A TRAGEDY. By Friedrich Schiller SCENE V. A Chamber in the PRESIDENT.'S House. SCENE I. A room in LADY MILFORD'S house. On the right of the stage SCENE II. An old valet of the DUKE'S, with a casket of jewels. The SCENE III. FERDINAND VON WALTER. The former. FERDINAND (with a SCENE IV. Room in MILLER'S House. SCENE I. Saloon in the PRESIDENT'S House. SCENE VI. A magnificent Saloon in LADY MILFORD'S House. SCENE I. Twilight; a room in MILLER'S house. Format ChoiceThe present format is best for most laptops and computers, and generates well to .mobi and .epub files. The higher quality images in this file do not reduce in size to fit the small screens of Tablets and Smart Phones—part of the larger images may run off the side. Another format is available by clicking on the following line: A file with images which automatically accomodate to any screen size; this is the best choice for the small screens of Tablets and Smart Phones. LOVE AND INTRIGUE. |