Adams, John and Abigail, letters of, compared with those of John and Margaret Winthrop, 49. Adams, J. Q., 22. Adams, Samuel, "Address to the President of the United States, on the subject of his Address," by N. W., 144. Advertisement of school at Sharon, 10. Agricultural life as determining social conditions, 13; Alexandrian Library, N. W.'s views on its destruction, 4. Almanac, the, as light literature, 24. America, condition of literature in, in 1800, 105, 110. American, an average, as drawn by N. W., 150. "American Dictionary of the English language, An," first promised, 235; Americanism, appeal to, 45; "American Magazine, The," character of, 77; "American Spelling Book," by N. W., 38; Amherst, N. W.'s removal to, 186. Andrus, Mr., who wrote a dialogue, 48. Barlow, Joel, N. W.'s classmate, 4; Beers, Isaac, entertains Washington, 6. Belknap, Jeremy, difficulties of, in securing publication of his history, 69; Bible, N. W.'s edition of, 168-181. "Boston Argus" mocked, 100. Boston, literary resources in, 22. Boy that stole Apples, The, 40. Bradford, William, an ancestor of N. W.'s, 3. Buckminster, Tutor, 5. Bushnell, Horace, upon Sunday in his boyhood, 31; Cabinet, relative importance of officers in, 136. Cambridge, England, N. W.'s dispassionate opinion of, 238. Canfield, John, 54. Cicero against Verres, 48. Citizens, training of, in New England, 19. Clark, L. Gaylord, letter to, from N. W., 112. Classic writers, respect felt for, in New England, 147. Clergyman, the position of the, in New England society, 16; "Collection of Essays and Fugitiv writings on Moral, Historical, "Columbian, The," an early magazine of short life, 80, 81, 82, 88. "Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, A," 216. Congress, on copyright laws, 55, 56, 62-67. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 161. Connecticut, legislature of, in connection with copyright laws, 56; Connecticut Valley, the, a strong-hold of Puritanism, 12. Constitution, origin of the, 116; Copyright laws, origin of, 52; "Courant, The Connecticut," started in Hartford, 1764, 24; Curtius, a signature of N. W., 137. Definitions in N. W.'s Dictionary, 260. Delaware legislature in connection with copyright laws, 56. Dictionary, EncyclopÆdic character of the, introduced by N. W., 216, 217. Dilworth, Thomas, and his New Guide, 34; Doctor, the, in New England life, 17; Dwight, Timothy, 55. Dyche and Pardon's Dictionary, 216. East Windsor, at convenient distance from Hartford, 11. "Effects of Slavery on Morals and Industry, On the," by N. W., 139. "Elementary," N. W.'s, 34. Ellsworth, Oliver, N. W. lives in the family of, 9. Epidemic Diseases, N. W.'s Treatise on, 105. "Errors in Johnson's Dictionary and other Lexicons," by N. W., 219. "Essay on the Rights of Neutral Nations," by N. W., 142. Etymology, N. W.'s studies in, 258. Everett, Edward, lends George Ticknor Meidinger's Grammar, 21. "Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, An," 129. Federal Catechism, A, 39. Fowler, William Chauncey, quoted, 28-30. Fox and the Swallow, The, illustration to, 41. France in American politics, 131. Franklin, Benjamin, N. W. compared with, 152, 160; French Revolution, The, 131, 133. Genet, Citizen, 130, 131, 132. Gibbon repeated in N. W., 239. Glastonbury, temporary seat of a section of Yale College, 7; Goodrich, Chauncey, on N. W.'s mental habits, 215. Goodrich, S. G., describes N. W., 237 Goshen, N. W. conceives his Spelling-Book at, 33; Goths and Vandals disapproved of in New England, 5. Grammar, N. W.'s, 41. "Grammatical Institute, A." N. W.'s earliest work, 34; Greenleaf, Rebecca, N. W.'s wife, 96. Hamilton, Alexander, 114; Harrison, Governor, of Virginia, 56. Hartford, 1; Hartford Convention, N. W.'s part in, 146. