
Abdominal ribs, 85, 154
Accumulation of characters, 220
Acetabulum, 95
Acquired characters, 219
Adjacent land, 136
Air cells, 10, 48
Albatross, 23, 36, 176
Alligator, brain, 53;
pelvis, 98
American Greensand, 185
— ornithosaurs, 87, 126
Amphibia, 4, 191
Anabas, 17
Anacharis, 227
Anchisaurus, 199
Angle of lower jaw, 75
Ankle bones, 103, 195, 207
Anomodonts, 192
Ant-eater of Africa, 142;
India, 40;
South America, 40, 185
Apteryx, lungs, 48;
pelvis, 95
Aquatic mammals, 141
Aramis, scapular arch, 113
ArchÆopteryx, 58, 76, 104, 130, 197, 211
Aristosuchus, 129, 190, 205, 209
Armadillo, 40, 141
Articulation of the jaw, 12, 75
Ashwell, 177
Atlantosaurus, 202
Atlas and axis, 80, 81
Aves, 190
Avian characters, 220, 222
Backbone, 78, 84
Banz, 148
Barbastelle, 25
Barrington, 177
Barton, 177
Bat, 38, 110, 197;
sternum of, 107;
metacarpus, 128
Bavaria, 156, 185
Beak, horny, 74, 178
Bear, skull of, 12;
femur, 100
Bel and the Dragon, 15
Belodon, 202
Bird, 80, 110, 120
— resemblances, 63, 65, 71, 95, 102, 108, 113, 119, 120, 211
Bird-reptile, 188
Bird wing, 128, 130
Birds in flight, 22;
with teeth, 76
Black-headed bunting, 47
Blainville, D. de, 30, 193
Blood, temperature of, 56
Bohemia, 34
Bonaparte, Prince Charles, 30
Bones of birds, variation in, 41
— of reptiles, variation in, 42
— about the brain, 69
— in the back, 84
Bone texture, 59, 209
Bonn Museum, 32, 85, 156
Brain and breathing organs, 55
Brain cavity, in birds and reptiles, 52;
in mammals, 221, 226;
in Solenhofen pterodactyles, 54, 220
Brazil, 34
Breathing organs, 8
Bridgewater Treatise, 143
British Museum, 133, 183
Brixton, Isle of Wight, 55, 174
Buckland, Dean, 143, 148, 231
Burrowing limb, 38

Cactus, 227
Calamospondylus, 203
Cambridge Greensand, 33, 89, 176
— Museum, 177
Camel, 83
Campylognathus, 68, 71, 135;
size of, 149
Canary, 47
Carnivorous dinosaurs, 129
Carpus, 122
Caudal fin, 91, 161
— vertebrÆ, 89, 92, 203
Ceratodus, 4, 5, 9, 17
Ceratosaurus, 203, 204
Cervical rib, 81
Cetacea, 40
Cetiosaurus, 198, 203
Chalinolobus, 25
Chalk, pterodactyles in, 136;
of Kansas, 103, 132
Chameleon, 17, 51, 70;
scapula, 112;
sternum, 107
Chameleonoidea, 191
Cheek bones, 178
Chelonia, 86, 112, 193
Chesterton, 177
Chlamydosaurus, 21
Chrysochloris capensis, 121
Classification, 192;
on pelvis characters, 195;
of dinosaurs, 198
Clavicles, 111, 112
Claw, 105, 116, 183, 208
Coelurus, 203, 209
Coldham Common, 177
Collar bone, 111
Collini, 27
Comparison with dinosaurs, 198;
of pelvis, 204, 206;
of skulls, 192, 199, 201
Cope, Professor, 31, 34
Coracoid, 109, 112, 113
Cordylomorpha, 191
Cormorant, 70, 174;
sternum, 108
Corpora quadrigemina, 221
Crisp, Dr., on pneumatic skeleton, 47
Crocodile, characters of, 217;
heart, 56;
lung, 9;
shoulder-girdle, 111;
skull, 46;
vertebrÆ, 79
Crocodilia, 190
Curlew, 68
Cuvier, 1, 27, 28, 54, 76, 77, 130, 231
Cycnorhamphus, 70, 94, 171, 173, 204
Cycnorhamphus Fraasii, 80, 96, 169
suevicus, 169, 170
Cypselus, 42
Dacelo gigantea, 63
Darwin, 3
Davy, Dr. John, 142
Deuterosaurus, 97
Dicynodon, 200
Dicynodon lacerticeps, 71
Digits, of ostrich, 23;
of pterodactyle, 128
Digits with claws, 130;
foot bones in, 105
Dimorphodon, 63, 64, 66, 67, 73, 74, 83, 90, 102, 113, 143, 192, 194, 199, 201, 206
Dinosauria, 6, 77, 84, 87, 95, 129, 144, 198, 209
Dinosaurs from Lias, 135, 192;
from Elgin, 201, 207;
Stuttgart, 202;
Trias dinosaurs, 199, 200
Diopecephalus, 168
Diving birds, 23, 83, 102
Dolichosauria, 191
Dolphin, 107
Doratorhynchus, 173
Dorygnathus, 74, 148
Dragons, 3, 15, 17
Drumstick bone, 103, 195
Duck, 22, 83
Echidna, 75, 76, 95, 100
Edentata, 185
Edentulous beak, 153
EichstÄdt, 32
Elephant, head of, 46
Enumeration of characters, 223, 225
Ephesus, winged figure, 16
Epiphysis to first phalange, 123
Exocoetus, 18

