J. Donald Egerton | Lumber king and mill-owner | Augustus Jergens | A partner | Sam Williams | Leader of the strikers | General Chadbourne | In command of the State Militia | Captain Haskell | Second in command | Rev. Ezra Hardbrooke | Bishop of the Diocese | John. W. Braddock | Governor of the State | Ralph Ardsley | Editor of the Foreston Courier | Chief of Police | CoÖperating with the Militia | George Egerton | Son of Donald Egerton | Harry Egerton | Son of Donald Egerton | Harvey Anderson | Former cowboy and Rough Rider | Buck Bentley | One of the Militia | Wes Dicey | A walking delegate | Jim King | Supporter of Dicey | Rome Masters | Supporter of Dicey | Cap Saunders | An old miner | Bill Patten | Striker, off in search of work | Silas Maury | Striker, off in search of work | Willie Maury | Son of Silas Maury | Mary Egerton | Wife of Donald Egerton | Gladys Egerton | Daughter of Donald Egerton | Sylvia Orr | Friend of Mrs. Egerton | A chauffeur, a butler, a doctor, a nurse, two maids, two detectives, two sentries, strikers, strike-breakers, militiamen, guests at the reception, etc.
A land is not its timber but its people, | And not its Art, my father, but its men. | —Harry Egerton. |