P. 117. “Marmaritin”, etc. In i, 2, he copies these names, altering only their order for the sake of the verse, and probably for the same reason omitting “Mevais”. “I could give thee Chirocinata, adincantida, Archimedon, marmaritin, calicia, Which I could sort to villainous barren ends.” P. 124. “Needles wherwith dead bodies are sowne or sockt into their sheetes.” [Noted amidst charms procuring love and hate.] In i, 2, following the marmaritin passage, we find— “More I could instance As, the same needles thrust into their pillows That sews and socks up dead men in their sheets.” This is the more noteworthy, as to sock a corpse seems to have been a Kentish phrase. “A privy gristle”, etc., as given by Middleton, was, I presume, one of the other things which, “for reverence of the reader”, Scot omits, though whence the former got it I know not. ——— Among other “toies which procure love” are, “a little fish called Remora”. In the same scene of the Witch, we find— “HÆc. Thou com’st for a love charm now * * * * * * I’ll give thee a remora, shall bewitch her straight. * * * * * * . . . . . a small fish.” ——— Scot also gives “the bone of a greene frog, the flesh thereof being consumed with pismers or ants”. And Middleton’s Hecate adds— “The bones of a green frog too, wondrous precious, The flesh consum’d by pismires.” ——— “The haire growing on the nethermost part of a woolves taile ... the braine of a cat.” In ii, 2, Almachildes, speaking of love charms, says: “The whorsom old hellcat would have given me the brain of a cat ... and a little bone in the hithermost part of a wolf’s tail.” In the words “bone” and “hithermost” he may have erred in memory, or there may in the latter word have been a copyist’s error. P. 153. Hecate, i, 2, enumerates “Urchins, Elves, Hags, [fairies] P. 184. Scot, from J. B. Porta. Neap., gives a receipt to be used by witches when they would transport themselves through the air. “? The fat of yoong children and seethe it [etc., etc.].... They put there, into Eleoselinum, Aconitum, Frondes populeas and Soote.... Another receipt.... ?, Sium, acarum vulgare, pentaphyllon, the bloud of a flittermouse, solanum somniferum, & oleum.” In i, 2, we have these bits almost verbatim— “Hec. There take this unbaptised brat, Boil it well; preserve the fat: You know ’tis precious to transfer Our ’nointed flesh into the air In moonlight nights, * * * * I thrust in eleoselinum lately, Aconitum, frondes populeas and soot— * * * * Then sium, acorum vulgare too, Pentaphyllon, the blood of a flitter-mouse Solanum somnificum et oleum.” ——— “By this means (saith he) in a moonlight night [see fifth line of i, 2, just quoted] they seeme to be carried through the air, to feasting, singing, dansing, kissing, colling, and other acts of venerie, with such youthes as they love and desire most.” In i, 2, just after the previous lines, are these— “When hundred leagues in the air, we feast and sing, Dance, kiss, and coll, use everything: What young man can we wish to pleasure us, But we enjoy him in an incubus.” P. 186. “frier BartholomÆus” [SpinÆus] saith that ... “the witches before they annoint themselves do heare in the night time a great noise [= band or troop] of minstrels, which flie over them, with the ladie of the fairies, and ... to their journie.” In iii, 1, Firestone says ... “Hark, hark, mother, they are over the steeple already, flying over your head with a noise of musicians.” P. 222. “It is constantlie affirmed in M. Mal. that Stafus ... had a disciple called Hoppo, who made Stadlin a maister witch, and could all when they list, invisiblie transferre the third part of their neighbors doong, hay, corne, &c: into their own ground, make haile, tempests, and flouds, with thunder and lightning.” Bodin also, bk. ii, c. 6; but he makes Hoppo and Stadlin co-disciples of Stafus and master witches. Compare i, 2, ad init. for Hoppo and Stadlin, while further on comes— “Stadlin’s within: She raises all your sudden ruinous storms That shipwreck barks, and tear up growing oaks. * * * * * I’ll call forth Hoppo, and her incantation Can straight destroy the young of all his cattle; Blast vineyards, orchards, meadows; or in one night Transport his dung, hay, corn, by reeks, whole stacks, Into thine own ground.” P. 244. “A ab hur hus.” A charm against the toothache. Hence it is most probable, especially if the ! of “Puckle!” be in the original, that Hecate, after reaching that name, is interrupted by a sudden spasm of toothache, which she would exorcise by this “A ab hur hus”. The sudden pause, the contortions of her haggard visage, and the grotesque movements of the 117-year-old hag would greatly add to the comedy of the scene. P. 542. When this mortal witch Hecate—not the Queen of Hell and of Witchdom, as was the Hecate of antiquity and of Shakespeare, and others in the middle ages, for, says one of the after writers given in the later editions of M. Mal., “Hecate artem magicam doceret”—uses in i, 2, the very rhymes spoken of under this page in the Shakespeare writings, some [ands] and [&c., his] being omitted, and “devil-lambe” being changed to “devil-ram”. In v, 2, she again mentions “Titty and Tiffin, Leaid and Robin”, and this time “Pucky”, for the rhyme’s sake. Hellwin and Prickle are—as shown by her other mention of them (see note, p. 153), as well as her mention of them elsewhere—mere copyists’ or printers’ errors for Hellwain and Puckle. P. 222. One would here add the quotation from Ovid’s Metam. made by Hecate, the first line running in Scott, Middleton, Corn. Agrippa (Occult Phil., l. 1, c. 72), and in Bodin, DÆmono, l. 2, c. 2: “Cum volui ... ipsis mirantibus” instead of “Quorum ope cum ... mirantibus”; but that from the accidental dropping of the line “Vivaque saxa”, etc., in Bodin, and its omission also in Middleton, it would seem, as Dyce remarks, that Middleton took it from Bodin. In concluding, I would state that most, but not all, of these references are taken from Dyce’s Middleton. |