Anacharis: Fair oxygenator—planted or floating—needs abundance of light. Ludwigia: Fair oxygenator. Leaves—top green, underneath red. Sagittaria: Excellent oxygenators, three varieties: NATANS—long narrow leaves; GIGANTEA—broad stocky 8 leaves; SUBULATA—(dwarf) 4 to 6 narrow leaves. Cabomba: Little value as oxygenator—fanlike green leaves. Hair Grass: Fair oxygenator—rapidly covers floor with 4 grassy needles. Southern Spatterdock: Ornamental—broad bright green leaves. Vallisneria: Excellent oxygenator—15 long—multiplies rapidly by runners. Myriophyllum: Ornamental—excellent for spawn of adhesive egg layers. Salvinia: Floating—¼ leaves covered with velvety hairs. Duck Weed: Ornamental bright green floating plant. Riccia: Very fine bright green floating plant—valuable in spawning bubble nest builders, especially Dwarf Gourami. Cryptocoryne: Leaves top dark green, underside dark red. Needs some soil, slow grower. Very decorative and necessary in spawning some species. {Scavengers}