The Narrows, Upper St. Mary’s Lake, with Baring’s Basin in the Background | Frontispiece | Upper Two Medicine Lake and Rising Bull Mountain | 8 | Pi?-ta-mak-an (Running Eagle) Falls | 12 | At Upper Two Medicine Lake | 20 | Showing Tail-Feathers-Coming-over-the-Hill, Yellow Wolf, and the author | | Moving Camp from Two Medicine | 42 | Our Camp on Cutbank River | 46 | Showing Wonderful Runner and Little Plume Mountains | | Stream from Unnamed Glacier pouring into Cutbank Canyon | 52 | The Beaver Dam | 60 | Bighorn Country. Head of Cutbank River | 80 | Cutbank River. A Good Trout Riffle | 84 | Black Bull and Stabs-by-Mistake near Lower End of Cutbank Canyon | 96 | Stabs-by-Mistake, Sun Woman, and her Son, Little Otter, in Cutbank Canyon | 106 | Big Spring painting Autobiography on the Flesh Side of a Tanned Elk-Skin | 110 | Sun Woman | 128 | Camp near Lower End of Upper St. Mary’s Lake | 146 | At the Narrows, Upper St. Mary’s Lake | 152 | Going-to-the-Sun Mountain | 156 | Going-to-the-Sun Chalet, Upper St. Mary’s Lake | 180 | Opening of the Elk Medicine Pipe Ceremony | 206 | Elk Medicine Pipe Dance | 210 | Tail-Feathers-Coming-over-the-Hill propitiating the Dreaded Under-Water People at Upper Two Medicine Lake | 212 | Iceberg Lake | 226 | En Route to Iceberg Lake | 234 | Glacier on Trail to Iceberg Lake | 240 | From photographs by R.W. Reed
Blackfeet Tales of Glacier National Park