PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS. In accordance with the plan of the present work, the remarks I shall offer under this head are by no means intended to comprise all that is known at the present day of the physiological effects of electricity in general. It was my purpose when I undertook to write these pages, to offer to the profession a book confined to one subject; not a compilation, but a volume made up almost if not wholly of original matter, chiefly, if not entirely the result of my own observations and experience. For the general physiological effects then of electricity as well as for the theories of its action, I refer those interested to the many excellent works on the subject that have appeared within the last few years. I will treat here only of the physiological effects peculiar to the electric bath. The daily observations that I have had the opportunity of making in this respect, extending as they do over a period of upwards of two years, have Before entering into details, it is necessary in the first place to inquire in what respects electric baths differ from other methods of electrization—especially those recently introduced as “general”—that their physiological effects should merit individual consideration. They differ in two ways. One of these is self-evident. To the effects of electricity are superadded those of the warm bath. The effects of the warm bath per se are too familiar to every physician “The last question, whether mineral water acts also by contact with the skin, leads us to one of its most important effects—that through electricity. “Although this question has not as yet been finally disposed of, we have still advanced far toward its solution, through the admirable researches of Heymann and Krebs. Both observers have furnished proof that the contact of the water of the bath “We gather moreover from the experiments, that the electric current generated through the contact of the body with the water of the bath is modified chiefly by the gases, next by the temperature of the water, and lastly only by its salts. “With regard to the relative condition of the peripheral nerve-ends, experiments on the motor nerves go to show that swelling of the terminal ends of these nerves may diminish their excitability to the point of its complete extinction, while it becomes increased by their exsiccation. This fact as to the motor nerves is adopted by Heymann likewise as applying to the nerves of sensation. If, now, we presuppose absorption or even imbibition on the part of the skin, a swelling of the nerve-ends is comprehensible, as the imbibed fluid reaches them. But, according to Heymann, the peripheral nerve-ends, i.e., the terminal bulbs of Krause, of the sensory nerves, and the tactile corpuscles of Meissner, become even without this presupposition sufficiently impregnated with water while in the bath, because here all insensible perspiration must cease, and in a bath of a temperature lower than blood-heat transpiration cannot take place, so that all transudation to the skin being retained during the bath, those termini are surrounded by moisture and therefore swell up. “From this the writer concludes with regard to the effects of the baths, that all baths in which the electric current produced by contact of the water with the body preponderates over the swelling of the nerve-ends, have a stimulant effect, “Taking a brief and comprehensive review therefore of the effects of mineral water baths, we have those resulting from the temperature, from the contents of carbonic acid and salts, and lastly from the electric current generated in the bath water; each effect however resolving itself into an excitation of the peripheral nerve-ends, which leads in a reflex manner to an enhancement of the change of matter.” From the foregoing quotation may be realized the importance which is attached to the electric current in the warm bath. And here let me ask the question: May not the remedial superiority, in many cases, of the mineral water bath over the ordinary warm bath be due mainly, if not solely, to the more abundant generation in the former of electricity? Or rather, is it not very likely that this is so? And if such is the case, it would appear evident that the mineral water bath, the electric properties of which, depending on the chemical changes going on between the gases and salts of the water on the one, and the cutaneous secretions and other constituents of the body on the other hand, are to a great extent beyond our control, must in turn be vastly inferior to a bath where the electric current is under our perfect control, and can be modified in intensity, direction and quantity to meet the individual The second difference between the electric bath and all other methods of applying electricity is, that the bath is the only method by means of which general electrization can be realized. In making a distinction in this respect, it becomes necessary for me to advert more especially to a method first introduced to the profession in a systematized and scientific manner by Drs. Beard and Rockwell, Having thus, I trust, established the individuality of the bath as an electric method, I will without further digression proceed to the consideration of its physiological effects. The physiological effects of the electric bath may be qualified on the one hand as either “immediate,” or “remote,” on the other as either “transient” or “permanent.” Strictly to classify these is impracticable, and I will therefore be influenced in the order of their enumeration principally by their importance in a therapeutic respect. HYPNOTIC.This somniferous influence, which is to some extent exercised by local electrization, is here distinguished by its far greater constancy as well as by its greater degree of perfection. That this difference should exist, appears quite natural, when it is considered that the same topical influences which produce it in local electrizations, and which I shall presently endeavor to analyze, are here brought to bear on the entire system. The hypnotic effect is both immediate and remote, and more or less permanent. When there is an immediate inclination to sleep, which may make itself manifest during the bath or immediately after this, it is generally accompanied by a PLEASANT SENSE OF FATIGUE,which cannot be likened to weariness, but rather to what we feel after moderate exercise; it is only in some instances, where an individual takes his first bath, or where, for therapeutic reasons, a strong faradic current—accompanied by responsive muscular contractions—is employed, that this feeling is intensified Experience and good judgment will enable us moreover in almost all cases to avoid effects of this kind. The immediate inclination to sleep is much more decided as well as constant when the bath is taken late in the day, than when taken in the forenoon. When the latter is the case however, the individual will as a rule become sleepy during the afternoon, or else at an earlier hour than usual in the evening, and sleep more soundly during the night. This is the effect of one bath. A series of baths will however produce more or less marked and permanent improvement in the sleep of individuals, where this has been below the normal standard. And this is among the most invariable of the effects of the electric bath, whether galvanic or faradic. I have formed a theory as to the rationale of this influence, which I will offer as its probable explanation. We all know that sleep is a process designed by nature for the recuperation of the system after a certain period of activity. In other words, when the various functions have been more or less exercised for their daily allotted time—say seventeen hours—the ENHANCES THE CHANGE OF MATTERand incites the various organs to so great an activity as to cause them to perform in a comparatively brief space of time—say an hour, the work of several hours. The natural sequence is obvious: The want of rest—of sleep, is felt at a correspondingly earlier period. I offer this as a probable explanation of the immediate or almost immediate disposition to sleep. As to the permanent improvement in sleep, where this has been below the normal standard, it must always be due to the removal of some morbid condition, and thus belongs among therapeutic results, rather than physiological effects. It is true that in many instances of agrypnia we are unable to discover any pathological condition that would account for this symptom; but the probability is that here there is a sluggishness of some one or more of the functions, If this explanation of the hypnotic effect of the electric bath be not the true one, it is at least—so far as I know—the first attempt at accounting for a phenomenon that has been noticed as a result of even local applications of electricity by many observers, and about the pretty uniform occurrence of which there can be no doubt. With respect to the effect on the TEMPERATURE AND PULSE,I have made a number of observations, of which I have recorded twenty-two, made on persons where both were at or nearly at the normal standard. With regard to the frequency of the pulse, the results were conflicting and by no means reliable. In the majority of cases there was an increase, immediately after the bath, ranging from four to eighteen beats per minute. In others there was no change whatever, and in a few there was an absolute diminution in frequency; this last I believe however to be a therapeutic rather than physiological effect, manifesting itself only where there is pneumogastric asthenia, With respect to the temperature, the results were somewhat more uniform. I have found that where this is either normal or slightly below, the immediate but transient effect is to raise it from 2 to 6 tenths of a degree (Fahrenheit)—in most instances 4 tenths. In a very few cases it remained unchanged, and in one case, where before the bath PHYSIOLOGICAL STIMULANT AND TONICcannot be overrated. I deem it superior in this respect to any other known agent. This effect manifests itself immediately by a feeling of exhilaration and unwonted vigor, remotely by an improvement—where there is a margin for such—in the performance of some or all of the physiological functions, as well as by a gradual but nevertheless marked increase in weight. THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS,which may be subdivided into those on a) the appetite, b) digestion, absorption and assimilation, and c) alvine excretion. The improvement of the appetite under electro-balneological treatment is one of the most constant effects of this. While a series of baths will produce permanent results in this respect, an increase of the appetite, in some instances amounting to positive hunger, is a tolerably uniform and more or less immediate result of each separate bath. The permanent improvement of the appetite is relative. Not very appreciable where this is normal, it becomes most marked where the appetite has from some cause been impaired. The effect on the appetite is definite. The effects on absorption and assimilation are presumptive; but when we couple the absence of any corresponding difficulty in digesting