Old Taverns and Tavern Keepers, continued—Searights to Brownsville—Able Colley’s, Johnson’s, known later as Hatfield’s—William Hatfield, his Good Name and Melancholy Death—An old and odd Indenture—The old Peter Colley House—A Tavern with a Brief Career, the Red Tavern, Wilkes Brown, Brubaker’s—Brownsville—Anecdotes of Jackson and Clay—James Workman and Doctor Stoy—Ham and Eggs—Bazil Brashear, James C. Beckley, William Reynolds, the Monongahela House, the Clark House, the Iron Bridge, Bridgeport, John Riley, the Monongahela Bridge. Over the hill from Searights is the old Abel Colley stand. The old tavern here, in the flourishing era of the road, did a large business, mainly in the line of entertaining wagoners. While all the taverns of the road were more or less patronized by wagoners, excepting a few which were exclusively stage houses, they had favorite stopping places, and the Abel Colley tavern was one of these. The old proprietor and his family had methods and manners which were agreeable to wagoners, and they made it a point to stop at this house in great numbers. The bills were moderate, yet the patronage was so extensive and continued so long that Abel Colley accumulated a considerable fortune at this old tavern, and when trade and travel ceased built a fine brick residence on the roadside opposite, where he retired with his family to private life, and in a few years thereafter died. Nancy, the wife of the old tavern keeper, is well remembered as a large, amiable woman, who habitually wore an expansive cap of the Queen Anne style. She long since passed to the life beyond. W. Searight Colley, a son of Abel, now occupies and owns the brick dwelling mentioned, with a fine farm adjacent. Peter Colley, of the old Hunter tavern before mentioned, was likewise a son of Abel, and he had a son, Levi, a farmer and freeholder, who died a number of years ago on the old Covert farm, near Moxley’s, now in the occupancy of one of his sons. The Abel Colley tavern is still standing, a monument, like many others, of the faded glories of the old pike. This old house was kept as early as the year 1825 by Darius Grimes, and after him by Thomas Moxley. In Moxley’s time it was called the “Green Tree,” and the writer remembers the picture of the green tree which appeared on the sign board that hung and swung for many years in front of this old tavern. Abel Colley took charge after Moxley left. According to the recollection of Ebenezer Finley, as appears by his letter in the Appendix to this volume, the Abel ABEL COLLEY. About one mile west of the Abel Colley house there is an old stone tavern on the north side of the road, known in early days as Johnson’s, later as Hatfield’s. This house was built in 1817 by Randolph Dearth for Robert Johnson, who kept it as a tavern down to the year 1841, when he retired to a farm in Franklin township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, where he died, leaving behind him a good name, which is better than great riches, of which latter he had a goodly share. He was the father-in-law of Thomas Brownfield, who, in 1862, was Sheriff of Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and previously a tavern keeper on the road. Henry L. Murphy, a well known and thrifty farmer of Jefferson township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, likewise married a daughter of Robert Johnson. This tavern, under the guidance of Robert Johnson, did a large business, and the old proprietor made money by conducting it. The successor of Robert Johnson in the management of this house was Arthur Wallace, who remained in it for a single year. He was a brother of John Wallace, who once kept the Wilse Clement house in Hopwood, and subsequently removed to Morgantown, Virginia, and an uncle of James Wallace, present proprietor of the Wallace House in Morgantown. Peter Frasher, the old wagoner and tavern keeper before mentioned, married a daughter of Arthur Wallace. Charles Guttery succeeded Arthur Wallace in the Johnson House. HON. WILLIAM HATFIELD. Following is an exact copy of the indenture which bound William Hatfield to learn the trade of a blacksmith: This Indenture Witnesseth: That William Hatfield, of the township of Union, in the county of Fayette, State of Pennsylvania, hath put himself by the approbation of his guardian, John Withrow, and by these presents doth voluntarily put himself an apprentice to George Wintermute, of the township of Redstone, county and State aforesaid, blacksmith, to learn his art, trade or mystery he now occupieth or followeth, and after the manner of an apprentice to serve him from the day of the date hereof, for and during the full end and term of five years next ensuing, during all which time he, the said apprentice, his said master shall faithfully serve, his