The National Park Service expresses its appreciation to all those persons who made the preparation and production of this handbook possible. The Service also thanks the Grand Teton Natural History Association for its financial support of this project. All photos and artwork not credited below come from the files of Grand Teton National Park. - Greg Beaumont 13, 30 photo, 36 photos, 58, 60-61, 66-67 yellowthroat, towhee, goose, crane, jay, owl, killdeer, snipe, 68-69 columbine, dandelion, sugarbowl, lily, gentian, flax, geranium, phlox, paintbrush, 64-65 weasel, pika, marmots, mouse
- Erwin and Peggy Bauer 70-71, 82 top and middle, 87 middle, 88, 93 top
- P. Billing 15
- Bridger-Teton National Forest 93 middle
- Franz J. Camenzind 56 inset
- John Clymer 52-53
- John Dawson 36-37 paintings
- Denver Public Library 54 inset
- Jim Elder 78 campers, 87 bottom
- Jeff Foott 66-77 goshawk, grouse, eagle, 68-69 orchid, violet, 64-65 elk
- Jackie Gilmore 44 inset, 64-65 moose, beaver, squirrel
- High Country Flies 89
- Jerry D. Jacka 77 top and bottom
- Frances Judge 47 inset
- Stephen J. Krasemann 64-65 bear, hare, bobcat
- Russell Lamb covers, 4-5, 16-17, 24, 40-41
- Wayne Lankinen 64-65 deer
- David Muench 6, 18-19, 22-23, 32-33, 48
- National Elk Refuge 93 bottom
- National Geographic (David Alan Harvey) 10-11, 44-45
- Boyd Norton 34
- Leigh Ortenburer 35 diagram
- Jaime Quintero 28-29
- Smithsonian Institution (William H. Jackson) 55 inset
- Teton County Library 46-47
- Triangle X Ranch, 42 top