PART I.—CANOE COOKERY. | CHAPTER I. | | Page. | Outfit for Cooking on a Cruise.—Value of a Single Receptacle for Everything Necessary to Prepare a Meal.—The Canoeist's "Grub Box."—The Same as a Seat.—Water-tight Tins.—Necessary Provisions and Utensils.—Waterproof Bags for Surplus Provisions.—Portable Oven.—Canoe Stoves.—Folding Stoves a Nuisance.—Hints for Provisioning for a Cruise. | 9 | CHAPTER II. | Soups.—Canned Soups.—The Brunswick Goods Cheap, Wholesome and Convenient.—Huckins' Soups.—Oyster, Clam, Onion and Tomato Soups. | 17 | CHAPTER III. | Fish.—Fish Caught in Muddy Streams.—Kill your Fish as soon as Caught.—Fish Grubs.—Fish Fried, Planked, Skewered and Boiled.—Fish Sauce, Fish Roe, Shell Fish. | 20 | CHAPTER IV. | Meats and Game.—Salt Pork.—Ham and Eggs.—Broiling and Boiling Meats.—Pigeons, Squirrels, Ducks, Grouse, Woodcock, Rabbits, Frogs, etc. | 25 | CHAPTER V. | Vegetables.—Potatoes and Green Corn, Boiled, Fried, Roasted and Stewed. | 30 | CHAPTER VI. | Coffee and Tea.—Mush, Johnnycake and Hoe Cake.—Slapjacks, Corn Dodgers, Ash Cakes, Biscuits, Camp Bread.—Eggs. | 34 | | PART II.—CAMP COOKERY. | CHAPTER I. | Outfit.—Go Light as Possible.—Carriage of Provisions and Utensils.—Camp Stoves, Ice-Boxes and Hair Mattresses.—The Bed of "Browse."—How to Make a Cooking Range Out-of-doors.—Building the Fire.—A Useful Tool.—Construction of Coffee Pot and Frying Pan.—Baking in Camp.—Fuel for Camp-fire.—Kerosene and Alcohol Stoves.—Camp Table.—Washing Dishes, etc. | 42 | CHAPTER II. | Soups.—General Remarks on Cooking Soups.—Soups Made of Meat, Vegetables, Deer's Heads, Small Game, Rice, Fish, and Turtle. | 50 | CHAPTER III. | Fish.—Fish Baked, Plain and Stuffed.—Fish Gravy.—Fish Chowder.—Clam Chowder.—Orthodox Clam Chowder. | 55 | CHAPTER IV. | Meats and Game.—Hash.—Pork and Beans.—Game Stew.—Brunswick Stew.—Roast Venison.—Baked Deer's Head.—Venison Sausages.—Stuffed Roasts of Game.—Woodchucks, Porcupines, 'Possums and Pigs. | 59 | CHAPTER V. | Preparation of Vegetables for Cooking.—Time Table for Cooking Vegetables.—Cabbage, Beets, Greens, Tomatoes, Turnips, Mushrooms, Succotash, etc. | 67 | CHAPTER VI. | Boiled Rice.—Cracked Wheat.—Hominy Grits.—Batter Cakes.—Rice Cakes.—Puddings.—Welsh Rarebit.—Fried Bread for Soups.—Stewed Cranberries. | 74 | CHAPTER VII. | Dishes for Yachtsmen.—Macaroni, Boiled and Baked.—Baked Turkey.—Pie Crust.—Brown Betty.—Apple Pudding.—Apple Dumplings. | 80 | HINTS. | 88 |