The first Chapter.The Hebrue word Kasam expounded, and how farre a Christian may conjecture of things to come. KASAM (as John Wierus upon his owne knowledge affirmeth, and upon the word of AndrÆas MasiusJ. Wier. lib. de prÆst. dÆmon. reporteth) differeth little in signification from the former word Ob: betokening Vaticinari, which is, To prophesie, and is most commonlie taken in evill part; as in Deut. 18. Jerem. 27. &c: howbeit, sometime in good part, as in Esaie 3. verse. 2. To foretell things to come upon probable conjectures,All divinations are not condemnable. so as therein we reach no further than becommeth humane capacitie, is not (in mine opinion) unlawfull, but rather a commendable manifestation of wisedome and judgment, the good gifts and notable blessings of GOD, for the which we ought to be thankfull; as also to yeeld due honour and praise unto him, for the noble order which he hath appointed in nature: praieng him to lighten our hearts with the beames of his wisedome, that we may more and more profit in the true knowledge of the workemanship of his hands. But some are so nise, that they condemne generallie all sorts of divinations, denieng those things that in nature have manifest causes, and are so framed, as they forshew things to come, and in that shew admonish us of things after to insue, exhibiting signes of unknowne and future matters to be judged upon, by the order, lawe, and course of nature/168. proposed unto us by God. And some on the other side are so bewitched with follie, as they attribute to creatures that estimation, which rightlie and truelie apperteineth to God the creator of all things; affirming that the publike and private destinies of all humane matters, and whatsoever a man would knowe of things come or gone, is manifested to us in the heavens: so as by the starres and planets all things might be knowne. These would also, that nothing should be taken in hand or gone about, without the favourable aspect of the planets. By which, and other the like devises they deprave and prophane the ancient and commendable observations of our forfathers: as did Colebrasus,Colebrasus erronious & impious opinion. who taught, that all mans life was governed by the seven planets; and yet a christian, and condemned for heresie. But let us so farre foorth imbrace and allow this philosophie and prophesieng, as the word of God giveth us leave, and commendeth the same unto us/ The second Chapter.124.Proofes by the old and new testament, that certaine observations of the weather are lawfull. WHEN God by his word and wisedome had made the heavens, and placed the starres in the firmament, he said; Let them be for signes,Psalm. 13. The physician is commended unto us, and allowed in the scriptures: but so to put trust in him, as to neglect & distrust God, is severelie forbidden and reproved. Surelie it is most necessarie for us to know and observe diverse rules astrologicall; otherwise we could not with oportunitie dispatch our ordinarie affaires. And yet Lactantius Lactant. contra astrologos. condemneth and recounteth it among the number of witchcrafts: from whose censure Calvine doth not much varie. The poore husbandman perceivethPeucer. de astrol. pag. 383. that the increase of the moone maketh plants and living creatures frutefull: so as in the full moone they are in best strength, decaieng in the wane, and in the conjunction doo utterlie wither and vade. Which when by observation, use and practise they have once learned, they distribute their businesse accordinglie; as their times and seasons to sowe, to plant, to proine, to let their cattell bloud, to cut, &c/ The third Chapter.125.That certeine observations are indifferent, certeine ridiculous, and certeine impious, whence that cunning is derived of Apollo, and of Aruspices. I KNOW not whetherThe ridiculous art of nativitie-casting. to disallow or discommend the curious observation used by our elders, who conjectured upon nativities: so as, if Saturne and Mercurie were opposite in anie brute signe, a man then borne should be dumbe or stammer much; whereas it is dailie seene, that children naturallie imitate their parents/170. conditions in that behalfe. Also they have noted, that one borne in the spring of the moone, shalbe healthie; in that time of the wane, when the moone is utterlie decaied, the child then borne cannot live; and in the conjunction, it cannot long continue. But I am sure the opinion of Julius MaternusJulius Maternus his most impious opinion. is most impious, who writeth, that he which is borne when Saturne is in Leone, shall live long, and after his death shall go to heaven presentlie. And so is this of Albumazar, who saith, that whosoever praieth to God, when the moone is in Capite draconis, shalbe heard, and obteine his praier. Furthermore, to plaie the cold prophet, as to