A - A bear trapped, 98
- A box of minerals stolen, 40
- A granitical formation on Lake Superior, 88
- A long fast, 126
- A new philological principle in languages, 455
- A phenomenon, 103
- A precinct of Indian orgies, 115
- A sub-expedition to Sandy Lake, 112
- A war-party surprised, 552
- Account of sub-explorations of Green Bay, 210
- Acipenser oxyrinchus, 95
- Acipenser spatularia, 163
- Advance of Lake Superior to the Rocky Mountains, 109
- African and Indian marriages, 108
- Agaric mineral, 60
- Agate, 87
- Agglutinative properties of the Indian pronoun, 502
- Aggregate fall of the Mississippi below Sandy Lake, 150;
- commencement of the calcareous rocks, 150
- Algoma, 107
- Algonquin language justly applauded, 122
- Algonac, 50
- Allenoga River, 250
- Allen's Lake, 263
- Aluminous minerals, 354
- American Indian policy, 546
- American antiquities, 166
- Amygdaloid, 90
- An Indian breakfast, 253
- An Indian grave with hieroglyphics, 88
- An Indian nonplused in the woods, 97
- An Indian salute, 120
- Analysis of Lake Superior copper at Utrecht, 364
- Anodonta corpulenta, 516
- Announcement of return of expedition, of 1820, 279
- Antique markings on the pinus resinosa, 552
- Antique notices of the lake mineralogy, 295
- Antiquities, 157;
- first notice of in 1766, 165
- Apparent tide in the Baltic, 191
- Appearance of dune sand at Point aux Barques, 54
- Appendix No. 2, 449
- Apricots in bloom on the 22d of April, 41
- Arched rock, 61
- Argillaceous stratum of Detroit, 307
- Argillite, 111
- Artesian borings for water, 51
- Art of the wounded duck, 249
- Arts and manufactures of the Chippewas and Ottowas, 70
- Ascent of the Assowa River, 235
- Asphaltum and naphtha, 196
- Assassination of Owen Keveny, 69
- Assowa Lake, 239
- Atmospheric heat 28th June, 96
- Aux Sables Indians, 55
B - Bark letter in pictographic characters, 433
- Barometrical height of Cass Lake, 139
- Barytic minerals, 357
- Basin of Lake Michigan, 335
- Basin of Lake Superior, 318
- Bat in wood, 396
- Beltrami, 227
- Birch Lake, 263
- Birds inhabiting the region of Pakagama Falls, 130
- Birds of Lake Superior, 104
- Birds of the Wisconsin Valley, 181
- Bituminous minerals, 358
- Bivalve shells, 415
- Black River, 103
- Boatswain to Com. Perry in 1813, 194
- Botany, 408
- Boulders on the shores of Lake St. Clair, 49
- Boundary between Michigan and Wisconsin, 103
- Breadth of the Mississippi at Sandy Lake, 124
- Brigham's residence at Blue Mound, 568
- BrulÉ summit, 273
- Buckshot gravel, 62
- Buffalo hunt, 146
C - Cabotian Mountains, 110
- Calcareous minerals, 350
- Canadian canoe-song, 189
- Canoe-race, 48
- Capt. Douglass, 210
- Capt. Jouett, 269
- Capture and massacre of the garrison of old Mackinac, 63
- Carnage River, 248
- Carnelian, 87
- Carver's Cave, 159
- Carver's travels, 21
- Cass, his official report, 280
- Cass Lake, 130
- Cass Lake basin, 328
- Cass on Indian hieroglyphics, 430
- Cassville, Wisconsin, 169
- Chagoimegon, 105
- Chalcedony and calcareous spar, 54
- Charles Stokes, Esq., his geological memoir, 315
- Charlevoix's visit to America, 20
- Character and value of Dubuque's lead mines, 172
- Character of the bison, 147
- Character of the Canadian voyageur, 124
- Cheboigan, its etymology, 213
- Chenos, a masked coast, 73
- Chicago, etymology of name, population, and greatness, 198
- Chief Guelle Plat, 255
- Chippewa character of the Kekeewin, 154
- Chippewa dance, 87
- Chippewa term of salutation, 84
- Chippewa village, 94
- Cinnamon-colored radiated quartz, 163
- Claimants to mine lands, 365
- Clinton River, 49
- Club fungus partially fossilized, 204
- Coal in Western New York, 391
- Coast of boulders, 215
- Col. Croghan's attack at Fort Holmes in 1814, 64
- Col. Pierce, 58
- Coluber Æstivus, 50
- Combustibles, 536
- Commercial value of copper, 372
- Conchology, 178
- Connection with Blackhawk's plans disclaimed, 272
- Cooper's description of shells, 515