secrets keep, his lawful commands every where gladly obey; he shall do no damage to his said master, nor suffer it to be done without giving notice to his said master; he shall not waste his master’s goods, nor lend them unlawfully to others; he shall not absent himself day or night from his master’s service without his leave; he shall not commit any unlawful deed, whereby his said master shall sustain damage, nor contract matrimony within the said term; he shall not buy nor sell, nor make any contract whatsomever, whereby his master receive damage, but in all things behave himself as a faithful apprentice ought to do during the said term. And the said George Wintermute shall use the utmost of his endeavors to teach, or cause to be taught and instructed, the said apprentice the trade or mystery he now occupieth or followeth, and procure and provide for him, the said apprentice, sufficient meat, drink, common working apparel, washing, and lodging, fitting for an apprentice during the said term; and further, he the said master, doth agree to give unto the said apprentice, ten month’s schooling within the said term, and also the said master doth agree to give unto the said apprentice two weeks in harvest in each and every year that he, the said apprentice, shall stay with his said master; also the said George Wintermute, doth agree to give unto the said apprentice one good freedom suit of clothes. And for the true performance of all and every the said covenants and agreements, either of the said parties binds themselves to each other by these presents. In witness thereof, they have interchangeably put their hands and seals, this first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen.
Fayette County, ss.: May the 29th, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, before me the subscriber, one of the justices of peace in and for the said county, came the parties to the within indenture and severally acknowledged it as their act and deed. Given under my hand and seal the day and year above mentioned. Benjamin Roberts. [Seal.] All the covenants and agreements of this quaint document were faithfully kept on the part of William Hatfield. Benjamin Roberts, the Justice of the Peace, before whom the instrument was acknowledged, was the father of William B. Roberts, who led the company from Uniontown to engage in the Mexican war, and upon the organization of the second regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers was elected colonel, and served as such until his death, which occurred in the city of Mexico. The old justice lived on a small farm in Menallen township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, north of and adjoining the Searight farm, and Col. Roberts, his distinguished son, was born there. One mile west of Hatfield’s is the old Peter Colley stand. It is a stone house on the south side of the road. Peter Colley was the father of Abel Colley, and an early settler. He kept a tavern on the old road before the National Road was made. He was a money maker, and owned the land on which his tavern was erected, in fee. He was probably the first man on the National Road who acquired the fame of having a barrel of money. Old pike boys said he kept his money in a barrel. Peter Colley was well advanced in years when the National Road was made, and did not long enjoy the profits of the new highway. At his death his tavern passed to the hands of his son George, who kept it for many years, and until he followed his father to the unknown world. George Colley lived to see and lament the decline of business on the road, and after his death his house was discontinued as a tavern. The hills on either side of this old house are among the highest on the road, the summit of the western range being twelve hundred and seventy-four feet above the level of the sea. In the olden time, as before stated, extra horses, called “the postilion,” were required to aid the stage coaches in ascending these hills. A little over a mile further west a plastered stone house, on the north side of the road, was kept as a tavern at intervals, during the prosperous era of the road. It is not, however, to be classed among the old taverns of the road. It was first kept as a tavern previous to 1840 by Arthur Wallace. Isaac Baily subsequently kept it for a brief period, and enjoyed a good measure of patronage. Baily afterward became postmaster at Brownsville, and finally a member of the Fayette county, Pennsylvania, bar. He was a shrewd Yankee, and an active local politician. His wife was a daughter of Solomon Colley, of the large family of Colleys of the vicinity. George Craft once lived in this house, and occasionally entertained strangers and travelers, but was not a regular tavern keeper. This was also the A few hundred