recount it good or bad lucke, when salt or wine falleth on the table, or is shed, &c: or to prognosticate that ghests approch to your house, upon the chattering of pies or haggisters, wherof there can be yeelded no probable reason, is altogither vanitie and superstition: as hereafter shalbe more largelie shewed. But to make simple people beleeve, that a man or woman can foretell good or evill fortune, is meere witchcraft or cousenage. For God is the onlie searcher of the heart, and delivereth not his counsell to so lewd reprobates. I know diverse writers affirme,Bodinus. Of the idoll called Apollo, I have somewhat alreadie spoken in the former title of Ob or Pytho; and some occasion I shall have to speake thereof hereafter: and therfore at this time it shall suffice to tell you, that the credit gained thereunto, was by the craft/171. and cunning of the priests, which tended thereupon; who with their counterfeit miracles so/126. bewitched the people, as they thought such vertue to have beene conteined in the bodies of those idols, as God hath not promised to anie of his angels, or elect people. For it is said, that if ApolloApollos passions. were in a chafe, he would sweat: if he had remorse to the afflicted, and could not help them, he would shed teares, which I beleeve might have beene wiped awaie with that handkerchiefe, that wiped and dried the Rood of graces face, being in like perplexities. Even as another sort of witching priests called Aruspices, prophesied victorie to Alexander, bicause an eagle lighted on his head: which eagle might (I beleeve) be cooped or caged with Mahomets dove, that picked peason out of his eare. The fourth Chapter.The predictions of soothsaiers and lewd priests, the prognostications of astronomers and physicians allowable, divine prophesies holie and good. THE cousening tricks of oracling priests and monkes, are and have beene speciallie most abhominable. The superstitious observations of sensles augurors and soothsaiers (contrarie to philosophie, and without authoritie of scripture)What prophesies allowable. are verie ungodlie and ridiculous. Howbeit, I reject not the prognostications of astronomers, nor the conjectures or forewarnings of physicians, nor yet the interpretations of philosophers; although in respect of the divine prophesies conteined in holie scriptures, they are not to be weighed or regarded. For the end of these and the other is not onlie farre differing; but whereas these conteine onlie the word and will of God, with the other are mingled most horrible lies and cousenages. For though there may be many of them learned and godlie, yet lurke there in corners of the same profession, a great number of counterfets and couseners. J. BodinJ. Bod. lib. de dÆm. lib. 1. cap. 4. putteth this difference betweene divine prophets and inchantors;/172. to wit, the one saith alwaies true, the others words (proceeding from the divell) are alwaies false; or for one truth they tell a hundred lies. And then The fift Chapter.The diversitie of true prophets, of Urim, and of the propheticall use of the twelve precious stones conteined therein, of the divine voice called Eccho. IT should appeare, that even of holie prophets there were diverse sorts. For David and Salomon, although in their psalmes and parables are conteined most excellent mysteries,Diverse degrees of prophesie. and notable allegories: yet they were not indued with that degree of prophesie, that Elie and Elisha were, &c/127. For as often as it is said, that God spake to David or Salomon, it is meant to be done by the prophets. For Nathan or Gad were the messengers and prophets to reveale Gods will to David.2. Reg. 2. And Ahiam the Silonite was sent from God to Salomon. Item, the spirit of prophesie, which Elias had, was doubled upon Elisha. Also some prophets prophesied all their lives, some had but one vision, and some had more, according to Gods pleasure; yea some prophesied unto the people of such things as came not to passe, and that was where Gods wrath was pacified by repentance. But these prophets were alwaies reputed among the people to be wise and godlie; whereas the heathen prophets were evermore knowne and said to be mad and foolish: as it is written both of the prophets of Sibylla, and also of Apollo; and at this daie also in the Indies, &c. But that anie of these extraordinarie gifts remaine at this daie, Bodin,J. Bodin. nor anie witchmonger in the world shall never be able to proove: though he in his booke of divelish madnesse would make men beleeve it. For these were miraculouslie mainteined/173. by God among the Jewes, who were instructed by them of all such things as should come to passe; or else informed by Urim: so as the preests by the brightnes of the twelve pretious stones conteined therein, could prognosticate or expound anie thing. Which