Appropriations by Congress at various times for Making, Repairing, and Continuing the Road—Aggregate of Appropriations, $6,824,919.33. 1. | Act of March 29, 1806, authorizes the President to appoint a commission of three citizens to lay out a road four rods in width “from Cumberland or a point on the northern bank of the river Potomac in the State of Maryland, between Cumberland and the place where the main road leading from Gwinn’s to Winchester, in Virginia, crosses the river, * * * to strike the river Ohio at the most convenient place between a point on its eastern bank, opposite to the northern boundary of Steubenville and the mouth of Grave creek, which empties into the said river a little below Wheeling, in Virginia.” Provides for obtaining the consent of the States through which the road passes, and appropriates for the expenses, to be paid from the reserve fund under the act of April 30, 1802 | $ 30,000 00 | 2. | Act of February 14, 1810, appropriates to be expended under the direction of the President, in making the road between Cumberland and Brownsville, to be paid from fund act of April 30, 1802 | 60,000 00 | 3. | Act of March 3, 1811, appropriates to be expended under the direction of the President, in making the road between Cumberland and Brownsville, and authorizes the President to permit deviations from a line established by the Commissioners under the original act as may be expedient; Provided, that no deviation shall be made from the principal points established on said road between Cumberland and Brownsville, to be paid from fund act of April 30, 1802 | 50,000 00 | 4. | Act of February 26, 1812, appropriates balance of a former appropriation not used, but carried to surplus fund | 3,786 60 | | Carried forward | $ 143,786 60 | | Brought forward | $ 143,786 60 | 5. | Act of May 6, 1812, appropriates to be expended under direction of the President, for making the road from Cumberland to Brownsville, to be paid from fund act of April 30, 1802 | 30,000 00 | 6. | Act of March 3, 1813 (General Appropriation Bill), appropriates for making the road from Cumberland to the State of Ohio, to be paid from fund act of April 30, 1802 | 140,000 00 | 7. | Act of February 14, 1815, appropriates to be expended under the direction of the President, for making the road between Cumberland and Brownsville, to be paid from fund act of April 30, 1802 | 100,000 00 | 8. | Act of April 16, 1816 (General Appropriation Bill), appropriates for making the road from Cumberland to the State of Ohio, to be paid from the fund act, April 30, 1802 | 300,000 00 | 9. | Act of April 14, 1818, appropriates to meet claims due and unpaid | 52,984 60 | | Demands under existing contracts from money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. | 260,000 00 | 10. | Act of March 3, 1819, appropriates for existing claims and contracts | 250,000 00 | | Completing road To be paid from reserved funds, acts admitting Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. | 285,000 00 | 11. | Act of May 15, 1820, appropriates for laying out the road between Wheeling, Va., and a point on the left bank of the Mississippi river, between St. Louis and the mouth of the Illinois river, road to be eighty feet wide and on a straight line, and authorizes the President to appoint Commissioners. To be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated | 10,000 00 | 12. | Act of April 11, 1820, appropriates for completing contract for road from Washington, Pa., to Wheeling, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated | 141,000 00 | 13. | Act of February 28, 1823, appropriates for repairs between Cumberland and Wheeling, and authorizes the President to appoint a superintendent at a compensation of $3.00 per day. To be paid out of money not otherwise appropriated | 25,000 00 | | Carried forward | $1,737,771 20 | | Brought forward | $1,737,771 20 | 14. | Act of March 3, 1825, appropriates for opening and making a road from the town of Canton, in the State of Ohio, opposite Wheeling, to Zanesville, and for the completion of the surveys of the road, directed to be made by the act of May 15, 1820, and orders its extension to the permanent seat of government of Missouri, and to pass by the seats of government of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, said road to commence at Zanesville, Ohio; also authorizes the appointment of a superintendent by the President, at a salary of $1,500 per annum, who shall make all contracts, receive and disburse all moneys, &c.; also authorizes the appointment of one commissioner, who shall have power according to provisions of the act of May 15, 1820; $10,000 of the money appropriated by this act is to be expended in completing the survey mentioned. The whole sum appropriated to be advanced from moneys not otherwise appropriated, and replaced from reserve fund, acts admitting Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri | 150,000 00 | 15. | Act of March 14, 1826 (General Appropriation Bill), appropriates for balance due superintendent, $3,000; assistant superintendent, $158.90; contractor, $252.13 from moneys not otherwise appropriated. | 3,411 03 | 16. | Act of March 25, 1826 (Military Service), appropriates for continuation of the Cumberland Road during the year 1825 | 110,749 00 | 17. | Act of March 2, 1827 (Military Service), appropriates for construction of road from Canton to Zanesville, and continuing and completing the survey from Zanesville to the seat of government of Missouri, to be paid from reserve fund, acts admitting Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri | 170,000 00 | | For balance due superintendent, from moneys not otherwise appropriated | 510 00 | 18. | Act of March 2, 1827, appropriates for repairs between Cumberland and Wheeling, and authorizes the appointment of a superintendent of repairs, at a compensation to be fixed by the President. To be paid from moneys not otherwise appropriated. The language of this act is, “For repairing the public road from Cumberland to Wheeling” | 30,000 00 | | Carried forward | $2,202,441 23 | | Brought forward | $2,202,441 23 | 19. | Act of May 19, 1828, appropriates for the completion of the road to Zanesville, Ohio, to be paid from fund, acts admitting Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri | 175,000 00 | 20. | Act of March 2, 1829, appropriates for opening road westwardly, from Zanesville, Ohio, to be paid from fund, acts admitting Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri | 100,000 00 | 21. | Act of March 2, 1829, appropriates for opening road eighty feet wide in Indiana, east and west from Indianapolis, and to