- Copper-bearing trap-dykes, 89
- Copper boulder, its size, 97
- Copper-head snake, 238
- Copper ores of Mineral Point, 567
- Cormorant, 130
- Corn ripens at St. Peter's Valley, 153
- Cornu-ammonis; a fossiliferous coast, 56
- Corregonus albus, 260
- Cost of lake transportation, 376
- Council at Cass Lake, 251
- Council at Sandy Lake, 226
- Council at St. Peter's agency, 269
- Council at the ultimate point of the first expedition, 133
- Council with Indians;
- their hostility, 78;
- they raise the British flag, 79
- Crow-wing River, 145
- Crystals of iron pyrites, 196
- Cupreous formation, 324
- Cup-shaped concavities, 61
D - Dacota, or Nadownsie Indians, 158
- Danger escaped, 566
- Date and circumstance of Pike's visit to Sandy Lake, 117
- Date of Prairie du Chien, 167
- Date of the battle of Badaxe, 269
- Date of Wisconsin as a territorial name, 176
- De Witt Clinton offers the use of his library, 23
- Dead scaffolded, 122
- Defect of postal facilities, at Mackinac, 65
- Depth of the Detroit clay beds, 51
- Derogative inflections of the Indian noun, 476
- Descent of Itasca River, 246
- Description of the Indian canoe, 47
- Desiderata of discovery, 227
- Detroit completely burnt down in 1805, 44
- Detroit first founded in 1701, 45
- Difficulty of studying the Indian tongues, 441
- Difficulty of the descent of the BrulÉ, 273
- Diluvial elevations, 385
- Diminutive forms of the Odjibwa noun, 474
- Discover native copper, 90
- Discovery of Itasca Lake, 573
- Distance from Lake Superior to Lake Pepin, 544
- Distance from St. Peter's to the gulf, 153;
- elevation of the country, 153
- Distances travelled in the expedition of 1831, 544
- Dr. McDonnell's letter, 439
- Dr. Mitchell's summary of discoveries, 416
- Drift-stratum, 115, 322
- Dubuque City, 170
- Du Ponceau's prize essay, 453
E - Earliest date of Winnebago history, 194
- Earthy compounds, 534
- Elementary structure of the Algonquin language, 442
- Elk Island, 216
- Elk River, its latitude, 147
- Elevation of Lake Superior, 107
- Elevation of the cliff of La Grange, 162
- Elevation of the country at the Savanna Portage, 120
- Encampment at St. Mary's, 76
- Ephemeral insects, 167
- Epoch of the deposit of St. Mary's sandstone, 539
- Epochs of geological action proved by fossils, 400
- Era of Pontiac's hostile movements, 62
- Era of the discovery of the St. Lawrence, 121
- Erismatolite, 103
- Erratic block stratum, 53
- Erratic block and drift stratum, 61
- Essay on the Odjibwa substantive, 453
- Establishment of a military post at St. Peter's, 152
- Etymology, 116
- Etymology of Manitowakie, 195
- Etymology of Minnesota, 156
- Etymology of Namikong, 85
- Etymology of Pawating, 81
- Etymology of Rum River, 150
- Etymology of the word Konamik, 186
- Etymology of the word Michilimackinac, 70
- Etymology of the word Mississippi, 140
- Etymology of the word Wisconsin, 179
- Etymology of Waganukizzie, 207
- Evidences of ancient Indian cultivation, 59
- Evidences of diluvial action, 318
- Explorations recommended, 285
- Extensive and fertile bow-shaped area, 135
F - Fallacious appearance of a tide in Green Bay, 191
- Fallacious information of the Indians, respecting the lead mines, 180
- Falls and precipices, 110
- Falls of St. Croix, 270
- Falls of the Montreal River, 103
- Federation group of islands of Lake Superior, 105, 321
- Feud between the Sioux and Chippewas, 545
- Final embarkation at Grosse Point, 49
- Final separation of the party at Fort Dearborn, 197
- First lake vessel built by La Salle, 212
- First steamboat visits Michilimackinac in 1819, 212
- Flat Rock Point, organic remains, 55
- Flock of pigeons drowned in storms, 195
- Flora of Lake Michigan, 206
- Fluor spar, 353
- Fond du Lac, 184
- Fondness of the Indians for melons, 170
- Forest-trees, 143
- Forest-trees buried by oceanic drift, 51
- Fort Holmes, when dismantled, 64
- Fort Howard, 190
- Fort Niagara built, 62
