OR SUPPLICATION FOR MERCY, AND A CONFESSION OF SIN, ADDRESSED TO THE AUTHOR OF LIFE, IN THE ODJIBWA-ALGONQUIN TONGUE. BY THE LATE MRS. HENRY R. SCHOOLCRAFT. 1. Gaitshe minno pimaudizzeyun, Gezha Monedo, gezhigong aibeyun 2. Keen, maumauwaikumig waozhemigoyun. 3. Keen, kah ozhiÉeyong, keen gaugegaikumig, kai nuhwaunemeyong, aikoobemaudizzeyong. 4. Keen, kainuhwaubaimeyong, geezhig tibbikuk tibishko. 5. Keen, Keozheahn-geezhik-geezis, dibbik-geezis, aunungug gia. 6. Keen, kegeozhetoan tshe kimmewung, gia tshe annimikeeaug, tshe sai sai yung, tshe sogepoog gia. 7. Keen kau ozheiyong tshe unnewegauboweyaung, kakinnuk kau ozheudjig akeeng. 8. Kee, gemishemin odjechaugwug, wekaukaine bosigoog. Kee gemishemin kebauzhigo kegwiss Jesus Christ, tshe oonjenebood neeno-wind. 9. Mozhug issuh nemudjee-inaindumin, kagait mozhug nemudjee-eki-domin; nahwudj neminwaindumin tshe mudjee-dodumaung. 10. Kagaitego me kaisoondje izhauyaungebun mudjee Moneto. 11. Showainemishinaum, Gezha Monedo. 12. Showainemishinaum, Jesus Christ. 13. Maishkoodjetoan ne mudjee-odai-enaunin. 14. Meezhishenaun edush oushke odaiyun. 15. Apaidush nah saugeigsayun, gia dush todumaung kau izhe gugeek-wayun. 16. Me ozhissinaum odaiyun tshe minwaindumaung, tshe annahme autogoyun. 17. Showainim neendunahwaitmaugunenaunig unishenaubaig. 18. Showainim kukinnuh menik pemaudizzejig akeeng. 19. Showainemishenaum kaidokoo pemaudizzeyong, appe dush nee-boyong. 20. Showainemishenaum neen jeechaugonaunig tshe izhowaud keen. 21. Kaugegaikumig edush tshe menawaunegooz eyong ozaum ne mudje-pemaudizzewin auno unnahmeyauyongin. 22. Kauween edush kewee pemaudizzewin, kishpin aitah appainemo yong Kegwiss Jesus Christ. 23. Aipetainemud kegwiss showainemishenaum. Kunnah gai kunnah 1. Great good author of Life, Gezha Monedo, abiding in the heavens 2. Thou hast made all things. 3. Thou art the giver,—Thou, the everlasting preserver of life. 4. Thou hast guarded me, by day and by night. 5. Thou hast made the sun and moon, and the stars. 6. Thou makest the rain, the thunder, the hail, and the snows. 7. Thou didst make man to stand upright, and has placed him over all that is on the earth. 8. Thou hast given us souls, that will never die. Thou hast sent thy son Jesus Christ to die for us. 9. Continually are our thoughts evil, and truly, our words are evil continually. 10. Verily, we deserve punishment with the Spirit of Evil. 11. Show pity on us, Gezha Monedo. 12. Show pity on us, Jesus Christ. 13. Reform our wicked hearts. 14. Give us new hearts. 15. May we love thee with all our hearts, and by our acts obey thy precepts, (or sayings.) 16. Give us hearts to delight in prayer. 17. Show mercy to all our kindred, unishenaubaig, or common people, (means exclusively the Red Men.) 18. Show mercy to all who live on the earth. 19. Pity us, and befriend us, living and dying. 20. And receive our souls to thyself. 21. Ever to dwell in thine abiding place of happiness. 22. Not in our own frail strength of life, do we ask this; but alone in the name of Jesus Christ. 23. Grant us thy mercy, in the name of thy Son. So be it ever. Those who take an interest in the structure of the Indian languages, may regard the above, as an improvised specimen of the capacity of this particular dialect for the expression of scripture truth. The writer, who from early years was a member of the church, had made a translation of the Lords prayer, and, occasionally, as delicate and declining health permitted, some other select pieces from the sacred writings, and hymns, of which, one or two selections may, perhaps, hereafter be made. The distinction between the active and passive voice, in the Odjibwa language, is formed by the inflection ego.