"Mr. Runciman is one of the coming men in British politics. As statesmen go, he is a young man. He is just under 5." Provincial Paper. From a recent novel:— "... had bought the long-uninhabited farmhouse ... and was converting it into a little ventre-À-terre for his widowed mother." It looks as if the old lady intended to go the pace. "Cook-General Wanted; all nights out; piano, well furnished sitting room; month's holiday with wages each year; three days off per week; washing sent out; wage, one guinea per week." Northumbrian Paper. With another three days off and the cooking put out as well as the washing, the Cook-General's Union would, we understand, be almost disposed to recommend the situation to the notice of their less experienced members.
THE RECKONING. Germany. "YOU REMEMBER ME? I MADE THIS MY HEADQUARTERS SOME TIME AGO—BUT HAD TO LEAVE RATHER HURRIEDLY." Belgium. "I'VE NOT FORGOTTEN. I'VE KEPT YOUR BILL FOR YOU." [A Conference of the Allies, to which representatives of Germany have been invited, is to be held at Spa, the late G.H.Q. of the German Army.]