In contrast with the ridge-forming amebas stand those with smooth ectoplasm, such as the common dubia, discoides, villosa, and the rarer laureata and annulata, to mention only a few of the larger forms. In addition to these may be mentioned all the pelomyxas and nearly all the smaller amebas. Much the larger number of species of amebas do not form ridges in the ectoplasm during locomotion. Of all the amebas with smooth surfaces, the most favorable for observation as to the formation of ectoplasm, is the giant laureata (Figure 4), though it is unfortunately of infrequent occurrence. This species is as often found in clavate form as with pseudopods. In cross section it is circular or nearly so. It is often found with zoochlorella growing in it, upon which it seems to depend largely for food, for it seldom has distinctive food masses in it. In this ameba the endoplasmic stream flows uniformly towards the anterior end where it spreads out slightly so as to preserve the same general diameter of the ameba, for it is a characteristic of this ameba that the anterior end is of about the same diameter as the posterior, when in clavate form. The ectoplasmic tube is built at the anterior end, and remains as constructed until it is drawn in at the posterior end to form endoplasm. It is not all the time undergoing changes such as are observed in proteus. This characteristic is very well shown by focusing with the high power of the microscope on the upper surface of the ameba. The immobility of the ectoplasm is much more readily observed in laureata than in perhaps any other species, a condition that is due chiefly to the large crystals whose displacement is the most convenient criterion of ectoplasmic mobility. The ectoplasmic tube is not as thick as in proteus, though it appears to be more solid than in that species. It is thrown into folds at the posterior end as it is liquified to form endoplasm, which indicates a firm texture of the ectoplasm. As to the endoplasmic stream, it presents no visible characteristics which set it apart from the fluids of physics; it moves most rapidly in the middle, and gradually less rapidly as the ectoplasm is approached. There is no backward movement of the ectoplasm against the sides of the pseudopod at the anterior end—nothing approaching a “fountain current”—which indicates that the transformation of endoplasm into ectoplasm is rapid and complete. That is, all the endoplasm which reaches the anterior end is turned into ectoplasm. Typically this would result in an ameba of average size, in a layer of ectoplasm of a thickness of about one-seventh of the diameter of the pseudopod (for the area of the cut ectoplasmic tube would equal the area of the endoplasmic Several of the pelomyxas also move in much the same manner as Amoeba laureata, that is, in clavate form and more or less cylindrical in shape. This is especially the case with Pelomyxa palustris and P. belevskii. But in these species the endoplasm is not completely converted into ectoplasm at the anterior end, as is shown by the fact that there is a slight backward current of endoplasm at the sides near the anterior end (Schultze, ’75). Observation indicates also that the ectoplasmic tube is thinner than would be the case were there complete transformation of endoplasm into ectoplasm at the anterior end. The origin of pseudopods in these pelomyxas is not steady and under control as in laureata, but sudden and eruptive, indicating a less coherent ectoplasm. The nearest approach to the conditions of streaming as found in Amoeba laureata is found in A. discoides (Figure 11, B) a species often confounded with proteus. This species is frequently found in clavate form, and the conversion of endoplasm into ectoplasm is complete at the anterior end. In other respects of streaming and pseudopod formation, the two species are also similar. In another very common species of ameba, Amoeba dubia There is another group of amebas in which the endoplasm is much more fluid than in dubia. To this group belong Amoeba limicola (Figure 5) and Pelomyxa schiedti (Figure 6). The latter never forms pseudopods, and the former does so very seldom. A. limicola is extremely fluid, and in locomotion the flow of the endoplasm can hardly be called streaming, for it rushes about in the body as if it were only partially under control. The Pelomyxa schiedti moves in much the same way that Amoeba limicola does; that is, by eruptive waves of endoplasm which are usually deflected back along the side (Figure 6, at the left). The endoplasm is likewise of very thin consistency. The thinness of the ectoplasm and the ease with which it may be ruptured, is very well shown by the fact that the large irregular glycogen Another very interesting feature of Pelomyxa schiedti is the uroid (Figure 6, u), which in this species consists of a number of very thin projections resembling pseudopods extending from the posterior end. These projections are attached to the substratum and in some way aid in locomotion. These uroidal projections are of considerable length, and may persist for a considerable length of time. Thus while schiedti is unable to form pseudopods at its anterior end, it forms uroidal projections with In contrast to the amebas thus far discussed from the point of view of the transformation of endoplasm into ectoplasm, there are a number of species in which two distinct methods of endoplasmic transformation occur typically. Among these species are the small Amoeba radiosa (Figure 7), A. bigemma (Figure 8) and a new species which for convenience will be referred to as bilzi. It is well known that radiosa has two stages: a more or less clavate shaped stage in which the ameba creeps along the surface of some object (Figure 7, d); and a stage in which a number Another species of ameba in which a trophic as well as a rayed stage is found, is the recently described species bigemma. In this species the rayed stage is only of occasional occurrence (Figure 8, b). The larger the ameba is, the rarer is the rayed stage assumed. On very rare occasions one finds a rayed stage in which the pseudopods are long, straight, slender and tapering, and more or less regularly disposed around the central mass of protoplasm. The trophic stage (Figure 8, a) is much the more common. In this condition pseudopods are formed in large number. They are small, conical or linear, and blunt, and they do not determine the direction of locomotion, as they do in proteus, dubia, or laureata. These pseudopods are often composed only of hyaloplasm, though frequently the basal parts of them consist of endoplasm. When these amebas become suspended in the water, they frequently assume a shape that approaches the rayed condition: six or more long conical pseudopods are run out from the central mass of