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, and N. W. compared, 289. Hazard, Ebenezer, 68, 75; Hillard, George Stillman, quoted, 22. "History of New Hampshire," Belknap's, 69, 75, 76. "History of the United States," by N. W., 277. Holst, H. Von, quoted, 116. Ingersoll, Mr., representative from Connecticut, 62. Izard, Ralph, 55. Jackson, Andrew, election of, 145. Jay's Treaty defended by N. W., 137, 143. Jefferson, Thomas, 119, 132; Johnson, Samuel, the Magnus Apollo of Lexicographers, 218; Jonas, Mr. Jacob Abbott's, a type, 14. Kent, Chancellor, 137. Language, a national, 202. Lawyers in Connecticut, 18. Lee, Charles, 6. "Letter on the Value and importance of the American Commerce of Great Britain, addressed to a Gentleman of Distinction in London, A," by N. W., 142. "Letter to the Governors," N. W.'s, quoted, 44. Litchfield, N. W. reads law at, 9. Livingston, Governor, of New Jersey, on copyright laws, 53, 83. Lodge, H. C., quoted, 137. Lord's Almanac, 25. Lowth's "Short Introduction to the English Grammar," 41. Lyman, Joseph, and the Hartford Convention, 146. McFingal, Trumbull's, 102. Madison, James, 55; Mahn, Dr., 260. Mansfield, Lord, on copyright laws, 61. "Manual of Useful Studies" by N. W., 278. Massachusetts legislature in connection with copyright laws, 55. Massachusetts Magazine, The, 89. Mein, John, and his bookstore, 22. Mile stones and bridges, requiring toll from belles, 11. Military life in New England, 20. Miller, Ashur, N. W.'s class-mate, 4. Miller v. Taylor, case of, 6. "Minerva, American," N. W.'s paper, 130; Mirabeau, quoted by N. W. 47. Monarch, The, a title given to N. W. by two of his contemporaries, 79, 115. New England in its educative influences, 12. New England Primer, The, as a work of art, 40. New Haven, visited by Washington and Lee, 6. New Jersey in connection with copyright laws, 53, 55. New Rochelle, 12. Newspaper, the, in N. W.'s youth, 24; "New York Commercial Advertiser," 130. New York legislature in connection with copyright laws, 54. Orthography, N. W.'s supposed innovations in, 245-254. Otis, Harrison Gray, 146. Pardee, Rebecca, a friend of N. W., 11. "Peculiar Doctrines of the Gospel explained and defended, The," by N. W., 167. Perkins, Nathan, N. W.'s teacher, 4; Pickering, John, is to be instructed in N. W.'s speller, 73; Pickering, Timothy, sits up late at night to read N. W.'s Spelling-Book, 72. "Porsenna in pursuit of the Kingdom of Felicity," 25. Priestley, Joseph, lectures the young America, 104; Princeton, N. J., visit to, by N. W., 53. "Prompter, The," by N. W., 153; Pronunciation, in different parts of the United States, 209; Quincy, Josiah, letter to, by N. W., 185. Ramsay, Dr., draws down N. W.'s criticism of Johnson, 219. "Remarks on the Manners, Government, and Debt of the United States," by N. W., 163, 202. Revision Committee's work and N. W.'s compared, 173, 175, 176, 181; Revolution, The, and its connection with American history, 283, 284. Roman precedents, 49. Rousseau, 119. Rowan, Mr., 66. Sabbath, the, as the shrine of Puritanism, 30. Sabbath-Day Houses, 27; Savage, James, and his sarcastic remarks on N. W., 95. School-teaching by N. W., at Glastonbury, 8; Schuyler, Philip, 55. Sharon, N. W. teaches school at, 9; "Sketches of American Policy," 113; Slavery, N. W. on, 139. Sleighing parties, 11. Smith, Samuel Stanhope, examines N. W.'s manuscript, 53. Smith, Zephaniah, N. W.'s classmate, 4. South, literature at the, in the War of 1861-1865, 74. Spelling-reform, hints of by N. W., 40; Stiles, Ezra, President of Yale College, 4; Strong, Jedediah, 9. Sunday, observance of, in New England, 27, 31. Tetard, M., N. W.'s French teacher, 12. Thomas, Isaiah, 89. Ticknor, George, quoted, upon the difficulties in the way of a student, 21. "Times, The," a series of papers by N. W., 134. Tooke, Horne, N. W.'s teacher in grammar, 43; Trumbull, Governor, of Connecticut, 95. Trumbull, John, on N. W.'s prospects, 97. Unabridged, The, 275. Union, The, and its connection with social and individual life, 293. Washington, George, passes through New Haven, 5; Waterston, R. C., 184. Watson, James, 130. Webster, Daniel, letter to, from N. W., 57; Webster, Mercy, 3. Webster, Noah, born, 2; Webster, Noah, Sr., a Connecticut farmer, 2; Webster, William G., 70. West Hartford, N. W.'s birth-place, 1, 279. Wethersfield, within driving distance of Hartford, 11. "Whistle, The," 160. Williamson, Hugh, 55. Winthrop, John: his letters compared with those of Adams, 49. Winthrop's Journal, published by N. W., 83, 85, 95, 96. Wolcott, Oliver, N. W.'s classmate, 4; Yates, Mr. Justice, 61. |