogs and cats may be taken into the park, but must be kept on leash, crated, or otherwise under physical restrictive control while within park boundaries. Penalties—The penalty, upon conviction, for violations of the rules and regulations may be a fine not exceeding $500, or imprisonment not exceeding 6 months, or both, together with all costs of the proceedings. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.—Price $3.75 per 100 copies Reprint 1952 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1952 O—974703 |