The Names in parenthesis are those employed by Schiltberger.
al">139, 141, 142, 173 Bolgara (Walher), a country, 36 Borrak (Waroch), 37, 142 Bosphorus, the, 79, 226 Boucicault, Marshal (Hanns Putzokardo), 4, 107, 111, 112, 231 Bourhan uddin (Wurthanadin) defeated by a son of Bajazet, 10; Boursbai (Malleckchafcharff, Balmander), 51, 182–191; - his letter to Shah Rokh, 184, 187
Bread, not eaten in Siberia, 36; - made of millet, 41;
- not eaten in JagataÏ, 47;
- nor in Great Tatary, 48
Breslau (Bressla), 102 Broussa (Wursa, Wurssa), 6, 10, 34, 40 Buddhism, 140 Bulgaria (Pulgrey), 2, 39, 78, 89 —— Eastern, 107, 120 —— Western, 107 —— Central, 13 Bulgarians, are of the Greek Church, 78 Burgundy (Burguny), Duke of; see Comte de Nevers. Burial or disposal of the dead, in Siberia, 36; - Circassia, 50;
- by Mahomedans, 69;
- Greeks, 83;
- Greek priests, 84, 233;
- Armenians, 94, 95;
- Armenian priests, 94, 240
Burzelland (ZwÜrtzenland), 38, 144 Caffa, 49, 176, 79, 99 Caiphas, house of, 203 Cairo (Miser, Alkenier, Kayr), 23, 50, 181–182, 60, 64, 87 Caliph (Calypha), the, 98 Calvary, Mount (Calvarie), 57 Camels, at Adana, 19, 95, 240 Enoch, his burial-place, 52; - a prophet of the Mahomedans, 188
Ephesus (Asia), 40, 146 Epiphany, the, in the Armenian Church, 93 Erivan (Erban), 33, 136 Ersingan (Ersinggan), taken by Bajazet, 21; - capital of Lesser Armenia, 43;
- a kingdom of Armenia, 86
Esaias, the prophet, 59 Ethiopia, 209 Eucharist, the, in Syrian Church, 78; Euphrates R., 43, 151, 46, 61, 209, 117, 168, 186 Eve, the grave of, 60 Faradj (Joseph, Jusuphda), 19, 124, 51, 122 Fasting, among Mahomedans, 70; - in the Greek Church, 82, 83, 232;
- in the Armenian Church, 93, 239
Felt, raising to the White, 48, 172 Female, warriors in Great Tatary, 37; - debauchery in Egypt, 52, 191
Fictions, battle of serpents and vipers, 12; - Timour lies uneasy in his grave, 30;
- castle of the sparrow-hawk, 41–42;
- (Phiradamschyech), a tercentenarian, 45, 162;
- destruction of mirror at Alexandria, 63, 215;
- the giant’s shin-bone, 64, 216;
- the Bosphorus, a cutting by Alexander the Great, 79, 226;
- the emperor Constantine, 83;
- Tiridates is turned into a pig, 88, 236;
- Tiridates, the dragon and unicorn, 90;
- the forty Armenian knights, 96–98
Fire worship, 65 Fish, exported from Tana, 49, 175; Florentines, in Egypt, 21456, 194 (Manstzusch), 99, 143 (Mansur), a brother of Aboubekr, 33, 135 Mardin (Merdin), 43, 154 Mare’s milk drank fasting, 48 Marriage customs, of the Yasses and Georgians, 85, 234; Mary Magdalen, 58; —— Cleophas, 58 Massanderan, 26, 29, 44 Meat, raw, eaten by Tatars, 48 Medina (Madina), 71 Mehdy, the, or celestial judge, Shyite belief of him, 186; Meisen (Neichsen), 102 Menagerie at Babylon, 47, 168 Meragha (Maragara), 44, 157 Mile, an Italian, defined by the author, 46, 167 Milk of mares and camels for food, 48 Millet, in Siberia, 36; - Sinope, 41;
- Great Tatary, 48
Mingrelia (Magrill, Megrellen), 43, 153, 99 Mingrelians, are of the Greek Church, 43, 78 Mintash or Mantash (Mathas), 51, 183 Miracle, at Samsoun, 12; - by St. Demetrius, 39, 146;
- at Angora, 40;
- SinaÏ, 55, 193;
- the Withered tree, 56;
- Holy Sepulchre, 57, 199;
- St. Ann’s well, 58, 202;
- walls of Constantinople, 84;
- by St. Gregory, 88–90;
- St. Silvester, 88;
- St. John the Evangelist, 147
Miran Shah (Mirenschach), 30, 32, 133, 134, 114 Mirror at Alexandria, 62–63, 215 Mirtcha, John (Werterwaywod), voyevoda of Wallachia, 2, 110, 145 Miszr Khodja (Miseri), 32, 134 Mitrovitz (Mittrotz), 239 St. Basil, 41, 148 St. Bartholomew (Bartlome), 87, 235 St. Catherine, 54–56, 193–194 St. Clement, 50, 177 St. Constantine, 83 St. Demetrius (Sanctiniter), 39, 146 St. George (JÖrig), patron saint of Georgia, 34 St. Gregory, the “Illuminator”, 87–93, 235–238 St. Helena, 197 St. James the Less, 59, 206 —— the Greater, 93, 239 St. Joachim, 202 St. John the Baptist, 58, 201, 205 St. John the Evangelist, 40, 147, 58 St. John Chrysostom, 58, 202 St. Nicholas, 40, 147 St. Rhipsime (Susanna), 87, 236 St. Sergius (Zerlichis), 93, 239 St. Silvester, 87–90, 237 St. Stephen (Steffan), 58, 200, 59, 202, 203 St. Thaddeus (Thaten), 87, 235, 160 St. Thomas, 211–212 Salonica (Salonikch), 39, 145 Samarkand (Semerchant), 28, 33, 47, 154 Samsoun (Samson), 12, 119, 14, 41, 79 Saracens, 51, 137 Sarah, the grave of, 60 SaraÏ (Sarei), 49, 173, 139, 141 SaraÏ, New, 173 SaraÏ-Banou, 137 Saros (Seres), 39 Saroukhan (Serochon), 40 Sary Kerman (Serucherman), 39 Wine, not drunk in Great Tatary, 48; - why forbidden to Mahomedans, 72
Withered Tree, Lord of the, 52, 189; - virtue of the, 56, 194–195
Ydegou, (Edigi), 34–37, 140–141, 143, 176 Zacharias, 59, 206 (Zuspillen) Sicily?, 51, 184 T. RICHARDS, PRINTER, 37, GREAT QUEEN STREET.
