- Abbu Ella, Troop trains at, 67
- Abdel Rahman Bair, 246
- Attack on, 255, 257, 259
- Achi Baba, 127
- Advances on, 149
- Attack on, 215
- Description of, 131
- Futility of assaulting, 265
- Guns on, 214
- May attack on, 145
- Adana, 79
- Admiralty, Delay of message from, 16
- Adrianople, Turkish forces at, 213
- Aeroplanes—
- Enemy, 268
- German over Quinn's, 197
- Taube driven down, 255
- Agamemnon, H.M.S., 82
- Age, Melbourne, Correspondent of, 10
- Aghyl Dere, 247
- 4th Brigade capture, 251
- Akaba, Gulf of, 80
- Albany—
- Convoy rendezvous at, 74
- Description of harbour, 30
- Final scenes, 34
- King's visit to, 30
- Traditions of, 28
- Transport fleet at, 31
- Albatross, German aeroplane, 163
- Alexandria, 62, 96
- Aspect in July, 216
- Convoy reaches, 66
- "Allah," Turks call, 162
- Allanson, Major C. G., 261
- Allies' War Council, 279
- Amenol, Use of, 290
- Ammunition—
- For "Great Adventure," 224
- Hamilton's admissions about, 211
- Mule transport of, 181
- Turks receive, 280
- Want of, 291
- Anafarta, Bujik, 169, 220, 246, 269
- Advance in Valley of, 252
- Antill, Brigadier-General, 240, 287
- Anzac—
- Administration leave, 287
- Army Corps, return of, 284
- Artillery position at, 181
- Bomb factory at, 172
- Calm days at, 136
- Casualties, total, 291
- Closing scenes at, 283 seq.
- Compared to Helles, 284
- Arrival of, 271
- Last stand, 290
- 1st Infantry Brigade, 117, 138, 219, 220
- Landing, 109
- Lone Pine, 221-7
- 2nd Infantry Brigade, 77, 109, 117, 188, 237
- At Helles, 143, 150
- 3rd Infantry Brigade, 100, 105, 117, 182
- At Thermia, 97
- Landing, 104, 109
- Landing casualties, 122
- 4th Infantry Brigade, 71, 111, 117, 122, 137, 138, 244, 257, 269, 272, 273, 276
- Advance, 245, 250 seq.
- Evacuation, 289
- Subterranean barracks, 284
- 5th Infantry Brigade, 276
- 1st Light Horse Brigade, 71, 135
- 2nd Light Horse Brigade, 182, 205, 264
- 3rd Light Horse Brigade, 71, 238, 289
- Artillery, 3rd Brigade, 182, 145
- Engineers, 3rd Field Company, 223;
- 5th Field Company, 290
- Victorians charge at Krithia, 150
- Australians—
- Amusements of, 73
- Attitude of wounded, 107
- Birdwood's, General, appreciation of, 270, 283
- Character of, 8
- Descriptions of, 74
- Dispatch riders, 271
- General Hamilton's praise of, 9, 270
- Hatred of trench warfare, 221
- King's message to, 171, 242
- Buresk, s.s., 53
- Burgess, Major, 188
- Burnage, Lieut.-Colonel, 141, 252
- Burton, Corporal, 265
- Caddy, Major, 188
- Caiques, Greek, in Dardanelles, 98
- Cairo, 63
- Australian pastimes in, 73
- Paradox of, 73
- Troops leave for, 66
- Young Turk Party in, 75
- Cannan, Lieut.-Colonel, 201, 251, 258
- Cape Helles offensive, 220
- Carden, Admiral, 93
- Cass, Lieut.-Colonel, 109, 145, 264
- Saves situation, 154
- Version of landing, 42
- Castro, 96
- Casualties—
- Landing, 126
- Total Anzac, 291
- Total Turkish, 291
- Turkish May attack, 163
- Caucasus, Turks in, 213
- Censor, Attitude of Australian, 41
- Chailak Dere, 261
- Cham Kalesi, 132
- Chanak, Forts at, 130, 213
- Channel, Brigadier-General, 71, 135, 195, 243
- Chapman, Lieut.-Colonel A. E., 275, 276
- Chatham's Post, 182, 288
- Evacuation of, 290
- Chaytor, Captain, 175
- Cheshire Ridge, barracks in, 284
- Chessboard Trenches, 200
- Attack on, 140, 238, 242
- Casualties at, 243
- Description of, 191
- China Squadron, Flagship of, 16
- Chocolate Hills, 252, 271
- Advance, 255
- Chope, Lieutenant, 76
- Christian, Colonel, 145, 219
- Chunak Bair, 119, 137, 92
- Headquarters, 9, 217
- Interview with, 95
- Landing plans, 93
- Needs more troops, 104
- Plan of "Great Adventure," 212 seq.
