>199 Edixhoven, Mr., his kindness to the author, 229, 253 Egg, ostrich, found by Bushmen, 343 Eland, description of an, 254 Elephants, and lions, 64; example of their courtesy towards buffaloes, 147; drinking at Sikumi river, 271 Elephants' Haunts, by Captain Faulkner, 227 Elliott, Rev. W. A., at Umshlangeni, the author's experience when staying with, 1882, 176 Elmenteita, in British East Africa, 5; zebras near, 21 Enduna, a dignity in Matabeleland, 94 Engelbreght, Michael, Boer hunter, 17 story told by, 64 Europe, lions common in, at the time of Herodotus, 83 Eyes, colour of a lion's, 73 Eyesight, necessity of a trained, for hunters, 17; results of training of, 19 Falls, Victoria, 154; the "Dett" valley south-east of, 132 Farm devastated by a lioness in Mashunaland, 68 Faulkner, Capt., inyala shot by, near Cape Maclear, 1866, 227 Field, the, Sir Alfred Sharpe's opinion on the tse-tse fly published in, 150 Fleischmann, Max C., his letter to President Roosevelt, 1907, 201 Flies. See Tse-tse fly Food, favourite, of lions, 64; of hyÆnas, 103; of Bushmen, 341 "Foreword" by President Roosevelt, xi-xix Fortnightly Review, 54 Fountaine, A., and the chetah, 127 Fox, Arctic, hunting of the, 10; white coat of an, 41 Gazelle, Thomson's, coloration of, 13; markings of, 23 Gemsbuck, description of the, 256 f.: the author's hunt after, 258, 265, 267, 287; nature of the, 268 Giraffe, shape and coloration of a, 26; the Somali, 28; seldom killed by lions, 64; stateliness of the, 205; a little-drinking animal, 209; a voiceless animal, 211; some adventures of the author with, 213, 215; strong smell of the, 216; attacked by two leopards, 219; calves, 221 Glossina morsitans. See Tse-tse fly Goats, African, unaffected by tse-tse fly disease, 173 Gold found in the Transvaal, 163; his remarks on the tse-tse fly, 167; on the Bushmen, 338 Livingstone search expedition, commanded by Lieutenant Young, 1866, 227 Lo Bengula, his account of the tse-tse fly's disappearance, 163; King of the Matabele, 270 Locusts in Matuta, 231; in South Central Africa, 1890, 234 Lo Magondi's kraal, 48 Longman, Zulu guide of the author, 233 Lotchi, head Enduna of Induba, convicted of witchcraft, 105 LourenÇo Marques, Delagoa Bay, 253 Lydekker, R., his classification of lions, 78 Mababi plain, 78; river, 136 Machabi river, an overflow from the Okavango, 136 Mackinnon, Dr., and the troop of lions, 77 Maclear, Cape, inyala shot near, by Capt. Faulkner, 1866, 227 Macloutsie river, buffaloes plentiful along the, 152 Maghaliquain river, game found along the, 1886, 152 Majili river, a tributary of the Zambesi, 54 Makari-kari, rock salt found at, 264 Makololo, Mission sent to, 164 Mammals of India, by Jerdon, on hunting chetahs, 128 Mandy, Frank, and the old slave given to the hyÆnas, 104 Man-Eaters of Tsavo, The, by Colonel Patterson, 49 Manes, lions', differences between, 78 Manicaland, rock-paintings in, 336 Maputa river, formed by the Pongolo and the Usutu, 230 Marico river, 136 Masarwa, or Maseroa, name given by Khama's people to Bushmen, 330 Mashunaland, troubles caused by lions in, 1890, 67; rock-paintings in, 336 Matabele, courage of the, in attacking lions, 93; Umziligazi, founder of the nation, 162 Matabeleland, fate of witches in, 107; Lo Bengula, King of, 270 Matuta, locusts in, 231 Meat, hyÆna flesh considered a choice, by Khama's people, 117 Melons, water-, known to wild animals and used instead of water, 210 Miller, Mr., hunting buffaloes near the Chobi, 1879, 143; travelling with the author from Tlakani, 313, 317 Mine, coal-, at Wankies, 163 Mission sent to Makololo, fate of the, 164 Missionary Travels, by Dr. Livingstone, 338 Moffat, Dr. Robert, on the languages spoken in South African, 332 Molipololi, hunters from, 208 Molopo river, buffaloes found near the, 136 Moose, colouring of, in winter, 11; keen sense of hearing of the, 31 THE ENDPrinted by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh.