PART FIRST: THE DARWINIAN THEORIES. BOOK I. THE PURELY SCIENTIFIC THEORIES. The Scientific Problem, ... 23 CHAPTER I. Rise of the Darwinian Theories. §1. Direct Predecessors, ... 30 §2. Indirect Preparations, ... 33 CHAPTER II. History of the Darwinian Theories. §1. Darwin, ... 38 §2. The Followers of Darwin.—Ernst HÄckel, ... 45 §3. Modifications of the Theory.—Moriz Wagner. Wigand, ... 52 CHAPTER III. Present State of the Darwinian Theories. §1. The Theory of Descent, ... 61 §2. The Theory of Evolution.—ArchÆology, Ethnography, Philology, ... 77 §3. The Theory of Selection, ... 100
BOOK II. THE PHILOSOPHIC COMPLETIONS AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE DARWINIAN THEORIES. The Philosophic Problems, ... 108 CHAPTER I. THE NATURO-PHILOSOPHIC SUPPLEMENTS OF THE DARWINIAN THEORIES. §1. The Origin of Self-Consciousness and of Free Moral Self-Determination, ... 115 §2. The Origin of Sensation and of Consciousness, ... 127 §3. The Origin of Life, ... 132 §4. The Elements of the World; the Theory of Atoms, and the Mechanical View of the World, ... 140 CHAPTER II. METAPHYSICAL CONCLUSIONS DRAWN FROM THE DARWINIAN THEORIES. §1. Elimination of the Idea of Design in the World.—Monism, ... 158
PART SECOND: THE POSITION OF THE DARWINIAN THEORIES IN REFERENCE TO RELIGION AND MORALITY. BOOK I. HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL. Plan of Treatment, ... 185 A. THE DARWINIAN THEORIES AND RELIGION. CHAPTER I. More Or Less Negative Position in Reference To Religion. §1. Extreme Negation: L. BÜchner and Consistent Materialism, ... 188 §2. Replacement of Religion Through a Religious Worship of the Universe.—Strauss. Oskar Schmidt. HÄckel, ... 190 §3. Pious Renunciation of the Knowability of God. Wilhelm Bleek. Albert Lange. Herbert Spencer, ... 193 §4. Spinoza and Hegel in the Garb of Darwin.—Carneri, Ed. von Hartmann, ... 203 §5. ReËcho of Negation on the Side of the Christian View of the World, ... 206 CHAPTER II. Reform of Religion, or at Least of the Science of Religion, Through Darwinism. §1. Heinrich Lang. Friedrich Vischer. Gustav JÄger, ... 210 CHAPTER III. Peace Between Religion and Darwinism. §1. Darwin. Wallace. Owen. Asa Gray. Mivart. McCosh. Anderson. K. E. von Baer. Alexander Braun. Braubach, and others, ... 217
B. THE DARWINIAN THEORIES AND MORALITY. Preliminary View, ... 228 CHAPTER IV. Antagonism Between Darwinism and Morality. §1. Objections to Darwinism from an Ethical Standpoint, ... 230 CHAPTER V. Reform of Morality Through Darwinism. §1. The Materialists and Monists. Darwin and the English Utilitarians. Gustav JÄger, ... 233 CHAPTER VI. Neutrality and Peace Between Darwinism and Morality. §1. Mivart. Alexander Braun, and others, ... 245 BOOK II. ANALYTICAL. Preliminary View, ... 249 A. THE DARWINIAN THEORIES AND RELIGION. CHAPTER I. The Darwinian Theories and the Theistic View of The World. a. The Position of Purely Scientific Darwinism in Reference to Theism. §1. Scientific Investigation and Theism.—The Idea of Creation, ... 252 §2. The Descent Theory and Theism, ... 259 §3. The Evolution Theory and Theism, ... 263 §4. The Selection Theory and Theism, ... 270 b. The Darwinistic Philosophies in their Position Regarding Theism. §5. The Naturo-Philosophic Supplements of Darwinism and Theism, ... 273 §6. Elimination of the Idea of Design, or its Acknowledgment and Theism, ... 284 CHAPTER II. The Darwinian Theories and Positive Christianity. §1. The Creation of the World, ... 290 §2. The Creation of Man, ... 314 §3. The Primitive Condition of Man.—Paradise, the Fall of Man, and Primitive History, ... 321 §4. Providence, Hearing of Prayer, and Miracles, ... 345 §5. The Redeemer and the Redemption, the Kingdom of God, and the Receiving of Salvation, ... 373 §6. Eschatology, ... 375 B. THE DARWINIAN THEORIES AND MORALITY. CHAPTER III. Darwinism and Moral Principles. §1. Darwinistic Naturalism and Moral Principles, ... 379 §2. Scientific Darwinism and Moral Principles, ... 386 CHAPTER IV. Darwinism and Moral Life. §1. Darwinistic Naturalism and Moral Life, ... 391 §2. Scientific Naturalism and Moral Life, ... 396