yards further west on the south side of the road, is the red tavern, so called, because in early days it was painted red. It is a wooden building, weather-boarded. This house had a large wagon custom, and, what may be considered strange without explanation, was more largely patronized by wagoners going west than east. This was owing to the means of ingress to and egress from the house. It is located near the summit of a hill, a short distance from the road, and immediately in front of it, adjoining the road, is a steep embankment. To drive to the house going west, a way leads off from the summit of the hill, which is level, but to drive out to the road the descent is steep, and wagoners coming east could not reach the wagon yard without driving up this steep grade, and, in many instances, preferred driving on to Colley’s rather than pressing their teams against such an obstacle. Despite the disadvantage mentioned, this tavern, as before stated, was a popular resort for wagoners. It was first kept by Cuthbert Wiggins, father of Harrison Wiggins, and at this house Harrison Wiggins was born. It was next kept by George Richards, whose widow became the wife of John Gadd. Cuthbert Wiggins was at this house as early as 1812. John Gribble succeeded Richards as early as 1836, and continued to keep this house for many years, making money in the business, and ultimately buying a farm in the neighborhood, ceased tavern keeping and became a successful farmer. He has been dead many years, but is well remembered as a worthy citizen. Upon the retirement of Gribble, this house passed to the management of Fielding Frasher, a steady-going man, who had been a wagoner on the road, and knew how to keep a tavern. He was an uncle of Capt. L. H. Frasher, of Uniontown, ex-District Attorney of Fayette county. Fielding Frasher had a good custom while keeping this house, but did not continue long in the business, and was succeeded by Huston Todd, a well known citizen in his day. He was a brother-in-law of Judge Hatfield, father of Ewing Todd, for many years a leading citizen of Brownsville, now deceased, and grandfather of William Hatfield Todd, a popular and efficient postal clerk on the route between Pittsburg and New York. Peter Williams, oldest son of the late Gen. William W. Williams, married a daughter of Huston Todd. The reputation of this old house was fully maintained while under the control of Huston Todd. Peter Frasher next took charge of this house. He was a brother of Fielding Frasher, and a typical pike boy, bright, active, and popular. He had been a wagoner, and knew the road from Baltimore to Wheeling. The house, while he kept it, was crowded with guests, but his generous nature prevented him from exacting full payment of bills at all JOHNSON-HATFIELD HOUSE. A short distance west of the red tavern a stone house was kept by Wilkes Brown, before the National Road was made, and derived its trade for the most part from the old road. It is still standing, but not immediately on the National Road. Wilkes Brown was of the family of Thomas Brown, the founder of Brownsville. The next old tavern stand on the westward tramp is Brubaker’s, a fine brick building on the north side near Brownsville. Daniel Brubaker purchased this property from David Auld, and went into possession in the year 1826, and from that date until his death was its constant occupant, with the exception of a very brief period that it was occupied and kept as a tavern by Alexander R. Watson. Mr. Brubaker survived the business era of the road, and died in his old tavern. He was a Pennsylvania Dutchman, born in Somerset county, and possessed the thrift characteristic of his race. Although economical and saving, he was not stinted in providing for the comfortable entertainment of his guests, and enjoyed a large patronage, especially in the line of wagon custom. After ascending the long hill out from Brownsville, going east, old wagoners found a pleasant resting place at Brubaker’s. Alex. R. Watson will be remembered by the old folks of the road as a man of small stature, but considerable energy, who, about forty-five years ago, ran an omnibus line between Brownsville and Uniontown for the conveyance of passengers. The next point is Brownsville, for many years the head of steamboat navigation on the Monongahela river. Here many passengers were transferred from the stage lines to the steamboats plying between this point and Pittsburg. It is shown by official figures that from 1844, the date at which the slack water improvement was completed to Brownsville, to 1852, when through business ceased on the National Road, covering a period of eight years, more than two hundred thousand passengers left the stage lines at Brownsville and took passage on the Monongahela steamers. West-going