- Fossil fauna of the West, 199
- Fossil wood, 386
- Foundation of old Mackinac, 62
- Fox chief Aquoqua, 171
- Fox River Valley, 184
- Fox Village, 169
- Freshwater conchology, 188
- Freshwater shells of the Fox and Wisconsin, 416
- Friendship of Wawetum, 67
- Friendly act of the daughter of Wabojeeg, 80
- Frogs inclosed in stone, 386
- Fringillia vespertina, or Schoolcraft's grosbec, 515
- Further discussion of the Odjibwa substantive, 470
G - Galena, 174
- Generalizations on the Mississippi River, 139
- Geographical data of the portage from Lake Superior to the St. Croix and Chippewa Rivers, 540
- Geological deductions, 300
- Geological memoranda, 119
- Geological monuments, 332
- Geology of Mackinac, 66
- Geological outlines of the Lake Superior coast, 109
- Geological phenomena, 245
- Geology, 261
- Glacial action, 216
- Globe of sandstone from a geological pocket-hole, 316
- Grammatical structure of sentences in the Odjibwa, 495
- Granite Point, 88
- Granular gypsum in sandstone, 86
- Graphic granite, 84
- Gratiot's Grove, 564
- Grauwackke, 111
- Grauwackke of Iron River, 321
- Grave of Dubuque, 174
- Gray wolf, 149, 166
- Great copper boulder on Lake Superior, 294
- Great sand dunes, 85
- Green Bay City, 191
- Group of the Manatouline Islands, 74
- Grosbec—new species, 515
- Gypsum, 65, 313
H - Habits of the anas canadensis, 234
- Helix, 515
- Hennepin, 151
- Henry Inman, 23
- Herds of buffalo east of the Mississippi, 432
- High value of the Lake Superior copper mines urged on Congress, 368
- Highest platform mound on the Mississippi, 157
- Highlands of Sauble, 310
- Historical data respecting Dubuque's mines, 174
- Historical data respecting the smallpox, 578
- Historical facts, 150
- History of Green Bay, 190
- History of the Chippewas, 121
- History of the Fox Indians, 175
- Hochungara, or Winnebagoes, 181
- Holcus fragrans, 157
- Houghton's analysis of the lake copper, 527
- Houghton's plants, 519
- How possessives are formed in the Chippewa, 461
- Human skull in the solid part of a living tree, 396
- Huron coast line, 309
- Huttonian theory, 405
- Hystrix, 73
I - Ice formed on the 19th of July, 127
- Illigan Lake, 264
- Image stone, 231
- Importance of vaccination to Indians, 581
- Impression of a trilobite in quartz, 66
- Indian altar, 55
- Indian birch-bark letter, 433
- Indian boundary, 149
- Indian chief Red Thunder, 158
- Indian chief Red Wing, 163
- Indian corn-dance, 160
- Indian council, 99
- Indian council at the mouth of the Crow-wing, 267
- Indian dwarf, 178
- Indian language, 453
- Indian myth of Itasca, stanzas on, 243
- Indian oratory, 256
- Indian queen, 254
- Indian summer, 428
- Indian superstition respecting mines, 374
- Indian symbol for a man, 113
- Indian term for geologist, 90
- Indian trait, 151
- Indian translation of an expression, 144
- Indian tribes visited in 1831, 540
- Indian women engage in mining, 173
- Indian women gathering rice, 130
- Indians turn mineralogists, 90
- Inquiries respecting the history of the Indians, 438
- Inter-European amalgamation, 77
- Intrepid act of Gen. Cass, 80
- Iron sand, 106
- Irving's Lake, 230
- Island of ancient Indian sepulchre, 194
- Itasca Lake, 246
J - James Riley, 78
- Jargon of the northwest, 234
- John Johnston, Esq., 80
- Journey from Albany to Geneva, 41
- Journey in a sleigh across the Highlands, 40
K - Kabamappa accuses the Sioux of treachery, 548
- Kaginogumaug, or Longwater Lake, 261
- Kakabika Falls, 247
- Kakala, its probable meaning, 187
- Kalamazoo, 203
- Kubba-Kunna, 234
L - La Hontan's apocryphal discovery on Long River, 19
- Lac PlÈ, 263
- Lac Traverse, 229
- Lac Vieux Desert, 263
- Lacustrine clay-flats of Lake St. Clair, 49
- Lake action, 318
- Lake Audrusia, 228
- Lake Chetac, 543
- Lake Douglass, 265
- Lake drift, 323
- Lake Pepin, 163, 332
- Lake St. Clair, 216
- Landscape of Michilimackinac, 71
- Last year the bison is seen east of the Mississippi, 148
