- Aillts and Alltuds (strangers in blood) under Cymric law, 50, 51;
- kindreds of, recognised at fourth generation, 52
- Alamannic Laws, 172-178;
- wergelds, 172-175;
- value of animals, 178
- Alcuin uses Roman currency, 19, 184
- Alfred, K., his laws, 370-377, 392, 396;
- compact with Guthrum, 352-355, 500
- Alod of land, a family holding, 508;
- Lex Salica ‘de alodis,’ 151;
- Ripuarian law, 170;
- Lex Angliorum et Werinorum, 226
- Ancilla as currency, see ‘Cumhal’
- Anglii and Werini, Laws of, 224-228;
- Wergelds of liber 200 sol., 225;
- triple wergeld of the Adaling, 225
- Anglo-Saxon Custom, 321 et seq.;
- from Norman point of view, 321-336;
- from Danish point of view, 337-350;
- from Viking or Northmen’s point of view, 351-368;
- from early custom (Alfred’s Laws), 370-377;
- Archbishop Egbert’s Dialogue, 377-385;
- King Ine’s Dooms, 386-439;
- Kentish Laws, 441-495;
- Twelve-hynde and twy-hynde classes, 406-416;
- Gesithcund and Ceorlisc classes, 417-436;
- Six-hynde stranger class, 371, 392, 396;
- position of wife, 326
- Anglo-Saxon Wergelds, position of paternal and maternal parentes in payment of, 322, 323, 328, 358;
- of thane or twelve-hynde man, 325;
- of ‘freeman,’ Dane and English, 326, 349, 353-55;
- of ‘cyrlisci vel villani,’ 328;
- of ‘villanus et socheman’ in Danelaga, 331-332;
- of ‘ceorl on gafol-land’ and Danish ‘lysing,’ 353, 355;
- how paid, 329, 357-59
- Animals, value of as currency:
- Ripuarian, 171;
- Saxon, 215, 217, 221;
- Alamannic, 178;
- Cymric cow 3 oz., 48, 49;
- Irish bo 1 oz., 165
- Fredus, payment for breach of king’s peace, equivalent to A.S. mundbryce or grithbryce, 488, 489
- Freedman (libertus) under Frankish Law, 168-170, 199;
- under Bavarian Law, 175;
- under Kentish Law, 478, 484.
- And see ‘LÆt’ and ‘Leysing’
- Frisian Laws, 194-212;
- wergeld of 160 sol., 167, 195, 201, 210;
- ordeal under, 203-5
- Frith, between Ethelred II. and Olaf, 349;
- between Alfred and Guthrum, 352-355
- Frostathing Law (Ancient Norse), 238-276.
- See ‘Norse Tribal Custom’
- Gafolgeldas, tenants on others’ land paying gafol to their lord, with twy-hynde wergelds, 353-355;
- fighting in gafolgelda or gebur’s house, 394.
- See ‘Twy-hynde’
- Galanas (Cymric death fine or wergeld), 30;
- liability of kindred for, 30-32;
- method of payment, 42-46;
- amount of, 46-49;
- of non-tribesmen goes to the lord, 54
- Gebur, tenant of a yardland doing work and paying gafol to lord for house and oxen, 422-429;
- fighting in house of gafolgelda or gebur, 394
- Gegildas (see ‘Congildones’) sureties in lieu of kinsmen, 323, 389;
- hyndens of frith-gegildas in the city, 415
- Gesithcund class, in direct service to the king and twelve-hynde, 366;
- in landed position with five hides to king’s utware, 369;
- forfeit land if they neglect the fyrd, 391;
- in their connection with land, 417 et seq.;
- sometimes evicted, 433
- Grith, Danish for frith or peace, 344-348;
- grithbryce of English and mundbryce of Kentish law the same, 346;
- extent in area, 348;
- in duration of time, 346;
- of different moots, 345
- Gulathing Law, oldest Norse law, 238-276.
- See ‘Norse Tribal Custom’
- Gwely (Cymric family holding of four generations), 21-30;
- of non-tribesmen, 52
- Halsfang, first part of wergeld paid to those ‘within the knee,’ 328, 329, 359
- Hide in agriculture of four yardlands, 423;
- Mr. Corbett on tribal hidage, 424;
- in pastoral stage,
- under Laws of Bretts and Scots, 318;
- under Kentish custom, 465-466
- Mercian law, fragments of, 360-369;
- Mercian oaths, 360;
- wergelds, 361;
- rise of ceorl into thane, 366
- Merovingian kings, currency of, mostly in gold tremisses, see ‘Currency’
- Mina, gold value of normal wergeld, 4;
- ancient Eastern of 100 staters, 2, 7;
- of 200 gold solidi, 6;
- Italica of 20 Roman ounces, 14, 491;
- Attica of 16 Roman ounces, 16, 233
Mundbryce or mundbyrd of king, 346, 377, 451; - of various classes, 377;
- in Kent, 346, 452, 460, 476, 481, 488
- Norse tribal custom, 238-276;
- personal rett, 240;
- wergelds how reckoned and paid, 242-258;
- wergeld of the hauld odalman or typical freeman, 96;
- cows = 200 sol., 259;
- gradations in rank, 260-270;
- the leysing or freedman, 261-267;
- odal-sharers of odal land, 271-276, 284, 504, 508
- North peoples law, fragments of, 360-369;
- wergelds in thrymsas (of 3d.), 363;
- wergeld of ‘hold’ double that of Saxon thane, 363
- Nova Moneta of Charlemagne, 11, 179-193, and see ‘Currency’
- Ordeal in absence of oaths of kinsmen, 166, 403, 413, 499;
- under Frisian law, 203-205
- Ore or ounce of 20d.;
- Merovingian = Roman ounce of 20 silver tremisses of 28·8 w.g. (1/12 lb. of 6912 w.g.), 10;
- and so also Kentish scilling, 443-455;
- Charlemagne’s and later Anglo-Saxon and Norman ore of 20 pence of 32 w.g. (1/12 lb. of 7680 w.g.), 11-13
- Ore, Cnut’s of 16d. (1/15 Anglo-Saxon lb.), 306, 341;
- divided by him into 20 smaller pence, 343;
- used in Laws of Bretts and Scots, 306
- Ore, Norse, of three ortugs = 1/12 of Roman lb. 6912 w.g., 234-237
- Ortug, of Scandinavia, ? ounce = Greek stater, PRINTED BY