passengers were “ticketed through” from Cumberland, Baltimore and other points east, to Pittsburg and other points west, via the National Road, and the Monongahela river route. A movement was set on foot as early as the year 1814, looking to the improvement of the navigation of the Monongahela river, by means of locks and dams, followed by later spasmodic efforts, but nothing of a practical nature was accomplished in this direction until 1836, when a company was incorporated to carry forward and complete the work. The act of incorporation The late George E. Hogg, for many years a leading and wealthy citizen of Brownsville, is authority for the following amusing story concerning James Workman, the old tavern keeper, and General Jackson. On an occasion of one of General Jackson’s frequent trips over the National Road, the citizens of Brownsville resolved to give him a public reception. All the usual arrangements for such an event were made, including a dinner at Workman’s tavern. The hero, upon reaching town, was taken to the Presbyterian church to listen to a reception speech and receive the greetings of the people. Soon after the audience had settled down Mr. Workman entered the building, and forcing himself down the main aisle, and to a front pew occupied by General Jackson, accosted him thus: “General Jackson, I have been commissioned by the committee of arrangements to provide your dinner, and have come to inquire if there is any particular article of diet you prefer above another, that I may have the pleasure of gratifying your taste.” The old General gravely responded, “Ham and eggs.” This seemed rather confusing to the old landlord, who, supposing the General was joking, repeated his inquiry, when the same response came a second time and in an emphatic tone, “Ham and eggs.” The old landlord then hastily withdrew, hurried home, and commanded his cook to prepare ham and eggs for General Jackson’s dinner. The ham of that day was a different thing from the flabby, flavorless so-called “sugar cured” counterfeit of the present day, and thousands of other well meaning citizens besides General Jackson were fond of the ham of the olden time. Eggs, of course, WORKMAN HOUSE. Mr. Hogg, above quoted, is responsible also for the following story: An Old Line coach in which Henry Clay was a passenger was upset on the iron bridge, and he was slightly injured and conveyed to the Workman house. Dr. Stoy, an old practitioner of the place, was summoned, and hastened to the relief of the distinguished sufferer. The old physician was given to loquacity, and not a little elated by being called to see so distinguished a patient. He prescribed brandy, and to vary the prescription and assuage the patient’s apprehension, began the recital of an old joke, meanwhile holding in his hand a glass of brandy. Mr. Clay, perceiving that the story was going to be a long one, interrupted the doctor by suggesting that he be permitted to drink the brandy without further delay, and rub the glass over his wounds. A few steps below the Workman House an old tavern was kept by Bazil Brashear, and subsequently by James Searight, who left it in 1836, to take charge of the “National House” in Washington, Pennsylvania. The Brashear House was a station for many years of one or more of the early stage lines, and in 1825 Gen. Lafayette dined at this house while on his way from Washington, Pennsylvania, to Uniontown. This old house, built of stone, is still standing, owned and occupied as a private residence by the widow of the late Westley Frost. Bazil Brashear was a brother-in-law of Thomas Brown, the founder of Brownsville, and the grandfather of Prof. Brashear, the distinguished astronomer of Pittsburg. James C. Beckley kept a tavern in a frame house at the head of old Front street, for a number of years. He was a local politician of much shrewdness, commanding a considerable following, a close friend of the late Hon. John L. Dawson, and served that old-time, able and distinguished statesman in many trying contests. Further down the main street and on the south side near the present location of the old Monongahela Bank, was the Marshall House. This house was first kept as a tavern by William Reynolds, who was an agent of the Adams Express Company. Mr. Reynolds previously kept the old Abrams House in Petersburg. He did a good business at the Marshall House, which was headquarters for the Express Company. This house was subsequently kept at different times by Hiram Holmes, Isaac Vance, Harvey Schroyer, J.W. Kisinger and William Garrett. After Reynolds left it the name was changed, and it was known as the Petroleum House. It has not been used as a tavern for a number of years. William Reynolds was a native of Brownsville, born in 1804, and drove his father’s