The following amendments have been made to the original text: - Page 24: “and were the forerunners of the opera and oratorio”
for “and were the fore-/runners of the opera and oratorio” - Page 26: “But in that brilliant springtime of vocal art”
for “But in that brilliant spring-/time of vocal art” - Page 30: “i. e., the old singing masters taught”
No comma in original (added for consistency). - Page 42: “by their anterior apophyses, without leaving any space”
Comma missing from original. - Page 48: “vol. x. 4th Series, pp. 218–221, 1855.”
for “vol. x. 4th Series, p. 218–221, 1855.” - Page 66: “i. e., those tones where a different action”
No comma in original (added for consistency). - Page 79: “the tones of the head register.”
Period missing from original. - Page 87: “the reed of the mouthpiece.”
for “the reed of the mouth-/piece.” - Page 108: “the air coming from the lungs through the trachea,”
for “the air coming from the lungs through the treachea,” - Page 118: “then the high inharmonic over-tones are prominent,”
for “then the high inharmonic overtones are prominent,” - Page 132: a¹ accented-b¹ a¹ accented-b¹
for (compare fourth note) a¹ accented-b¹ a¹ accented-a¹ - Footnote 18: “struggle to establish the unity of the fatherland.”
for “struggle to establish the unity of the father-/land.” Textual representation of the diagram on page 68 IN THE MALE VOICE TENOR VOICE | First series of the chest register. | Second series. | First series of the falsetto. | | G A B c d e f g a | b c1 d1 e1 f1 | g1 a1, &c. | C D E F | G A B c d e f g a | b c1 d1 e1 f1 | | First series of the chest register. | Second series. | BASS VOICE | IN THE FEMALE VOICE First series of the chest register. | Second series of the chest register. | First series of the falsetto register. | Second series of the falsetto register. | Head register. | e f g a b c1 | d1 e1 f1 | g1 a1 b1 c2 | d2 e2 f2 | g2 a2 b2 c3 d3 e3 f3 | |