appoint two superintendents, at $800 each per annum, to be paid from fund, acts admitting Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri | 51,600 00 | 22. | Act of March 3, 1829, appropriates for repairing bridges, &c., on road east of Wheeling | 100,000 00 | 23. | Act of May 31, 1830 (Internal Improvements), appropriates for opening and grading road west of Zanesville, Ohio, $100,000; for opening and grading road in Indiana, $60,000, commencing at Indianapolis, and progressing with the work to the eastern and western boundaries of said State; for opening, grading, &c., in Illinois, $40,000, to be paid from reserve fund, acts admitting Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri; for claims due and remaining unpaid on account of road east of Wheeling, $15,000; to be paid from moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated | 215,000 00 | | To this act is appended the following note: “I approve this bill, and ask a reference to my communication to Congress of this date in relation thereto. “ANDREW JACKSON.”[B] | | | Carried forward | $2,844,041 23 | | Brought forward | $2,844,041 23 | 24. | Act of March 2, 1831, appropriates $100,000 for opening, grading, &c., west of Zanesville, Ohio; $950 for repairs during the year 1830; $2,700 for work heretofore done east of Zanesville; $265.85 for arrearages for the survey from Zanesville to the capital of Missouri; and $75,000 for opening, grading, &c., in the State of Indiana, including bridge over White river, near Indianapolis, and progressing to eastern and western boundaries; $66,000 for opening, grading, and bridging in Illinois; to be paid from the fund, acts admitting Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri | 244,915 85 | 25. | Act of July 3, 1832, appropriates $150,000 for repairs east of the Ohio river; $100,000 for continuing the road west of Zanesville; $100,000 for continuing the road in Indiana, including bridge over east and west branch of White river; $70,000 for continuing road in Illinois; to be paid from the fund acts admitting Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, | 420,000 00 | 26. | Act of March 2, 1833, appropriates to carry on certain improvements east of the Ohio river, $125,000; in Ohio, west of Zanesville, $130,000; in Indiana, $100,000; in Illinois, $70,000; in Virginia, $34,440 | 459,440 00 | 27. | Act of June 24, 1834, appropriates $200,000 for continuing the road in Ohio; $150,000 for continuing the road in Indiana; $100,000 for continuing the road in Illinois, and $300,000 for the entire completion of repairs east of Ohio, to meet provisions of the Acts of Pennsylvania (April 4, 1831), Maryland (Jan. 23, 1832), and Virginia (Feb. 7, 1832), accepting the road surrendered to the States, the United States not thereafter to be subject for any expense for repairs. Places engineer officer of army in control of road through Indiana and Illinois, and in charge of all appropriations. $300,000 to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, balance from acts admitting Ohio, Indiana and Illinois | 750,000 00 | 28. | Act of June 27, 1837, (General Appropriation) for arrearages due contractors | 1,609 36 | | Carried forward | $4,720,006 44 | | Brought forward | $4,720,006 44 | 29. | Act of March 3, 1835, appropriates $200,000 for continuing the road in the State of Ohio; $100,000 for continuing road in the State of Indiana; to be out of fund acts admitting Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and $346,186.58 for the entire completion of repairs in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia; but before any part of this sum can be expended east of the Ohio river, the road shall be surrendered to and accepted by the States through which it passes, and the United States shall not thereafter be subject to any expense in relation to said road. Out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated | 646,186 58 | 30. | Act of March 3, 1835, (Repair of Roads) appropriates to pay for work heretofore done by Isaiah Frost on the Cumberland Road, $320; to pay late Superintendent of road a salary, $862.87 | 1,182 87 | 31. | Act of July 2, 1836, appropriates for continuing the road in Ohio, $200,000; for continuing road in Indiana, $250,000, including materials for a bridge over the Wabash river; $150,000 for continuing the road in Illinois, provided that the appropriation for Illinois shall be limited to grading and bridging, and shall not be construed as pledging Congress to future appropriations for the purpose of macadamizing the road, and the moneys herein appropriated for said road in Ohio and Indiana must be expended in completing the greatest possible continuous portion of said road in said States so that said finished part thereof may be surrendered to the States respectively; to be paid from acts admitting Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri | 600,000 00 | 32. | Act of March 3, 1837, appropriates $190,000 for continuing the road in Ohio; $100,000 for continuing the road in Indiana; $100,000 for continuing road in Illinois, provided the road in Illinois shall not be stoned or graveled, unless it can be done at a cost not greater than the average cost of stoning and graveling the road in Ohio and Indiana, and provided that in all cases where it can be done the work to be laid off in sections and let to the lowest substantial bidder. Sec. 2 of the act provides that Sec. 2 of act of July 2, 1836, shall not be applicable to expenditures hereafter made on the road, and $7,183.63 is appropriated by this act for repairs east of the Ohio river; to be paid from the acts admitting Ohio, Indiana and Illinois | 397,183 63 | | Carried forward | $6,364,559 52 | | Brought forward | $6,364,559 52 | 33. | Act of May 25, 1838, appropriates for continuing the road in Ohio, $150,000; for continuing it in Indiana, including bridges, $150,000; for continuing it in Illinois, $9,000; for the completion of a bridge over Dunlap’s creek at Brownsville; to be paid from moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated and subject to provisions and conditions of act of March 3, 1837 | 459,000 00 | 34. | Act of June 17, 1844, (Civil and Diplomatic) appropriates for arrearages on account of survey to Jefferson, Mo. | 1,359 81 | | Total | $6,824,919 33 | Note—The appropriation of $3,786 60, made by act of Feb. 26, 1812, is not included in the above total for the reason that it was a balance from a former appropriation. The act of March 3, 1843, appropriates so much as is necessary to settle certain claims on contract for building bridges over Kaskaskia river and constructing part of Cumberland Road.