- Latitude of Mackinac, 64
- Lead mines at Dubuque, 168, 333
- Leading events in the life of Gen. Macomb, 72
- Leaf River of the Crow-wing, 266
- Learn the state of the Sauc war, 269
- Leech Lake, 259
- Leech Lake River, 129; etymology, 129
- Left Hand River, 108
- Legal claim to the mine tract, 174
- Length of the Mississippi, 245
- Letter to Nathaniel H. Carter, Esq., 409
- Level of Lake Erie above tide-water, 43
- Limits of the cervus sylvestris, 515
- Line of discovery above Cass Lake, 244
- List of latitudes and longitudes, 289
- List of quadrupeds and birds observed, 413
- Little Crow chief, 157
- Little Vermilion Lake, 262
- Localities of minerals and rock strata, 211
- Locality of freshwater shells, 167
- Long Prairie River, 266
- Longitudinal phenomena, 109
- Lt. Col. Fowle, notice of, 168
- Lupus Americanus, 56
- Lyceum of Natural History, New York, extract from its annals, 532
- M. Woolsey, 588
- Mackinac limestone, 312
- Magnesian minerals, 356
- Magnitude of Lake Michigan, 202
- Marquette's discovery of the Mississippi, 17
- Mass of native copper, on the shores of Winnebago Lake, 185
- Massachusetts Island, 105
- Mean temperature at the sources of the Upper Mississippi River, 123;
- party for the ultimate discovery of this river, 123
- Mean temperature of St. Peter's Valley, 154
- Mean velocity of current of Mississippi River, 126
- Metallic masses, 100
- Metallic minerals, 340
- Meteorological journal kept at Chicago, 424
- Meteorology, 418
- Metoswa rapids, 229
- Metunna Rapids, 266
- Micaceous oxide of iron, 111
- Michigan—its population at various periods, 46
- Michilimackinac, 57, 311
- Michilimackinac first becomes a capital for the fur trade, 68;
- J. J. Astor occupies it in 1816, 68
- Miera, or Walk-in-the-water, 212
- Milwaukie, its etymology, population, and resources, 196
- Mine of Peosta, 171
- Mineral character of Lake Superior, 100
- Mineralogy and geology, 292
- Mineralogy of the Northwest, 534
- Miners' mode of classifying ore, 564
- Mississippi first crossed by primary rocks, 147
- Mississippi from the influx of the Missouri, 138
- Mistake respecting American antiquities, 157
- Mode of converting a noun to a verb in the Odjibwa, 481
- Mollusks, 127
- Montruille an object of pity, 131
- Mozojeed, a chief of energy, 550
- Mr. Monroe's message of 7th December, 1822, 363
- Mr. Schoolcraft's Report on the Copper Mines of Lake Superior, 292
- Mukkundwa Indians, ethnological sketch, 258
- Murder of Gov. Semple, 255
- Muskego River, 104
- My first portage; what is "a piece," 90
- Mythologic notion, 99
N - Naiwa rapids, 236
- Native salt and native copper, 155
- Native silver, and its ores, 531
- Natural history, 515
- Nebeesh Island and Rapids, 75
- Neenaba, a partisan chief, 554
- New localities of copper, 375
- New seat for Hygeia and the Muses, 60
- New species in conchology, 417
- Nicollet's table of geographical positions, 582
- Noble reply of an Algonquin chief, 63
- Noble view, 83
- Number in the Chippewa, 457
- Number, value, &c. of the copper mines of Lake Superior, 363
O - Objects of governmental policy, 558
- Oblations to the dead, 123
- Observe the buffalo, 146
- Odjibwa animate and inanimate adjectives, 490
- Odjibwa compound words, 483
- Odjibwa numerals, 501
- Odjibwamong, 82
- Offering food to the dead, 123
- Official report of Gen. Cass, 280
- Okunzhewug, a chieftainess, murdered, 550
- Old English Copper-mining Company, 296
- Old Mackinac, its date, 208
- Onzig River, 84
- Ores and metals, 536
- Organic impressions, 313
- Organization of the expedition of 1832, 223
- Origin of the Indian race, 439
- Ornithology, 130
- Ortho-cerite limestone, 74
- Ottowa Lake, 542
P - Pakagama Falls, 127
- PalÆontological rocks, 330
- Palaozoic sandstone, 539
- Peace Rock, 149
- Pelican, 177
- Perch or Assawa Lake, 362
- Period of the first military occupation of old Mackinac, 64
- Petrified leaf, with a sketch, 206
- Pewabik River, 102
