The following is a chronological statement of the principal events connected with this narrative: 1732 | Birth of Washington. | 1748-51 | Surveyor. | 1751 | Adjutant of Virginia troops. | 1753 | Commander of a military district. | 1753-54 | Mission to French authorities. | 1754 | Appointed lieutenant-colonel. | 1755 | Braddock’s defeat. | 1758 | Reduction of Fort Duquesne. | 1759 | Marriage. | 1775 | Delegate to Continental Congress. | 1775 | Appointed commander-in-chief. | 1776 | British evacuate Boston. | 1776 | American defeat, Long Island. | 1777 | Victory of Princeton. | 1777 | Defeat at Germantown. | 1778 | Drawn battle at Monmouth. | 1781 | Surrender of Cornwallis. | 1783 | Resigned his commission. | 1787 | President of Constitutional Convention. | 1789 | Elected President of the United States. | 1793 | ReËlected President of the United States. | 1796 | Farewell address to the people. | 1799 | Death. | LIFE STORIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Translated from the German by GEORGE P. UPTON 36 Volumes Now Ready American Explorers - Columbus
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