[1] Zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache, zweite Ausgabe, p. 624, Berlin, 1868. [2] Metrik der Griechen, 1a, 500. [22]De Anglo-Saxonum arte metrica, 1871. [57] See Koch, Historische Grammatik der englischen Sprache, Weimar, 1863, i. 156. Syne fetcht food for to feid it, " foorth fra the Pharie. Flyting 476. In a sÓmer sÉason, " when sÓft was the sÓnne I shÓpe me into shrÓudes, " as I a shÉpe wÉre (Piers Plowman). and Ham and h?ahsetl " hÉofena rices (Gen. 3ccc3). Sc?op Þa and scÝrede " scÝppend u`re (ibid. 65). ‘STANZA. Ital. stanza, O.Ital. stantia, “a lodging, chamber, dwelling, also stance or staffe of verses;” Florio. So called from the stop or pause at the end of it.—Low Lat. stantia, an abode.—Lat. stant-, stem of pres. pt. of stare.’ Footnotes have been moved to the end of the text, and renumbered consecutively to be unique. The sole footnote reference on p. 250 was mis-numbered, and is corrected here as footnote 173. In sections § 25-30, the subtypes of line types A, B, C, etc. are printed as A1, but in later sections these are printed as subscripts A1, with subvarieties as A1a, etc. This practice was followed here as well. There are cases where punctuation, spelling or spacing seem questionable, particularly in quoted matter. Where possible, these have been checked against images of the sources Schipper used. Corrections made to the text are as follows: