MODE OF ADMINISTRATION. I shall describe under this head the modus operandi of administering a routine galvanic or faradic bath. As it will become necessary to describe special modes of administration when speaking of the electro-balneological treatment of special diseases, the describing them now would only lead to tautologies that I am desirous of avoiding. Taking our cue from the indications to be met in each case, it becomes necessary, according to circumstances, to use either the galvanic current, the faradic, or both successively. As modifications of the application of the currents we have to consider 1) their intensity; 2) their direction, and 3) the duration of the application. The intensity of the galvanic current corresponds directly to the number of cells from which it is derived. It were vain however to attempt to express this in figures, because the electro-motive force of different batteries varies to so great an extent, that a To determine the direction of the current is sufficiently simple. Where a descending current is desired, the binding post which represents the electrode at the head of the tub must be connected to the positive pole of the battery, the other binding post to the negative pole; where an ascending current is desired, the reverse of this is done. The duration of the bath varies with different cases. The average is about twenty minutes, though the time may range from ten minutes to an hour and a half. Where it is desired to give the patient a galvanic shock, it is only necessary rapidly to reverse the current by means of the commutator. The simultaneous contraction of almost the ENTIRE muscular I have before (page14) described a “surface board,” which I have devised for the purpose of localizing the current from one of the poles in any portion of the body where required. This proceeding should by no means be looked upon as a “local” method of electrization; on the contrary, it is just as much “general” as the ordinary electric bath. Whereas in local applications the current runs from one point of the body to another, in this case, supposing the spot where the surface board is applied to be the centre, and the rest of the body the periphery, a current runs between every point of the periphery and the centre, its direction being centripetal when the surface board communicates with the negative, centrifugal when with the positive pole of the battery. The current is felt more or less intensely in proportion to the proximity to the body of the surface board. With the galvanic this is less noticeable than with the faradic current. When, for example, a faradic Where the current is to be concentrated in a manner still more energetic than that described, this can be effected by raising the objective part above the surface of the water, and then applying the surface board. In this way the entire strength of the current is concentrated in one spot, whereas, when the surface board is applied under water, a large portion of current is absorbed by this. This appears to me the fittest place to say a few words in regard to the relative conductivity of the human body and water—the latter at the temperature Having thus cursorily considered the manner of using the electric current in the administration of a “routine” bath, and there being no remarks required concerning the water employed, in addition to what has been said in the previous chapter, a few words are in place on the subject of chemicals. As has been previously stated (page13) these are added: a) to be absorbed, and thus act medicinally on the patient; b) to act on the skin; c) through chemical affinity to facilitate the elimination from the body of certain metallic substances, and d) to further the absorption of morbid deposits. Of the many drugs and medicines that no doubt may be made to answer these various purposes, I have had personal experience with but few, and of these I will mention the leading ones only. A requisite of all chemicals to be employed is their ready solubility in water. Of substances intended for absorption Iodine I have employed with a view to its absorption in rheumatism and gout. I cannot speak favorably of it in this connection. I have not in a single instance found a bath charged with iodine, either in the form of the tincture or of iodide of potassium, followed by results in any way differing from those of the simple galvanic bath employed in the same cases. Extract of malt I have employed as a roborant, Where the absorption of substances is aimed at, the galvanic current must be employed. Where we add substances to an electric bath with a view of producing some special action on the skin, we may be guided by the same principles that govern ordinary balneology. Thus to obtain counter-irritant effects, we may add mustard or common salt; to render the bath alkaline, bicarbonate of potassa or soda, etc., etc. An important object to be furthered by the addition to the galvanic bath of chemicals, is the elimination from the system of certain metallic substances. It will be found here that in practice we have to deal chiefly with two substances, viz: mercury and lead. That the elimination of these bodies by means of the galvanic bath is feasible, I shall endeavor to demonstrate further on. At present I have simply to consider the chemicals adapted for the purpose, and the manner of using them. To facilitate the extraction from the system of mercury, nitric-acid has been recommended by those who have heretofore instituted this treatment. While I cannot positively deny that this substance may aid in the elimination of the metal, I am compelled Where the elimination of lead is the object aimed at, I am, on the other hand, satisfied of the utility of adding certain chemicals to the water of the bath. Sulphuric acid has been suggested and used for this purpose. I can say nothing respecting its usefulness, as I have never tried it. Indeed, the results with iodide of potassium added to the bath have been so satisfactory, that I have had no occasion to try any other chemical, although almost any other of the preparations of iodine would probably answer equally well. The chemical affinity of iodine for lead affords a ready explanation of its usefulness in this respect. One ounce of iodide of potassium to each bath appears to me a suitable quantity. I have had no personal experience with any other cases of chronic metallic intoxication than those with lead and mercury. The absorption of morbid deposits (plastic exudations, etc.) can be materially furthered by adding I have said above (page26) that I had found no perceptible benefit from the addition of this substance to the galvanic bath in cases of rheumatism or gout. The contrary holds good however with respect to the frequent sequence of these diseases—articular deposits. When the acute, and to a great extent the subacute symptoms have subsided—and in chronic cases especially, and the disease has left effusions in various joints, iodine, which when employed in this manner, appears to have little or no influence on the pain accompanying these complaints, is a powerful adjuvant in promoting the absorption of the deposits. In chronic synovitis and all other articular affections accompanied by exudation, the same holds good. I have no doubt that future advances in this branch of science will develop the utility of numerous other drugs and chemicals as additions to the galvanic bath.—Before leaving this subject I must call attention to the influence which the addition to the bath of certain substances has on the conductivity of the water, resp. thus: the action of the current on the patient. I have found that when I caused salt or bicarbonate of soda to be added to Footnotes: |