Affinities, 24, 94 THE END. PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. PLATE I. Sternum and Scapula. Fig. 1. Fore-part of sternum showing the ovate synovial facet for the coracoid. J.a.1, p. 28. 2. Outside of the proximal end of a right scapula. Largest specimen. J.a.3, no. 2, p. 35. 3. Outside of greater portion of a left scapula. J.a.3, no. 13. 4. Inner side of a small right scapula. J.a.3, no. 12. 5. Outside of proximal end of a right scapula. J.a.3, no. 3. 6. Surface of J.a.3, no. 3. articulating with humerus. 7. Outside of distal end of a scapula. J.a.4, no. 1. 8. View of the distal termination of a scapula. 9. View of proximal end of left scapula looking from the distal toward the articular end. J.a.3, no. 17. 10. Proximal end of right scapula where united with coracoid, looking at the scapula from the articulation. J.c4.18.6. Compare fig. 6. 11. Inner surface of same specimen showing the pneumatic foramen at the union of scapula and coracoid. 12. Outer view of the same specimen. SCAPULA Pl. 1. Click on image to view larger vesion PLATE II. Coracoid and Radius. Fig. 1. Outer side view of left coracoid. J.c3.16.5, p. 32. 2. Back view of the same specimen showing the surface which unites with the scapula. 3. Outer side view of perfect right coracoid. J.c4.18. 5. Near the figure 3 is the pneumatic notch. 4. View of the proximal articular surface of a right coracoid. J.a.2, no. 23. 5. Inner view of distal end of left coracoid. J.a.2, no. 18. 6. The distal articulation of the same specimen. 7. Fragment of proximal end of radius 4/5 nat. size. J.a.11, no. 7, p. 46. 8. Proximal end of radius. J.a.11, no. 1. 9. Proximal articular surface of radius from the same specimen. CORACOID AND RADIUS Pl. 2. Click on image to view larger vesion PLATE III. Radius and Ulna. Fig. 1. Inner view of distal end of right radius. J.a.10, no. 2, p. 44. 2. Outer view of distal end of right radius. J.a.10, no. 3. 3. Distal articulation of right radius. J.a.10, no. 6. 4. Inner view of proximal end of ulna with olecranon anchylosed, p. 45. 5. Side view of the same specimen. J.a.9, no. 1. 6. Proximal end of ulna from which the olecranon has come away. J.a.9, no. 5. 7. Proximal articular surface of same specimen. 8. Proximal articular surface of ulna. J.a.9, no. 4. 9. Proximal articular end of ulna from which the olecranon has come away. 10. Distal end of right ulna. J.a.13, no. 5, p. 43. 11. Distal articulation of the same specimen. 12. Distal end of left ulna. J.a.12, no. 3. 13. Distal articulation of the same specimen. RADIUS AND ULNA Pl. 3. Click on image to view larger vesion PLATE IV. Humerus. Fig. 1. A nearly perfect right humerus, from Ashwell. J.a.6, no. 30, p. 38. 2. Same specimen seen from the proximal end, so as to display the distal end, twisted at right angles with the radial crest. The pneumatic foramen is on the anterior and radial side. 3. Proximal end of left humerus showing the radial crest perfect. J.a.6. 25. 4. Articular surface of same specimen showing the termination of the radial crest. 5. Posterior aspect of proximal end of right humerus. The pneumatic foramen is on the posterior and ulnar side. 6. Proximal articular surface of left humerus. J.a.6, no. 2. 7. Distal end of right humerus. J.a.6, no. 29. 8. Distal articulation of left humerus. J.a.6, no. 45. 9. Distal end of same specimen. 10. Distal end of left humerus. J.a.6.20. 11. Distal end of right humerus. J.a.6.46. 12. Distal end of left humerus. J.a.6.34. 13. Distal end of left humerus from a specimen lent by J. B. Lee, Esq. 14. Distal end of left humerus. J.a.6.35. HUMERUS. Pl. 4. Click on image to view larger vesion PLATE V. Carpal Bones. Fig. 1. Distal surface of right proximal carpal bone, p. 48. 