1. The Peshitto.
2. The Curetonian Syriac.
3. The Harkleian or Philoxenian Syriac.
4. The Palestinian or Jerusalem Syriac.
5. The Karkaphensian or Syriac Massorah.
(1) The Old Latin, previous to Jerome's Revision.
(2) Jerome's revised Latin Version, commonly called the Vulgate.
(1) The Egyptian or Coptic Versions.
(2) The Bohairic Version 101 .
(3) The Sahidic (or Thebaic) Version.
[(4) The Fayoum Version.]
[(5) The Middle Egyptian 116 or Lower Sahidic Version.]
[(6) The Akhmim Dialect.]
(1) The Gothic Version (Goth.).
(2) The Armenian Version.
(3) The Ethiopic Version (Eth.).
(4) The Georgian Version (Georg.).
(5) The Slavonic Version (Slav. 129 ).
(6) The Arabic Version (Arab.).
(7) The Anglo-Saxon Version (Sax.).
(8) The Frankish Version (Fr.).
(9) Persic Versions (Pers.).
Appendix To Chapter X.
First Series. Gospels.
Second Series. Acts.
Third Series. St. Paul.
Fourth Series. Catholic Epistles.
Fifth Series. Apocalypse.
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
Section 4.
Section 5.
A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament
For the Use of Biblical Students
By The Late
Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener
M.A., D.C.L., LL.D.
Prebendary of Exeter, Vicar of Hendon
Fourth Edition, Edited by
The Rev. Edward Miller, M.A.
Formerly Fellow and Tutor of New College, Oxford
Vol. II.
George Bell & Sons, York Street, Covent Garden
London, New York, and Cambridge