It is generally conceded that Gerhart Hauptmann is the most notable dramatist of the present day. His work combines literary, psychological and dramatic interest in greater measure than that of any other contemporary writer, and the award of the Nobel prize in literature was a public recognition of his genius. An authorized translation of his dramas makes it possible at last for English people to study and enjoy Hauptmann. Excellent translations of a few plays had already been made and these, by arrangement with the respective translators, will be adapted to the present edition, but new translation will be made whenever it seems necessary in order to maintain the highest standard. The editor of the edition is Professor Ludwig Lewisohn. He supplies a general introduction to Hauptmann's works in Volume I, and a briefer introduction to each succeeding volume. CONTENTS | Volume I | Volume II | Social Dramas | Social Dramas | Before Dawn The Weavers The Beaver Coat The Conflagration
| Drayman Henschel Rose Bernd The Rats
| Volume III | Volume IV | Domestic Dramas | Symbolic and Legendary Dramas | The Reconciliation Lonely Lives Colleague Crampton Michael Kramer
| Hannele The Sunken Bell Henry of Aue
| Volume V | Volume VI | Symbolic and Historical Dramas | Later Dramas in Prose | Schluck and Jau And Pippa Dances Charlemagne's Hostage
| The Maidens of the Mount Griselda Gabriel Schilling's Flight
| Each Volume Crown 8vo. Price Five Shillings net TWO NEW VOLUMES IN THIS SERIES WALT WHITMAN A CRITICAL STUDY BY BASIL DE SELINCOURT WALTER PATER A CRITICAL STUDY BY EDWARD THOMAS Each Volume Demy Octavo. With a Frontispiece Portrait in Photogravure. Price 7s. 6d. net. UNIFORM WITH "PEOPLE AND QUESTIONS" DRAMATIC PORTRAITS By P.P. HOWE Throughout this book a particular point of view has been adhered to, from which the drama is looked upon as a separate art from literature, and from which especial attention is paid to the manner of its practice. Thus nearly all the plays of the dramatists passed under review are to be studied in book form, but they are spoken of here, as far as possible, in terms of their actual presentation in the theatre. The dramatists include Pinero, Henry Arthur Jones, Henry James, Oscar Wilde, Bernard Shaw, Barrie, Hubert Henry Davies, Granville Barker, Hankin, Galsworthy and Masefield. It is a book for all playgoers who have done their playgoing in the English theatre of the last twenty-five years. The portraits which illustrate it are from camera studies by Mr. E.O. HoppÉ, reproduced by a new process which does full justice to his original prints. Large Crown 8vo. Price 5s. net. |