2. Same specimen seen from outer end, showing the large unarticular surface, above is a part of the distal articulation. J.b.1, no. 1. (figured upside down). 3. Proximal articular surface of right proximal carpal bone. J.b.1, no. 7. The right upper part is for the radius, the left lower part for the ulna. 4. View of same specimen (upside down) from the ulnar side. 5. View of same specimen from the radial side. 6. Portion of distal articular surface of a right distal carpal bone. J.b.3, no. 23, 4/5 nat. size, p. 50. 7. Front radial side of right distal carpal. J.b.3.24. 8. Back ulnar side of the same specimen. 9. Proximal articular surface of the same distal carpal. 10. Distal articular surface of the same distal carpal. 11. View of the proximal articular surface of the same distal carpal, seen from the inside. 12. Perfect element of left distal carpal bone showing the distal carpal bone to be composite. 13. Distal surface of a right distal carpal of another genus. J.b.3, no. 20. 14. Lateral carpal or pisiform bone, seen from the inside, the distal articular talon partly broken. J.b.4, no. 2. 15. Lateral carpal seen from the outside. J.b.4.9. 16. Same bone showing the distal articulation, p. 51. 17. Lateral carpal bone of a different genus, seen from the inside. CARPAL BONES Pl. 5. Click on image to view larger vesion PLATE VI. Wing Metacarpal Bone, &c. Fig. 1. Fragment of the proximal end of a large wing-metacarpal bone. J.b.5, no. 9. It is figured upside down, a part of the surface articulating with the distal carpal bone being over the fig. 1, p. 53. 2. Aspect of the proximal articular sur&.ce of the wing-metacarpal bone. J.b.5, no. 3. 3. Exterior aspect of the same specimen. 4. Inner aspect of another proximal end. J.b.5, no. 4. 5. The greater part of a small wing-metacarpal bone. J.b.5, no. 1. Imperfect at the distal end. 6. Distal end of a wing-metacarpal bone. J.b.5, no. 31. 7. Front aspect of the same specimen. 8. Distal end of metatarsal bone or of a metacarpal bone of a small finger. J.b.8, no. 1. 9. Lateral aspect of a similar bone. J.b.8, no. 2. 10. Outline of the imperfect distal termination of a bone regarded as left metatarsus of an Ornithosaurian. J.b.13, p. 63. 11. Front aspect of the same specimen. 12. Articular aspect of proximal end of first phalange of the wing-finger, from which the terminal epiphysis has come away. J.b.6, no. 10. 13. Diagram outline of the same specimen, p. 56. WING-METACARPAL BONE, &c. Pl. 6. Click on image to view larger vesion PLATE VII. Wing Finger. Fig. 1. Exterior aspect of proximal end of first phalange of the wing-finger. J.c3.16.12, p. 56. 2. Inner aspect of proximal end of a small wing-metacarpal bone which has lost its proximal epiphysis; it shows the notch for the pneumatic foramen. J.c1.8.8. 3. Fragment of the proximal end of a large wing-metacarpal bone, showing near the fig. 3 part of the articular surface. J.c3.15. 10. 4. Distal end of 1 first phalange of the wing-finger. J.c6.31. 7, no. 1. 5. Distal articular surface of a first phalange. 6. Distal end of a first phalange. J.b.6, no. 4. 7. Proximal end of the second phalange of the wing-finger. J.c2.12.12, p. 57. 8. Proximal end of a small second phalange. J.b.7, no. 7. 9. Proximal end of a large second phalange. J.b.7, no. 4. 10. Side view of distal end of right femur. J.b.11, no. 11, p. 62. WING FINGER Pl. 7. Click on image to view larger vesion PLATE VIII. Pelvis, Femur, Tibia, &c. Fig. 1. Fragment of a large right os innominatum. The faint T-shaped lines in the acetabulum indicate the limits of the three component pelvic bones; fig. 1 is placed at the posterior border of the ischium. J.b.10, no. 1. 