brightnes and vertue ceased (as JosephusJoseph. de antiquit. reporteth) two hundred yeares before he was borne. So as since that time, no answers were yelded thereby of Gods will and pleasure. Nevertheles, the Hebrues write,Josue filius The sixt Chapter.Of prophesies conditionall: whereof the prophesies in the old testament doo intreate, and by whom they were published; witchmongers aunswers to the objections against witches supernaturall actions. CHRIST and his apostles prophesied of the calamities and afflictions, which shall greeve and disturbe the church of God in this life: also of the last daie, and of the signes and tokens that shall be shewed before that daie: and finallie of all things, which are requisite for us to foreknowe. Howbeit, such is the mercie of God, that all prophesies,Prophesies conditionall. threatnings, plagues, and punishments are annexed to conditions of repentance: as on the other side, corporall blessings are tied under the condition of the crosse and castigation. So as by them the mysteries of our salvation being discovered unto us, we are not to seeke new signes and miracles; but to attend to the doctrine of the apostles, who preached Christ exhibited and crucified for our sinnes, his resurrection, ascension, and thereby the redemption of as manie as beleeve, &c. The prophesies in the old testament treat of the continuance, the governement, and the difference of estates: of the distinction of the foure monarchies, of their order, decaie, and instauration;/174. of the changes and/128. ruines of the kingdomes of The subject of the prophesies of the old testament. Juda, Israel, Aegypt, Persia, GrÆcia, &c: and speciallie of the comming of our Saviour Jesus Christ; and how he should be borne of a virgine, and where, of his tribe, passion, resurrection, &c. These prophesies were published by Gods speciall and peculiar prophets, endued with his particular and excellent gifts, according to his promise; I will raise them up a prophet out of the midst of their brethren, I will put my words in his mouth, &c. Which though it were speciallie spoken of Christ, yet was it also spoken of those particular prophets, which were placed among them by God to declare his will; which were also figures of Christ the prophet himselfe. Now, if prophesie be an extraordinarie gift of God, and a thing peculiar to himselfe, as without whose speciall assistance no creature can be a prophet, or shew what is to come; whie should we beleeve, that those lewd persons can performe by divinations and miracles that which is not in humane but in divine power to accomplish? Howbeit, when I denie that witches can ride in the aire, and the miraculous circumstance thereof: by and by it is objected unto me, that2. Reg. 2. 13. Enoch and Elie were rapt into heaven bodilie; and that Abacuke The seventh Chapter.What were the miracles expressed in the old testament, and what are they in the new testament: and that we are not now to looke for anie more miracles. THE miracles expressed in the old testament were manie, but the end of them all was one, though they were divers and differing in shew: as where the sacrifices of Moses, Elias, and Salomon, being abundantlie wet were burnt with fier from heaven, &c. The varietie of toongs at the building of Gen. 11, 6. The miracles wrought by ChristA summe of Christs miracles. were the raising up of the dead (which manie would impute to the woman of Endor, and also to our witches and conjurors) the restoring of the lame to lims, the blind to 176.Peters chaines fell off in prison, so did Richard Gallisies fetters at Windsor: marrie the prison doores opened not to Richard, as they did to Peter. Helias by speciall grace obtained raine, our witches can make it raine, when they list, &c. But sithens Christ did these miracles, and manie more, and all to confirme his truth, and strengthen our faith, and finallie for the conversion of the people (as appeareth in John. 6. 7, and 12: in so much as he vehementlie reprooved such, as upon the sight of themLuk. 10, 13. would not beleeve, saieng; Wo be to thee Chorazin, we be to thee Bethsaida. If the miracles had beene doone in Tyre and Sidon, which have beene doone in you, they had a great while ago repented, &c. Let us settle and acquiet our faith in Christ, and beleeving all his wonderous works, let us reject these old wives fables, as lieng vanities: whereof you may find in the golden legend, M. Mal. and speciallie in Bodin miraculous stuffe, enough to checke all the miracles expressed in the old and new testament; which are of more credit with manie bewitched people, than the true miracles of Christ himselfe. Insomuch as they stand in more awe of the manacies of a witch, than of all the threatnings and cursses pronounced by God, and expressed in his word. And thus much touching the word Kasam// |