Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming (1984)


1 Welcome to Devils Tower

2 Taking a Closer Look

3 Guide and Adviser

National Park Service

U.S. Department of the Interior

Devils Tower National Monument

Produced by the
Division of Publications
National Park Service

U.S. Department of the Interior
Washington, D.C. 1984

The National Park Handbook Series

National Park Handbooks, compact introductions to the great natural and historic places administered by the National Park Service, are designed to promote understanding and enjoyment of the parks. Each is intended to be informative reading and a useful guide before, during, and after a park visit. More than 100 titles are in print. This is Handbook 111. You may purchase the handbooks through the mail by writing to Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington DC 20402.

About This Book

Devils Tower National Monument is in the Black Hills of northeastern Wyoming. The major attractions are the volcanic rock Tower and protected prairie dog communities. This handbook is published in support of the National Park Service’s management policies and interpretive programs at the park. Part 1 of the handbook gives a brief introduction to the park and its history; Part 2 takes a close look at the area’s natural history and, in particular, prairie dogs; and Part 3 presents concise travel guide and reference materials.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Main entry under title:

Devils Tower
(National park handbook: 111)
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
Supt. of docs. no.: I 29.9/5:111
1. Devils Tower National Monument (Wyo.)
I. United States. National Park Service. Division of Publications.
II. Series: Handbook (United States. National Park Service. Division of Publications); 111.
F767.D47D48 978.7′13 81-607961


Part 1 Welcome to Devils Tower 4
Mateo Tepee 9
Part 2 Taking a Closer Look 20
By Greg Beaumont
A Day at Devils Tower 22
Prairie Dogs: A Tight-Knit Society 48
Part 3 Guide and Adviser 66
Regional Map 68
Visiting the Park 69
Park Regulations 71
Climbing the Tower 72
Nearby National Parks 74
Not So Nearby National Parks 76
Armchair Explorations 78
Index 79

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