i, 22 S. Salvatore, Pavia, 46 S. Sofia, Beneventum, 248 S. Sofia, Constantinople, 69, 70 S. Tommaso at Lemine, 41 S. Zeno, Verona, 95, 96, 111 Cimabue, 271, 274; Cione family, 331 et seq. Clement VIII., pope, 418 Cloisters, San Lorenzo, Rome, 65; - S. John Lateran, 66;
- Voltorre, 115;
- S. Zeno, Verona, 66
Colle in Val d'Elsa, 316, 318 Collegia, Romana, 7, 10, 11, 138 et seq., 403 Cologne, churches at, 136 Colonies, Lombard, in Sicily, 128, 129 Comacina island a refuge for Romans, 23 Comacine Masters, who they were, 5 et seq. Comagene, now Eufratisia, 69 Como, a Roman colony, 5, 141; - its antiquities, 25, 26;
- is besieged, 116;
- its war with Milan, 233;
- its cathedral, 381 et seq.
Confraternity of painters at Florence, 280 Constantine the Great, 53; Constantinople, 142 Contract of apprenticeship, 292 Convents, Comacine, their form and style, 65 Corneto Tarquinia, 227; Cortelona, Luitprand's villa, 54 Cosimo I., Grand Duke, 280 Cosimo Rosselli, 275 Cremona, its cathedral, 185, 186 Crosses: Cunibert, king, 47; - goes to Lucca, 48;
- fights Alachi, 108
- Lucca, 225 et seq., 246
- Luitprand, king, his laws for Comacines, 24, 44, 63 et seq., 160;
- his foot, 50;
- his churches, 50 et seq.
- Magister, what the term means, 15;
- Arch Magister, 17;
- Magisters in Sicily, 129;
- Magistri frati, 200, 287;
- different kinds, 265
- Magistri:
- Adam, atrium of S. Ambrogio, 112
- Adam, de Arogno, 182
- Agostino da Siena, 298
- Albertinus Buono, 239
- Albertus Buono, 239
- Ambrogio Lenzo, 334
- Andrea Fusina, 371
- Andrea da Modena, 352 et seq.
- Andrea di Pisa, 211, 220, 224
- Anselmo (Tedesco) da Campione, and Arrigo, Alberto, and Jacopo, his sons, 194 et seq.
- Antonio of Como, 260
- Antonio Mantegazza, 378
- Antonio da PadernÒ, 369
- Antonio Rizo, or Riccio, 391, 392, 397
- Apollonius, 273
- Arnolfo, 224, 291, 313, 407
- Auripert, a painter, 55
- Bartolo Fredi, 276
- Bartolommeo Buono, 253, 260, 390, 393, 398
- Bartolommeo de Gorgonzola, 368
- Bartolommeo di Pisa, bronze worker, 221
- Beltramo, 413 et seq.
- Benedetto da Antelamo, 187, 188, 245
- Bernardino da Bissone, 386, 391
- Bernardo da Venezia, 374
- Bertrando of Como, 260
- Biduinus, 222
- Bonaiuto di Pisa, 223
- Bonanno, 220, 221
- Bonino da Campione, 203
- Buono, 236, 237, 238
- Cellini, 239
- Cimabue, 274
- Cosmato, and his family, 390
- Orsino (Virginio), Duke of Bracciano, 304
- Orso Orseolo, patriarch of Aquileja, 122
- Orvieto, its Duomo, 224, 300 et seq.;
- Chapel of Three Kings, 301, 414
- Otho, emperor, confirms Comacine privileges, 27
- Otho, his decree, 27, 28;
- Otho Orseolo, Doge of Venice, 122
THE END Richard Clay & Sons Limited, London & Bungay.