2. Imperfect right os innominatum, with the anterior and posterior wings of the ilium broken away. J.b.10, no. 4, p. 69. 3. Imperfect left os innominatum showing the small obturator foramen which divides the pubis from the ischium. On the anterior border of the pubis is seen a depression, which may have given attachment to the prepubic bone. J.b.10, no. 3. 4. Visceral aspect of an imperfect right ischium. J.c4.20.2. 5. Exterior side aspect of a right femur. J.c2.11. 20. 6. Front aspect of the same specimen, p. 62. 7. Posterior aspect of proximal end of right femur of a different genus, showing a pit for the obturator muscle. J.b.11, no. 1. 8. Front aspect of the same specimen. 9. Outline of the proximal articular end; the obturator pit is darkened. 10. Posterior aspect of distal end of right femur. J.b.11, no. 20. 11. Outline of the distal articular end of the same specimen. 12. Distal end of a large right femur. J.b.11, no. 12. 13. Proximal end of tibia (? front aspect). J.b.12, no. 8. 14. Another view of the same specimen, p. 62. 15. Outline of the articular aspect of the same tibia. The non-articular part is shaded. 16. Claw phalange. J.c1.2.5, p. 69. 17. Claw phalange. J.c.9, no. 4. PELVIS, FEMUR, TIBIA, &c. Pl. 8. Click on image to view larger vesion PLATE IX. Neck VertebrÆ. Fig. 1. Anterior aspect of an axis to which the atlas was not anchylosed. J.c3.15. 2, p. 64. 2. Anchylosed atlas and axis seen from the base of the vertebra. J.c.1, no. 8. 3. Anchylosed atlas and axis seen from above. J.c.1, no. 14. 4. Atlas, neural arch imperfect. J.c.1, no. 10. 5. Anchylosed atlas and axis seen from the side, the neural arch of the atlas is wanting. The light space in the centrum of the axis is the pneumatic foramen. J.c.1, no. 14. 6. Large cervical vertebra seen from below. J.c.2, no. 42, p. 65. 7. Small cervical vertebra seen from below. J.c.2, no. 43. 8. Cervical vertebra seen from behind. J.c.2, no. 5. 9. Cervical vertebra seen from above. J.c.2, no. 23. 10. Cervical vertebra seen from the left side. J.c6.27.1, no. 4. 11. Cervical vertebra of another genus seen from the left side. J.c.2, no. 13. 12. Base of the centrum of the last true cervical vertebra. J.c.2, no. 40. 13. Right side of cervical vertebra. J.c.2, no. 7. NECK VERTEBRÆ Pl. 9. Click on image to view larger vesion PLATE X. Back and Tail VertebrÆ. Fig. 1. Centrum of a vertebra from the region between the neck and the back, called pectoral. J.c.3, no. 19, p. 69. 2. Dorsal vertebra seen from below. J.c2.12.3, no. 2. 3. The same specimen seen from behind. 4. Right side view of a dorsal vertebra showing the neural spine nearly perfect. J.c.3, no. 20. 5. The same specimen seen from behind. 6. Right side of dorsal vertebra showing anterior and posterior zygapophyses. The neural spine broken. 7. Front view of the same specimen. The centrum is seen to form but a small part of the anterior articular surface. 8. Bight side of a sacral vertebra J.c.4, no. 1, p. 73. 9. Front aspect of the same specimen. The neural arch forms part of the intervertebral articulation with the centrum. 10. Side view of the anterior part of a sacrum, presented by H. C. Raban Esq. J.c.4, no. 3. 11. The same specimen seen from below. 12. Inferior aspect of posterior part of sacrum of a different genus. J.c.4, no. 2. 13. Large caudal vertebra seen from above. J.c.5, no. 9. 14. The same specimen seen from beneath, p. 75. 15. Left side of the same specimen. 16. Anterior articulation of the same specimen. 17. Posterior aspect of the same specimen. BACK AND TAIL VERTEBRÆ Pl. 10. Click on image to view larger vesion PLATE XI. Cranium. Fig. 1. Occipital aspect of the skull of a Pterosaurian. J.c.8, no. 2, p. 84. 