- Physical Character of the Crow-wing River, 267
- Physical characters of the Mississippi, 133
- Pictographic device, 148
- Pictographic Indian inscription, 113
- Pictographic mode of communicating ideas, 430
- Pictured rocks, 86
- Pike's Bay, 251
- Pipe-stone, or opwagunite, 155
- Planorbis, 515
- Planorbis companulatus, 246
- Plants collected by Dr. Houghton, 519
- Plastic clay of St. Clair flats, 308
- Plateau of lakes and marshes, 128
- Polydon, 416
- Polyganum, 124
- Population and statistics of Mackinac in 1820, 64
- Population of Detroit in 1820, 45
- Population of Leech Lake, 260
- Population of Ottowas, 203
- Porcupine Mountains, 91, 323
- Porphyry and conglomerate boulders, 317
- Portage to the sources of Crow-wing River, 260
- Positive and negative forms of speech, in the Odjibwa, 497
- Potatoes vegetate in pure pebbles, 62
- Pouched rat, 156
- Practicability of working the Superior mines of copper and iron, 370;
- advantages of transportation, 371
- Preliminary incidents at Washington, 39
- Preliminary Report of Exploring Expedition of 1832, 573
- Primary forks of the Mississippi, 232;
- country disposed in plateaux, 233
- Principles of the Odjibwa noun-adjective, 489
- Produce of the copper mines of the world, 379
- Pseudomorphous forms, 314
- Pseudostoma pinetorum, 156
- Pusabika River, 102
Q - Quartz geodes, 334
- Quartzite rock, 127
- Queen Anne's Lake, 280
- Question of prepositions, 471
R - Racine, 197
- Rapid glances at the geology of Western New York, 381
- Rapids of the Mississippi above Sandy Lake, 125
- Rattlesnake of the Wisconsin Hills, 181
- Reach Detroit, after a passage of 62 hours, 44
- Reach Itasca Lake, its outline, 241
- Reach Lake Superior, 274
- Rebus nutkanus, 129
- Reciprocal death in a combat, 201
- Red Banks, 194
- Red jasper in quantity, 58
- Red oxide of iron, 155
- Red sandstone, 91
- Red sandstone of Lake Superior, 316
- Register of temperature in the United States, 426
- Reorganization of the first expedition at Chicago, 200
- Report of Dr. Houghton on the copper of Lake Superior, 526
- Report of Mr. Schoolcraft to the Senate on the mineral lands of Lake Superior, 362
- Residents of Chicago in 1820, 197
- Return of expedition of 1820 to Detroit, 217;
- summary notice of, 217
- Return to Sandy Lake, 142
- Returns of the Cornwall and Devon copper mines, 378
- Rifle shooting, 83
- Rise of waters in the lakes, 214
- River St. Croix, 162
- Robert de la Salle, 17
- Rosa parviflora, 144
- Ruins of Fort St. Joseph, built in 1795, 75
- Rule of euphony in the Algonquin language, 444;
- active and passive voices, 446;
- philosophical mode of denoting number, 445
S - Sacred island of the Indians, 70
- Saganaw Bay, 54, 310
- Saliferous red clay, 389
- Sandstone in a vertical position, 102
- Sandstone rock found in place on the east coast of Lake Huron, 52
- Sandy Lake, 327 Sarracenia purpurea, or owl's moccasin, 214
- Saurian, 249
- Savanna of Gatchi Betobeeg, 141
- Savanna summit, 118
- Saw-mills in the Indian territory, 555
- Scenery of Lake Superior, 587
- Schoolcraft's examination of the Indian vowels, 443
- Schoolcraft's geological report, 304
- Schoolcraft's Island, 243
- Schoolcraft's official report in 1831, 540
- Septaria, 203
- Serpentine rock, 322
- Sexual nouns, 479
- Sheboigan, its etymology, 195
- Shingabawossin reopens negotiations, 81
- Sienitic and hornblende rock, 148
- Silicious minerals, 345
- Silurian limestone, 167
- Silver, a boulder specimen, 532
- Silver medal presented, 99
- Sioux masses of colored clays, 155
- Site of a massacre in 1812, 200
- Site of an ancient dune, 308
- Skeleton paradigm of the Indian verb, 507
- Sketch of Sandy Lake, 116
- Sketch of the banks of the Mississippi from St. Anthony, 137
- Sketch of the river at the Copper Rock, 97
- Sketches addressed to Gen. George P. Morris, 560
- Skull Cave, on the island of Mackinac, 66,
- Alexander Henry's adventures in 1763, 66.
