[My best thanks are due to my courteous friend Mr. Auguste SallÉ, for his kind agency in securing an artist for the engraving of these plates. Owing, however, to the distance at which the work was done, a few errors have unavoidably occurred, which, to prevent misapprehension, are mentioned below.] Plate I. Fig. | 1. | Eugonia atava. Copied from Heer, Insekt. Tert. Œning., ii, pl. xiv, fig. 8 (1/1). | “ | 2. | Lethites Reynesii. Drawn by S. H. Scudder (1/1). | “ | 3. | Eugonia atava. Copied from Charpentier, Nov. Act. Leop.-Carol., xx, pl. xxii, fig. 4 (1/1). | “ | 4. | Eugonia j.-album. Neuration of fore wing; drawn by S. H. Scudder (1/1). The second superior subcostal nervule is carried too far toward the tip of the wing. | “ | 5. | Lethites Reynesii. Fore wing; drawn by S. H. Scudder (2/1). | “ | 6. | Eugonia j.-album. Markings of the upper surface of the fore wing; drawn by S. H. Scudder (1/1). | “ | 7. | Eugonia atava. Neuration of tip of fore wing (2/1); copied from Heer; Insekt. Tert. Œning., ii, pl. xiv, fig. 3a. | “ | 8. | Neorinopis sepulta. Markings of the upper surface of the two wings, restored; drawn by S. H. Scudder (2/1). The drawing represents the general effect of the fore wing as darker than the hind wing, and in so far is inaccurate. | “ | 9. | The same. Neuration of the two wings, separated; drawn by S. H. Scudder (2/1). | “ | 10. | The same. Neuration of the two wings, as seen in the fossil; drawn by S. H. Scudder (2/1). The engraver has unfortunately made the lines of the hind wing the heavier, as if it lay uppermost; they should have been the lighter. | “ | 11. | The same. Right hind leg; drawn by S. H. Scudder (2/1). | “ | 12. | The same. Left hind leg; drawn by S. H. Scudder (2/1). | “ | 13. | The same. Drawn by S. H. Scudder (1/1). The spot of the medio-submedian interspace of the fore wings has not been well rendered by the engraver. | “ | 14. | The same. Copied from Lefebvre, Ann. Soc. Ent. France [2], ix, pl. iii, II, fig. A (1/1). | “ | 15. | The same. Copied from the same, fig. C (1/1). | “ | 16. | The same. Copied from the same, fig. B (1/1). | “ | 17. | The same. Copied from Boisduval, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., ix, pl. 8 (1/1). | Plate II. Fig. | 1. | Zophoessa Sura. Neuration of the wings; drawn by G. Willis (1/1). | “ | 2. | Mylothrites Pluto. Copied from Heer, Insekt. Tert. Œning., ii, pl. xiv, fig. 4 (1/1). | “ | 3. | Zophoessa Sura. Markings of the upper surface of the wings; drawn by G. Willis (1/1). | “ | 4. | Delias Pasithoe. Neuration of the wings; drawn by G. Willis (1/1). | “ | 5. | Coliates Proserpina. Neuration and markings of fore wings; drawn by S. H. Scudder (2/1). The tip of the costal nervure has been extended too far toward the apex of the wing. | “ | 6. | Lethe Dyrta. Neuration of the wings; drawn by G. Willis (1/1). | “ | 7. | Mylothrites Pluto. Neuration of the wings; after a drawing obtained through Mr. Brunner de Wattenwyl (1/1). The second superior subcostal nervule on the left wing should join the nervure midway between the bases of the first and third nervules. | “ | 8. | Neorina Lowi. Neuration of the wings; drawn by G. Willis (1/1). | “ | 9. | Lethe Dyrta. Markings of the lower surface of the fore wing; drawn by G. Willis (1/1). | “ | 10. | Debis Sinorix. Neuration of the wings; drawn by G. Willis (1/1). | “ | 11. | Zophoessa Sura. Markings of the lower surface of the fore wing; drawn by G. Willis (1/1). | “ | 12. | Pontia Protodice. Neuration and markings of the upper surface of fore wing; drawn by S. H. Scudder (1/1). | “ | 13. | Neorina Lowi. Markings of the upper surface of the wings; drawn by G. Willis (1/1). This was drawn for the pattern of markings only; the neuration is faulty. | “ | 14. | Debis Sinorix. Markings of the upper surface of the wings; drawn by G. Willis (1/1). | “ | 15. | Mylothrites? sp. Copied from Heer, Insekt. Tert. Œning., ii, pl. xiv, fig. 5 (1/1). | “ | 16. | Pontia Freyeri. Copied from Heer, Insekt. Tert. Œning., ii, pl. xiv, fig. 6 (1/1). | “ | 17. | Mylothrites Pluto. After a drawing from the original, furnished by Mr. Brunner de Wattenwyl (1/1). | “ | 18. | Pontia Freyeri. Drawn from the original under the direction of Mr. Brunner de Wattenwyl (1/1). | Plate III. Fig. | 1. | Thaites Ruminiana. Neuration of the wings, restored; drawn by S. H. Scudder (2/1). | “ | 2. | Thais Rumina. Neuration of the wings; drawn by S. H. Scudder (1/1). | “ | 3. | Thaites Ruminiana. Markings of the upper surface of the wings, restored; drawn by S. H. Scudder (2/1). | “ | 4. | Thais Rumina. Markings of the upper surface of the wings; drawn by S. H. Scudder (1/1). | “ | 5. | Parnassius Smintheus. Markings of the upper surface and neuration of the wings; drawn by S. H. Scudder (1/1). | “ | 6. | Thaites Ruminiana. One of the wing-covers (patagia); drawn by S. H. Scudder (12/1). | “ | 7. | The same. Portion of the palpi; from a camera sketch by S. H. Scudder (12/1). | “ | 8. | The same. Antenna; drawn by S. H. Scudder (3/1). | “ | 9. | The same. From a camera sketch by S. H. Scudder (3/1). | “ | 10. | The same. Drawn under the camera from the reverse of fig. 9, by S. H. Scudder (3/1). | “ | 11. | Thanaos Juvenalis. Drawn in the position of fig. 12 by J. H. Emerton (1/1); fig. 11 a, the palpus, denuded (2/1). | “ | 12. | Thanaos vetula. Drawn in outline by an artist in the employ of H. Woodward, Esq., of the British Museum, and filled in by S. H. Scudder (+2/1). Incorrectly named Thanatites Juvenalis on the plate. | “ | 13. | Carystus Lucasii. Neuration of fore wing. Drawn by G. Willis (1/1). | “ | 14. | Pamphilites abdita. Markings of the upper surface of the fore wing; drawn by S. H. Scudder (2/1). | “ | 15. | Pansydia Mesogramma. Neuration and disposition of spots on the fore wing; copied from Poey, Cent. Lep. Cuba, 2e Dec. (1/1). | “ | 16. | Thanatites vetula. Copied from Heyden, PalÆontogr., viii, pl. i, fig. 10 (+2/1). Incorrectly named Thanatites Juvenalis on the plate. | “ | 17. | Pamphilites abdita. Markings of the upper surface of fore wing; drawn by S. H. Scudder (1/1). | “ | 18. | The same. Neuration and disposition of the spots on the fore wing; drawn by S. H. Scudder (2/1). | “ | 19. | Carystus Lucasii. Markings of the upper surface of fore wing; drawn by G. Willis (1/1). |