2. Anterior aspect of the same skull, showing a transverse section of the brain cavity fractured through the parietal bones. At its base on each side are seen the optic lobes. 3. Anterior aspect of a Pterodactyle skull of a different genus. J.c.8, no. 1. The frontal bones have come away from the parietal at the suture, p. 80. 4. Superior aspect of the same specimen looking upon the parietal, supra-occipital, and ex-occipital bones. 5. Occipital aspect of the same specimen, showing the foramen magnum, the absence of the basi-occipital bone, and the basi-sphenoid mass. 6. Side view of the same specimen, showing below the girdling occipital crest the excavation for the quadrate bone's articulation with the skull, and the forward prolongation of the basi-sphenoid mass. 7. Palatal aspect of the basi-sphenoid bone. J.c.9. To be compared with the small triangular mass in fig. 5, p. 85. 8. Side view of the ethmo-sphenoid mass, J.c.9, showing the lateral boundary of the front of the cerebral hemispheres, p. 85. 9. Posterior aspect of the same specimen, showing parts of the cups which covered the anterior termination of the cerebral lobes. 10. Anterior view of the cerebral lobes in a natural mould of the brain, in the collection of J. F. Walker, Esq. It may be compared with figs. 2. and 9, p. 87. 11. Superior aspect of a natural mould of the brain, showing the outline of the cerebral lobes, and the cerebellum between them behind. Portions of bone in the temporal region are left attached, p. 87. 12. Side view of the same specimen; one cerebral lobe is seen behind the other. The anterior termination of this figure may be compared with the posterior outline of fig. 8. 13. Side view of basi-occipital bone, p. 78. 14. Palatal aspect of quadrate bone, showing the articulation for the lower jaw, and the thin quadrato-jugal attached to its outside, p. 89. 15. Exterior aspect of quadrato-jugal and quadrate bones. Above the articulation in German specimens is the outline of the orbit of the eye. 16. Anterior aspect of the distal end of a left quadrate bone. 17. Posterior aspect of the same specimen, showing the wing for the pterygoid articulation. CRANIUM Pl. 11. Click on image to view larger vesion PLATE XII. Facial Bones and Lower Jaw. Fig. 1. Side view of the dentary bone of Ornithocheirus machÆrorhynchus, showing its posterior attenuation towards the palate. J.c6.33.1, p. 113. 2. Superior aspect of the same specimen, showing the palatal groove and tooth sockets. 3. Articular end of left ramus of mandible, J.4, showing its posterior termination, p. 91. 4. Articular end of left ramus of mandible, J.c6.32. 2, fractured through the articulation. 5. Side view of anterior part of dentary bone of Ornithocheirus Cuvieri ? J.c.15, p. 113. 6. Side view of anterior part of premaxillary bone of Ornithocheirus microdon, fractured at both ends. J.c.29, p. 116. 7. Palatal aspect of the same specimen, showing the palatal ridge and tooth sockets. 8. Palatal aspect of anterior part of premaxillary bone of Ornithocheirus denticulatus. J.c5.28.1, p. 122. 9. Side view of the same specimen. 10. Tooth, showing absorption by the successional tooth, on the inner side of the fang. J.c.27, no. 10, p. 92. 11. Tooth. J.c1.1.4. 12. Fang of a large tooth. J.c.27, no. 34. 13. Undetermined [? pterygoid end of palatine bone]. J.c1.2.7, p. 91. 14. Other side of same specimen. 15. 1 Vomer, side view. J.c.10, no. 2, p. 88. 16. 1 Palatal view of the same specimen. 17. Pelvis with a bone attached like the middle part of J.c.10, no. 2. ?Neural arch of sacral vertebra. FACIAL BONES AND MANDIBLE Pl. 12. Click on image to view larger vesion |