Extinctions, 129
Eye hole, 144;
sclerotic bones in, 65
Farren, William, 34
Femur, 100
Fibula, 102, 183, 206
Fifth outer digit, 132;
in foot, 145
Figure from temple at Ephesus, 16
First phalange, 151
Fish-eating crocodile, 137
Flight, org

in ostrich, 49;
in reptiles, 8, 9, 51
Lydekker, R., 160, 169, 231
Lyme Regis, 33
Macrocercus, palate of, 71
Malar bone, 67
Mallard, 22
Mammal, 8, 12, 24, 79, 53, 95
Mammalia, 38, 141
Mammalian characters, 12, 220
Mammoth, 141
Manis, 40, 57, 142
Manubrium of sternum, 108, 109, 183
Marrow bones in a bird, 134
Marsh, Professor O. C., 31, 72, 90, 115, 121, 131, 140, 160, 165, 180, 181, 210, 231
Marsupial, 70, 94, 99
Megalosaurus, 129, 198
Merganser, 108
Merry-thought, 114
Metacarpus, 116, 124, 126, 128, 130
Metatarsal bones, 104, 207, 208
Meyer, Hermann von, 31, 45, 46, 85, 105, 108, 121, 160, 192, 231
Moa of New Zealand, 35
Mole, humerus, 38;
sternum, 107
Monotremes, 70, 94, 111, 121, 185, 218
Mososaurus, 77
Movement of the leg, 101
Mugger, 137
Munich Museum, 32, 159
Munster, von, 231
Muschelkalk, 184
Museum, 32, 156, 231, 159;
Natural History, 133, 231
Myrmecophaga, 185
Names of genera, 183
Natural History Museum, 38, 231
Neck, 79;
in Dimorphodon, 145;
in Giraffe, 39;
in Llama, 79;
in Pterodactyles, 80;
in Whales, 39
Newton, E. T., 55, 70, 158, 160, 201, 232
New Zealand Bat, 25
— — Hatteria, 68
Niobrara rock, 183
Nostril, bones round the, 62;
small, 147
Notarium, 87, 115
Nothosauria, 192
Nusplingen, 32
Nyctodactylus, 115, 180
Obliteration of characters, 216
Opercular bones, 13
Ophidia, 52, 191
Optic lobes, 53, 221
Organs of flight, 17
Ornithischia, 190, 198
Ornithocephalus, 166
Ornithocheirus, atlas and axis, 81;
brain, 55, 69;
carpus, 124;
cervical vertebra, 83, 179;
claw phalange, 129;
coracoid, 109;
femur, 100;
pelvis, 98;
pubic bones, 194;
sternum, 109;
shoulder-girdle, 115;
remains, 176;
teeth, 74, 76;
absence of teeth, 138
Ornithocheirus machÆrorhynchus, 139;
microdon, 139