- Smallpox appears among the Chippewas in 1750, 578
- Society on the island;
- Soil and climate of Minnesota, 153
- Soldiers poor canoemen, 269
- Source of Assowa River, 240;
- portage over the height of land, 240
- South coast line of Lake Superior, 320
- Species of freshwater shells, 181
- St. Anthony's Falls, its Indian name, 151
- St. Mary's Canal, 82
- St. Paul's, Minnesota, 159
- State of geological knowledge in 1819, 381
- Stationary distances on Lake Superior, 92
- Statistics of maple sugar made by the Indians, 71
- Statistics of the fur trade, 68
- Staurotide; native silver, 53
- Steamboat Walk-in-the-Water, 43
- Straits of St. Mary, 315
- Stratification, 81
- Stratum of quartzite rock, 141
- Sub-exploring party, 94
- Sub-formative pronouns in the Algonquin language, 509;
- relative pronouns, 509;
- demonstrative pronouns, 513
- Summit Lake, 263
- Sun above the horizon at 12 P. M., 106
- Superstition of the Indians, 571
- Synopsis of Appendix No. 1, 277
T - Table of latitudes and longitudes in the Northwest, 582
- Tabular view of minerals of the Northwest, 338
- Temperature required by tropical plants, 426
- Tenacity of life of the deer, 235
- Tensal inflections in the Algonquin, 478
- Testimonial to Capt. Douglass and Mr. Schoolcraft, 287
- The glutton, 141
- The Mississippi viewed in sections, 137
- The trap-rock the true copper-bearing medium, 530
- Thirteen-striped squirrel, 156
- Time required in passing Lake Superior, 107
- Topography and astronomy, 288
- Tortoise, 113
- Tortuous channel, 129
- Totem, 123
- Tour from Galena to Fort Winnebago, 560
- Track of Indian migration, 122
- Tramp through a swamp, 112
- Treaty of June 16, 1820, 81
- Trunk of a tree fossilized, 396
- Turtle River, 131
U - Ultimate point reached by the first expedition, 132
- Unio, 167, 517
- Unio food for the wild duck, 234
- Unio Schoolcraftensis, 181
- Upper Red Cedar Lake, 130
- Uva ursi, 88
V - Vaccination of Indians, 574
- Valley of Taquimenon, 537
- Valley of the St. Croix, 332
- Valley of the St. Louis, 325
- Vast caldron in grauwackke, 103
- Verbs in the Algonquin, how changed to substantives, 482
- Vermilion canoe, 254
- Vesicular crumbling limestone, 60
- Vestiges of a wreck on Lake Michigan, 202
- View of Lake Huron, 51
- Views of skeptics on the Mosaical chronology, 407
- Virginia Island, 105
- Visit Niagara, its etymology, 41, 42
- Visit to Gen. Dodge at his residence, 567
- Visit to the locality of the great mass of copper on Lake Superior, 299
- Vitric boulders, 324
- Volcanic upheavals, 305
- Voyageurs hired not to drink spirits, and to keep the Sabbath, 268
W - War-party of Neenaba broken up, 553
- Water-worn agates on the lacustrine summit, 112
- Waughpekennota, 193
- White crystalline sand rock, 331
- White Rock, 52
- White springs of Ontario, 385
- Width of Sandy Lake River at its outlet, 226
- Width of the Mississippi at the outlet of Cass Lake, 227
- Winnebago idea of geology, 185
- Winonao laita, 164
- Wisconsin, 183, 333
- Wisconsin lead mines;
- aspect of the country, 561
- Wolverine, 141
Y - Year 1820 opens with severe weather, 40
- Yellow River war-party, 549
Z - Zeolite, 87
- Zinc found in the Wisconsin mines, 565
- Zoned agate, 237
- Zoological objects inclosed in rock, or the solid parts of trees, &c., 392
- Zoology, 408