the increased supply of food, with the increase before alluded to in the weight of the body, their assumption becomes fully justifiable. It is these combined The influence on the alvine process is if anything even more marked than that on the assimilative process. Where the action of the bowels is normal, it is not modified permanently by the electric bath, although we often have, as an immediate consequence, a cathartic effect that manifests itself as a more or less watery evacuation, either a few hours after the bath or on the succeeding day. Where the fecal process however is sluggish, the improvement resulting from the baths is very striking. I shall recur more fully to this subject under the head of constipation. The effects on the various functions connected with digestion are due doubtless to the combined influences of stimulation of the secretions of the alimentary canal and stimulation of the muscular coats of the stomach and intestines, as well as permanent tonization of the muscularis. While the enhancement of the secretions is undoubtedly due chiefly to the electric stimulus to the secreto-motor nerves, and the increased activity of the muscular coats to a like influence transmitted to their motor nerves, I believe the permanent tonization and invigoration of the muscular fibres to be mainly attributable to the The influence on the SEXUAL APPARATUSof the electric bath does not manifest itself in so striking a manner as in the case of the organs of digestion. It is true I have seen individuals whose sexual functions were normal, have stysis in the bath, but the mere cutaneous irritation of the electric current is here sufficient to account for a phenomenon which, where sexual irritability is intact, will follow any other local irritations. If not as immediately perceptible, the stimulant and permanent tonic and invigorating influences on the sexual organs are not much less constant than the corresponding influences on digestion. Careful observation, however, of a considerable number of cases where the sexual function was more or less impaired, has convinced me that while there can be The stimulant and tonic effects under consideration, although shared to some extent by other methods of electrization, are here far more comprehensive and pronounced, a fact which is not surprising, when we reflect that in the electric bath not only are all the organs indirectly influenced through stimulation of the nervous centres, but each separate organ is at the same time directly acted upon by the current. A direct sequence of the stimulant and tonic effects of the electric bath is its SEDATIVE INFLUENCE.This sedative effect, whereof the hypnotic effect already spoken of is the supreme manifestation, must not be associated for a moment with any idea of depression, for here we have none such. In addition to what I have already said in endeavoring to account for the hypnotic influence of the baths, I refer the reader for further information to the admirable The galvanic bath shares with other galvanic applications made in the cranial and upper spinal region, the effect of producing the galvanic taste, as also the flashes when the current is interrupted, showing that the CRANIAL NERVEScome within the sphere of its influence. A further effect peculiar to the galvanic bath is a sense of ITCHING,felt chiefly in the lower extremities and about the neck, and proportioned to the intensity of the current. Rather pleasant when mild or medium currents are used, under the influence of strong currents it may become so intense as to create an irresistible desire on the part of the bather to scratch especially the legs. A negative effect of the galvanic bath, even where very intense currents are used, is the ABSOLUTE FREEDOM FROM PAINthroughout the entire process. I wish this to be This absence of pain, which cannot be claimed for correspondingly intense local applications, is to be attributed to the diffusion of the current throughout the body and its surface, as well as through the water of the bath. The redness of the entire back after a galvanic bath, is among the proofs of this diffusion. Freedom from pain is a characteristic likewise of the faradic bath, properly administered. When too strong a faradic current however is incautiously administered, the resulting muscular contractions are accompanied by an amount of local pain proportioned to the violence of the contractions. By keeping the faradic current within proper limits, all pain can be avoided. With respect to MUSCULAR CONTRACTIONS,the effects of the electric bath may be distinguished from those obtained by other modes of faradization The physiological effects on THE MINDof electric baths, is a natural result of the enhanced tone and vigor of the physical system, and keeps pace with this. Mental buoyancy and even exhilaration are among the most common sequences of electric baths. Although indirect, these results are none the less decided. It has been my aim in the foregoing remarks to give the reader, as concisely as possible and within the limits which I set for myself in the beginning of the present chapter, a summary of the more important physiological effects of electric baths. As the isolated results of observations made in a limited field by one unaided individual, I trust the shortcomings of this chapter will be viewed indulgently. If what I have said of the physiological effects of electric baths proves the means of stimulating to further investigation more competent observers than myself, my labor, whatever its imperfections, will not have been in vain. Footnotes: |