The Hakluyt Society. REPORT FOR 1879. The Council of the Hakluyt Society have pleasure in being able to report to the Members that their numbers are increasing, and that the funds are in a satisfactory state. The number of effective Members of the Society is now 240. The attention of the Council has been given to an arrangement which will facilitate the completion of sets of volumes by old Members, and the acquisition of back volumes which they may desire to possess by new Members who may not wish to purchase complete sets. The whole series can now be purchased at the rate of 8s. 6d. a volume; namely, for £24 4s. 6d., the price increasing at the rate of 8s. 6d. as each new volume is added. The same rule applies when a Member requires any portion of the series equal to, or exceeding, a quarter of the whole number of volumes. When a Member requires a single back volume, or any number less than a quarter of the whole series, he may, with the consent of the Council, be supplied at the rate of 10s. each volume. Since the last Report the following volume has been issued to Members:— The Hawkins’ Voyages, during the reigns of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and James I. Edited, with an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham, C.B., F.R.S. And the following volume is nearly ready for issue:— The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger, from his Capture at the Battle of Nicopolis in 1396,to his Escape and Return to Europe in 1427. Translated and edited by Commander Buchan Telfer, R.N. Three volumes are in the hands of the printer, namely:— The Third Volume of the Commentaries of Afonso Dalboquerque. Translated and edited by Walter de Gray Birch, Esq. The Voyages of John Davis, and his Works on Navigation. Edited by Captain A. H. Markham, R.N. The Natural History of the Western Indies, by Father Joachim Acosta. Edited by Clements R. Markham, C.B., F.R.S. Besides the above volumes, which will meet the just demands of the Fellows up to the end of the present year, several other works have been undertaken by editors. These are:— Rosmital’s Embassy to England, Spain, etc., in 1466. Edited by R. E. Graves, Esq. The Journal of the Pilot Gallego, and other Documents relating to the Voyages of MendaÑa. Translated and edited by W. A. Tyssen Amherst, Esq. Narrative of the Portuguese Embassy to Abyssinia in 1520, by Father Francisco Alvarez. Translated and edited by Lord Stanley of Alderley. A Manuscript History of Bermuda in the British Museum (Sloane, 750). Edited by Lieutenant-General Sir J. Henry Lefroy, K.C.M.G., C.B. Voyages of Jan Huigen van Linschoten to the East Indies. Edited by Arthur Burnell, Esq., Phil.D. The Journal of the Jesuit Desideri, during his Mission to Tibet; from the original Manuscript. To be translated and edited by C. E. D. Black, Esq. The following six Members retire from the Council:— E. A. Bond, Esq. Admiral Sir Richard Collinson, K.C.B. Augustus W. Franks, Esq. W. E. Frere, Esq., C.M.G. J. Winter Jones, Esq. Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart. Of these the three first are recommended for re-election, and the names of the following are proposed for election:— The Earl of Ducie, F.R.S. E. H. Bunbury, Esq. Major-General Sir H. Thuillier, C.S.I., F.R.S. Statement of the Accounts of the Society from May 1877, to June 1879. | £ | s. | d. | | | £ | s. | d. | Balance left at the Bankers (May 1877) | 654 | 15 | 0 | | Mr. Richards for printing | 337 | 10 | 6 | Received by Bankers, May 1877, to June 1879 | 620 | 2 | 6 | | Messrs. Wyman | 15 | 19 | 0 | | | Mr. Quaritch for a copy of Acosta | 5 | 0 | 0 | | | Signor de Gubernatis for the manuscript of Desideri | 40 | 0 | 0 | | | Mr. Coote for transcriptions | 10 | 4 | 7 | | | Mr. Muller for the Barents map | 10 | 0 | 0 | | | Petty cash | 10 | 0 | 0 | | | Cheque books | 0 | 4 | 6 | | | | ————— | | | | 428 | 18 | 7 | | | Balance at the Bankers | 851 | 18 | 11 | | ————— | | | ————— | | £1280 | 17 | 6 | | | £1280 | 17 | 6 | | ————— | | | ————— | |