team between Baltimore and Wheeling, before reaching his majority. He kept tavern in Petersburg five years, and moved from that place to Brandonville, Virginia, where he engaged in a mercantile venture, as a partner of his uncle, Zalmon Ludington, esq. After a brief experience as a merchant, he returned to his The old Clark mansion, located at the east end of “the neck” in Brownsville, was converted to a tavern about forty-five years ago, and became the headquarters of the Good Intent stage line. It was first opened up as a tavern by Andrew Byers, who had previously kept the Clinton House in Uniontown. When Byers left it Daniel Brown, the old stage agent, took charge of it and conducted it for a brief period. Daniel Brown’s reputation as a model tavern keeper has been adverted to in another chapter. After Brown’s time the patronage of this house was mostly of a local character. The Clark House was kept for a while after Brown left it by Capt. Morgan Mason, who subsequently located in St. Louis, where he still resides, a leading citizen, and an ex-sheriff of that city. The widow Schroyer also kept this house, and Matthew Story, and it is at present kept by the Theakston Brothers. The Monongahela House, a short distance west of the Clark House, on the south side, was originally and for many years the private residence of Samuel J. Krepps. It has been probably fifty years since this house was thrown open to the public as a tavern. One of the McCurdy’s was first installed as landlord of this house. He was succeeded by Jesse Hardin, an old stage driver, and Isaac Bailey, William Gans, Ephraim H. Bar, Cyrus L. Conner and John B. Krepps, son of the owner, kept this house nearly, if not exactly, in the order given. It was a stage house, and had a large run of general custom. It continues to be one of the leading hotels of Brownsville, under the management of David Provins. Thomas Brown, James Auld, Amos Wilson and James C. Beckley were tavern keepers in Brownsville prior to the construction of the National Road. Auld preceded Beckley in the old house at the head of Front street, above mentioned. Amos Wilson kept the old “Black Horse” tavern on Front street. A few yards westward from the Monongahela House the road crosses Dunlap’s creek over a handsome and expensive iron bridge, erected in 1835, and the first of the kind west of the Allegheny mountains. The vicissitudes attending the construction of this bridge have been alluded to in a previous chapter. The stone work of this bridge, which is a fine specimen of heavy masonry, was let by contract to William Searight, who pushed it forward and completed it with his characteristic energy. David Chipps, a well remembered old citizen of the vicinity of Uniontown, and an expert stone mason, was a boss workman on this bridge, and the late Gen. William W. Williams, who BRIDGE OVER THE MONONGAHELA After crossing the iron bridge the traveler is in the ancient borough of Bridgeport. Here Jack Arnold kept a tavern at a very early period. He was succeeded by John Riley, who for many years kept a wagon stand. Riley was a staunch citizen, and participated in the public affairs of his town. His tavern was near the market house, and was a popular resort in the olden time. Isaac Kimber, Robert Patterson and John Neelan kept taverns in Bridgeport before the National Road was made. The present Bar House is on the site of the old Kimber House. The Bar House is owned by Ephraim H. Bar, who conducted it as a tavern for many years. It was a wagon stand, and had a good trade. Robert Carter, old wagoner before mentioned, was one of the men who for a time successfully conducted the Bar House. Thornton Young, George Garrard, Matthew Story and Eli Bar kept this house in recent years at different times, and it is now conducted by W. F. Higinbotham. It is but a short distance from the iron bridge before mentioned to the long wooden bridge over the Monongahela river. This bridge, although a link of the National Road, was not built by the government. It is a private enterprise, and was erected in 1833. In 1810 an act was passed by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, authorizing the Governor to incorporate a company to build and operate a bridge at this point; but for some cause the company was not organized, and in 1830 a company was incorporated by the Legislature. Ephraim L. Blaine, father of the brilliant and popular statesman, was an incorporator under the provisions of the act of 1830, and the company authorized by that act promptly organized, and completed the bridge at the date above mentioned. Neil Gillespie, the grandfather of James G. Blaine, was named in the act of 1810, above mentioned, as one of the commissioners to solicit and receive subscriptions of stock for the bridge. |