- Plan of Sari Bair battle, 247 seq.
- Praise of Australians, 9, 270
- Questioned on evacuation, 280
- Recall to London, 280
- Strategy of, 220
- Sums up Anzac landing, 127
- Sums up his army, 279
- Sums up July position, 214
- Views on Armistice, 164
- Hamilton, Private, 265
- Hangars at Tenedos, 187
- Happy Valley, 120, 190
- Hardinge, H.M.S., 88
- Hardy, Captain, 65
- "Haricot" redoubt, 146
- French repulse at, 150, 154
- Harris Ridge, attack on, 206
- "Hates," Artillery, 169
- "Heart of Anzac," 169
- Heliopolis, Camp at, 70
- Hell Spit, 177
- Danger at, 171
- Machine guns at, 179
- Helles, Cape, 94
- Auckland Battalion at, 149
- Battleship support, 147
- British landing, 99, 126
- Cass saves situation at, 154
- Colonel M'Cay's dilemma at, 151
- Compared with Anzac, 144
- Country at, 144
- Evacuation, 291
- Guns at, 219
- Main Turkish force at, 256
- May attacks, 143, 145
- Offensive at, 220
- Otago Battalion at, 149
- Second attack, 147
- Supplies at, 148
- Turks hoodwinked at, 211
- Turkish success at, 236
- 29th Division at, 126
- Victorian charge at, 150
- Wellington Battalion at, 149
- Herring, Major, 274
- Hill 971, 103, 119, Emden at, 42, 53
- Sydney leaves, 57
- Kelid Bahr, Fortifications of, 94, 115, 130, 214, 288
- Kelid Bair, 168
- Kephalos Bay, 9
- Anchorage at, 217
- Mine-sweepers at, 130
- Keveres Dere, 146
- Keysor, Private, 265
- Kiddle, Captain, of Minotaur, 36
- Kieslinger, Lieutenant, 54
- King Ferdinand, 96
- King George's Sound—
- Convoy assemble at, 24
- Traditions of, 28
- King, His Majesty the, Message from, 282
- King, Major, 231
- Kitchener, Earl, 90, 281
- At Russell Top, 282
- Delivers King's message, 283
- Message to Australasians, 283
- Visit to Anzac, 282
- Koja Chemen Tepe (see also Hill 971), 103, 116, 190, 220
- Kojadere, 137
- Turkish camp at, 105
- Turkish trenches to, 187
- KÖnigsberg, Sinking of, 40
- H.M.A.S. Sydney, and, 54
- Krithia, 127
- Country round, 144
- May attack on, 143, 149
- Plans to capture, 205, 214
- Road into, 153
- Krupp guns captured, 106
- Kum Kale Fort—
- Attack on, 220
- Bombardment of, 92, 94
- Kurdish Cavalry, 80
- Lakes, Bitter, 84
- Landing, Australian—
- Anzac covering force, 104
- Country faced at, 106
- Crisis, 113, 116
- Details of, 102 seq.
- Effect of current on, 103
- Fourth Brigade in, 112
- Navy's part in, 107
- Need of artillery at, 115
- New Zealand part in, 254, 263
- No. 3 Outpost, 248, 271
- No Man's Land, 201
- Observation post, Turkish, 149
- Ocean Beach, 173, 263, 289
- Ocean, H.M.S., 92
- Sinking of, 93
- Olive Grove Battery, 157, 214, 280
- Onslow, Captain, Death of, 170
- Ordnance stores, Anzac, 169, 173
- Orvieto, H.M.T., 8
- Departure of, 25
- Osaki, Japanese cruiser, 45
- Osboldstone & Co., 10
- Otago Battalion, 142, 149, 247, 253
- Captures Bauchop's Hill, 249
- Ottoman Empire—
- Help for, 281
- Exhaustion of, 291
- Outposts, 173
- Outpost No. 1, 289
- Outpost No. 2, 177, 263
- Attack from, 248
- Observation from, 254
- Strengthening of, 218
- Troops move to, 224
- Outpost No. 3—
- Attack on, 248
- Prisoners taken at, 271
- Overhead cover, Turkish, 189
- Owen, Cunliffe-, Brigadier-General, 219
- Owen's Gully, 224