In Los Angeles on Main street a hack drove along and one man directed another's attention to two girls in it. They were very pretty but like many others, had their faces covered with white powder, these were Mexicans. They drove across to Rose and Ferguson's stable (Rose shot himself later) and then down Commercial street and Los Angeles street to a hotel with a man (I— F) they picked up at the stables. One of the first two men was passing as the hack stopped and made a grab for the girl, who got out first, because as the man put his foot on the hack step to get out, she The End of Don J— F. Front of White House, Commercial St., Los Angeles. The End of Don J— F. Front of White House, Commercial St., Los Angeles. shooting pool Man coming in suddenly—"Now I've got you." Man, looking up—"Oh let up, don't interrupt this game." First man, paralyzed, walks out again without shooting. M and I used to go down Sonora town to Spanish fandangos and things where there was often trouble. Once they were shooting in the night around the adobes and a policeman fell down and was carried home but when they searched they found the ball in his clothes and he was not hurt a bit. I was shot in the Pico house and S— drove me to his funeral, next week I was at S's funeral; he was shot in his room. One Adobe—Los Angeles. One Adobe—Los Angeles. Empty is the Cradle, Baby's Gone—San Rafael Ranch. "Empty is the Cradle, Baby's Gone"—San Rafael Ranch. |