Ornithocheiroidea, 193
Ornithodesmus, neck bones, 173, 175;
coracoid, 109, 116;
dorsal vertebrÆ, 86;
remains of O. latidens, 173;
O. sagittirostris, 175
Ornithomorpha, 189
Ornithorhynchus, 40, 53, 95, 117
Ornithosauria, 30, 31, 50, 52, 58, 72, 89, 95, 104, 108, 125, 132, 133, 143, 187, 190, 192, 216
Ornithostoma, 66, 69, 72, 180;
lower jaw, 75, 76;
pelvis, 98;
sternum, 110;
phalange, 122;
size, 133;
skull, 181, 182
Ornithosuchus, 201
Orycteropus, 96
Ossa innominata, 93
Ossified ligaments, 150
Ostrich, 23, 45, 49, 113, 129
Owen, Sir R., 31, 36, 46, 48, 110, 117, 143, 172, 176, 180, 231
Owl, 46, 53
Oxford Clay, 33, 156
— University Museum, 154
Ox, vertebra of, 79;
metacarpus, 127
Palate, bones of, 71
Pangolin, 142
Pappenheim, 32
Parallel groups, 215
Parrot, 71
Patagial membranes, 227
Pelican, 174
Pelvis, 88, 94-98, 151, 195, 202, 204, 206
Penguin, 41, 42, 104, 176
Periophthalmus, 17
Peterborough, bones from, 113, 156
Phalanges, 129, 132;
wing finger, 155
Phillips, Professor John, 155
Pigeon, 119
Platydactylus, 21
Platypus, 214
Plesiosaurus, 6, 73, 75, 93, 189
Pleininger, 149, 232
Pneumatic foramina, 45, 83, 88, 132, 209
Pond, Mr., 34
Porcupine, 40
Porpoise, 38, 73, 141, 200
Premaxillary bones, 77, 200, 205
Prepubic bones, 94, 96-98, 194, 204, 205
Protorosauria, 192
Ptenodracon brevirostris, 64, 99, 167, 169, 192
Pterodactyle aspects, 35;
avian characters, 222;
beak, 200;
brain, 53;
coracoid, 113;
discovery, 27, 33;
foot, 104;
fore limb, 117;
history in Germany, 31, 148;
hand, 130;
hind limb, 100;
long tails, 156;
palate, 71;
sacrum, 89;
short tails, 165;
size, 35, 133;
sacrum, 89;
skull, 192;
teeth, 73;
vertebrÆ, 80
Pterodactyles from Kansas Chalk, 177, 181
— from Lias Clay, 135, 147, 152
— from Neocomian Sand, 176
— from Oxford Clay, 155
— from Purbeck beds, 173
— from Solenhofen Slate, 156, 158
— from Stonesfield Slate, 153, 158
Pterodactylia, 30, 165, 193, 199
Pterodactylus antiquus, 224
Stuttgart Museum, 32, 172, 203
Swanage, 172
Swan, neck of, 80, 113
Swift, 50
Swimming limb, 38
Synotus, 25
Syrinx, 48
Tail, description of, 90;

in Cretaceous Pterodactyles, 193
— long, 156;
short, 166;
in Dimorphodon, 145;
in Ornithocheirus, 179
Tanystrophoeus, long vertebrÆ in, 79
Tarsal bones, 102, 207
Tarso-metatarsus, 128

Teeth, 73, 137, 138;
in porpoise, 40
Temperature of blood, 56
Temporal arches, 68
— bone, 12
— fossa, 67
Teredo, 137
Texas fossils, 216
Thecospondylus, 209
Theriodont pelvis, 97
— reptiles, 75;
of Russia, 96, 97;
of South Africa, 96, 117
Theropsida, 188
Thigh bone, 100, 206, 211
Three claws, 146, 197
Tibia, 102, 195;
in Iguanodon, 207
Toothless mammals, 40
— pterodactyles, 138, 181;
beak of pterodactyles, 150
Transition from reptiles to birds, 211
Tree frogs, 21
Trias dinosaurs, 199
Triceratops, pelvis of, 204
Trout, 139;
of New Zealand, 228
Tuatera, 13
TÜbingen Museum, 32
Tundras, 141
Tunny, 57
Turtles, neck bones, 79
Ulna, description of, 119
Uncinate process of ribs, 85
Unlimited time, 228
Upper arm bone, 117
— Greensand, remains in, 136
— Lias of Whitby, 147
— Oolites, 185, 195
Variation of bones in mammals, 38
— in Pterodactyles, 229
Variation of bones in vertebrÆ, 225
VertebrÆ, caudal, 89, 92, 203
— cervical, 173, 179, 203
— dorsal, 86
Vertebral articulation, 82, 224
— column, 78
Vulture, neck vertebrÆ of, 80;
tibia and fibula of, 102
Vomer, 147
Vomerine bones, 72
Wagler, 29
Wagner, Andreas, 30, 148, 231
Walker, J. F., 54
Wealden beds, Pterodactyles in, 55, 84;
bones in, 135, 136, 173
Weight of Pterodactyle, 106
Whinchat, 47
Whitby, 33, 135
Williston, Professor W. S., 75, 82, 92, 98, 105, 110
Willow-wren, 47
Wing finger, 116, 130, 133, 151, 178, 197
— membrane, 32, 121, 140, and frontispiece
— metacarpal, 123;
in Dimorphodon, 151;
in Ornithostoma, 184;
in bats, 131
Wings of Dragons, 16
Winkler, T. C., 231
Woodwardian Museum, 34
Wood-wren, 47
Wrist bones, 122
WÜrtemberg, 33
Yale College Museum, 32
York Museum, 34, 176
Zittel, Karl von, 31, 157, 165, 231
Zygomatic arch, 67



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