October 17, 1777 BROTHERS, this spot is holy! Look around! Before us flows our memory’s sacred river, Whose banks are Freedom’s shrines. This grassy mound, The altar, on whose height the Mighty Giver Gave Independence to our country; when, Thanks to its brave, enduring, patient men, The invading host was brought to bay and laid Beneath “Old Glory’s” new-born folds, the blade, The brazen thunder-throats, the pomp of war, And England’s yoke, broken forevermore.
You, on this spot,—thanks to our gracious God, Where last in conscious arrogance it trod, Defied, as captives, Burgoyne’s conquered horde; Below, their general yielded up his sword; There, to our flag, bowed England’s battle-torn; Where now we stand, the United States was born.
General John Watts De Peyster.