AUTHORS CITED. Agassiz, Louis, 35, 37, 50, 320. Anderson, 225. Anonymus, "the Unconscious," etc., 128, 129, 131, 134, 159. Anonymus, "Vestiges," etc., 33. Argyll, Duke of, 50, 91, 92, 135, 172, 202, 288. Ausland, 159, 240, 281. Baer, Karl Ernst von, 36, 54, 56, 71, 74, 81, 83, 106, 132, 149, 160, 177, 226, 259, 281, 288, 320. Barrande, 54. BaumgÄrtner, Heinrich, 57, 176. Blanchard, Emil, 54, 106. Bleek, Wilhelm, 17, 96, 97, 194, 197, 234, 236. Boerhave, 36. Braubach, 226. Braun, Alexander, 55, 176, 226, 246, 397. Braun, Julius, 17. Buch, Leopold von, 52. Buckle, 17. BÜchner, Ludwig, 42, 118, 141, 158, 188, 205, 219, 233, 396. Buffon, 31. Carneri, 203, 238. Carns, 36. Christy, 90. Condillac, 96. Cotta, Bernhard von, 51. Curtius, 96. Cuvier, 31, 32, 34, 37, 320. Darwin, 17, 18, 25, 27, 38, 118, 171, 177, 217, 240, 320, 389. Descartes, 127. Dillman, 295, 301. Dohrn, 84. DuBois-Reymond, Emil, 124, 125, 127, 130, 134, 149. Ebrard, 159, 209. Ecker, 56. Escher, von der Linth, 54. Farrar, 96. Fechner, Gustav Theodor, 135, 146. Fichte, Immanuel Hermann, 142, 175. Fraas, Oskar, 55, 90. Frohschammer, 175. Gegenbaur, 56. Geiger, Lazar, 17, 96. Geoffrey St. Hilaire, Etienne, 32, 34. Gerhard, 197. Giebel, 54. GÖppert, 54. GÖthe, 33, 34, 35, 320. Gray, Asa, 222. Grusebach, 55. Grimm, Jacob, 17, 95. HÄckel, 35, 42, 43, 45, 75, 78, 106, 123, 130, 133, 149, 159, 160, 166, 170, 204, 219, 234, 237, 281, 395. Hartmann, Eduard von, 56, 60, 106, 131, 142, 168, 176, 191, 205, 334, 376. Heer, Oswald, 56, 176. Hegel, 126, 136, 204. Helmholtz, 136, 159. Heyse, 96. Hilgendorf, 82. His, Wilhelm, 56, 81, 106. Huber, 175. Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 17, 95. Huxley, Thomas, 42, 50, 177, 198, 222, 279. Kant, 195, 282. Keim, 18, 337. KÖlliker, 56, 81, 176. KÖstlin, Julius, 175, 187. KÖstlin, Otto. 149. Kowalewsky, A., 42. Kowalewsky, W., 83. Kurz, Johann Heinrich, 306. Lamarck, 27, 30, 31, 33, 320. Lang, Heinrich, 197, 210. Lange, Friedrich Albert, 112, 168, 173, 176, 194, 196. Lartet, 96. Leibnitz, 127, 217. Leidy, 83. Lessing, 405, 407. Linnaeus, 30. Livingstone, 93. Lotze, 142, 145, 149. Lubbock, Sir John, 18, 91, 93, 242. Lyell, Sir Charles, 18, 36, 55, 89, 90, 222. MÄdler, 177, 252. Malthus, 39. Marsh, 83. Martensen, 187. Mayer, Robert von, 37, 129, 149, 155. McCosh, 224. Mill, John Stuart, 242. Mivart, 55, 106, 223, 245. Moleschott, 42. MÜller, Fritz, 79. MÜller, Max, 18, 96, 98. Murchison, Sir Roderick, 54. NÄgeli, 56. Nitzsch, Karl Immanuel, 361. NoirÉ, Ludwig, 281. Oken, 34, 320. Owen, Richard, 35, 56, 164, 176, 221, 223, 320. Peschel, Oskar, 279. Pfaff, 54. Pfleiderer, Otto, 187. Planck, Carl Ch., 105, 110. Preyer, 136, 146, 153. Rathke, Heinrich, 81. Reichenbach, 42. Renan, 18. RÉville, Albert, 334. Ritschl, 364. RÜtimeyer, 56, 83. Sandberger, 55, 82. Schaaffhausen, 56, 85, 177. Schelling, 109. Schiller, 180. Schleicher, 17, 96. Schleiden, 42, 51. Schleiermacher, 190. Schmidt, Oskar, 33, 35, 51, 75, 124, 159, 164, 191, 234. Schopenhauer, 128, 190. Schrader, Eberhard, 345. Seidlitz, 51, 159, 238. Semper, Karl, 84, 131. Snell, Karl, 42, 262. Spencer, Herbert, 128, 139, 194, 242, 279. Spinoza, 204. Stael, Madame de, 234. Steffens, 109. Steinthal, 17, 96. Strauss, David Friedrich, 18, 112, 125, 128, 159, 163, 174, 175, 190, 213, 234, 337, 376, 394. Swammerdam, 36. Tait, 138. Thomson, Sir William, 138. TrÜmpelmann, 209. TÜbingen School, 18. Tylor, 91. Virchow, 56, 85. Vischer, Friedrich, 175, 176, 213, 264. Vogt, Karl, 42, 56. Volkmann, A. W., 56, 105, 177. Wagner, Moriz, 52, 56. Wallace, Alfred Russell, 37, 101, 177, 221, 262. Wedgewood, 96. Weismann, 56. Wigand, Albert, 26, 52, 56, 57, 106, 135, 149, 170, 226. Wundt, 142. WÜrtemberger, 82.