protoplasm, but the pseudopods are not straight in this case, but irregularly curved and capable of being waved about to a slight extent. The ameba readily passes from this stage to the trophic. The species Amoeba bilzi (Figure 9) has come under my observation on several occasions, and its pseudopodial characters are of considerable interest in this connection. In its usual form this ameba has the general appearance of a sphaeronucleosus. In size it is about midway between the latter species and striata. It always has a number of prominent longitudinal ridges on its upper surface. Its mode of streaming is essentially like that of striata or sphaeronucleosus. When this ameba is disturbed and left suspended in the water, it throws out four or five or more long slender pseudopods composed entirely of hyaloplasm, excepting a bulbous base which consists of granular endoplasm. The pseudopods are cylindrical with tapering ends. They are very rigid, and once formed, persist for a considerable length of time. When these pseudopods are about to be retracted, the wall weakens at some point and then crinkles while the distal part of the pseudopod bends, often at a decided angle. The crinkling of the wall continues up and down the pseudopod while it is slowly being withdrawn. These pseudopods, as well as those of the rayed state in radiosa and bigemma, are not pseudopods of The formation of pseudopods and their character depends to some extent upon the firmness and thickness of the ectoplasmic layer; and the character of the ectoplasm in turn depends largely upon the consistency of the protoplasm as a whole. In the following representative list of amebas: limicola, villosa, dubia, proteus, discoides, laureata, bigemma, bilzi, radiosa, sphaeronucleosus, verrucosa, the given order indicates a progressively thicker and firmer ectoplasm as one passes from limicola to verrucosa. But from limicola to bilzi the number of pseudopods directing locomotion increases from one to an average of about twelve in dubia, and then falls gradually to one in bilzi and the others beyond in the list. (See Figure 10.) Where the directive pseudopods begin to disappear, the transitional appear, viz., in bigemma and bilzi; but beyond these no transitional pseudopods occur. But along with the transitional there begin to appear also the static pseudopods, which are seen relatively seldom in bigemma and bilzi while in radiosa they occur at almost all times. In sphaeronucleosus and verrucosa no distinctive pseudopods of any kind occur. If all the known species of amebas in which the necessary characteristics have been recorded, were arranged similarly with respect to the firmness and the thickness of the ectoplasm, the general relations of the various kinds of pseudopods in the list would be approximately the same as in the list given above; but there would appear an exception here and there, indicating the operation of special factors. Such an exception, for example, is seen in proteus in the list of species given, which because of the ridges that it forms (Figure 3) has a smaller number of pseudopods than would be the case if no ridges were formed That the number and character of pseudopods formed depends in large part upon the firmness and thickness of the ectoplasm was said advisedly. For observations indicate that there are other factors which influence the character of pseudopods besides those which also control the formation of ectoplasm. These other factors indicate their presence readily in the details of structure of the pseudopods. Thus the number of directive, transitional or static pseudopods may be the same in two particular species, yet in their intimate structure and appearance they are always found to differ. In bigemma, bilzi and radiosa, for example, the number of static pseudopods when formed is about the same in the three species, but the similarity ends there. For these species differ in the frequency with which pseudopods are formed, in their persistence when once formed, in the ratio of length to average diameter, in the general shape, in the frequency with which straight pseudopods are formed, in the speed of their formation As an example of these specific differences, reference may be made to the three species, protus, dubia and discoides, which have been referred to in the past, almost without exception, by the most experienced teachers of biology, as being one species: proteus. Some investigators of ameboid phenomena have likewise confused these different amebas. Below is given a list of some of the most striking characteristics of these three amebas. This list is of course very sketchy. If the nuclear division This fundamental uniqueness of all the characters of the various species of amebas naturally gives rise to the question as to what is the cause of this condition of affairs. Why and how
are the different species of amebas so absolutely different, even to the smallest detail? Why are the apparent resemblances and similarities of their more generalized kinetic characters, such as the formation of pseudopods, of ectoplasm, of crystals, of contractile vacuoles, the general character of endoplasmic streaming, These questions apply, of course, to all other organisms as well as to amebas. Unfortunately, however, these questions are at present unanswerable for all organisms. But for the amebas, at least, the problem of form can be rid of some irrelevant matter which, in numerous instances in the past, has been assumed to be properly included. In the first place, changing a single character of the protoplasm, such as the degree of viscosity, cannot explain the observed diversity of detail; neither can a variation of a number of the physical characters of fluids produce such differences as are observed in the dynamics of the different species of amebas. Our whole experience with the fluids of physics speaks against such an explanation. But, on the other hand, the invisible details of structure of a fluid may become strikingly manifest under certain conditions, namely, those surrounding the process of crystallization. A slight change in the physical condition may produce a considerable variety of crystal shapes, but this variety of shape has nevertheless very definite limits which cannot be overstepped. Amebas like crystals are also most rigidly and definitely restricted to a certain range of shape, which must be a direct result of the structure of the protoplasm composing them. Amebas in fact are not any more “shapeless” than crystals are; and it would be quite as exact to say that the crystals of water are shapeless since a great variety of shapes are met with in snow, hoar-frost, etc. The fact that corresponding parts of two species of amebas resemble each other less and less closely as they are analyzed into smaller and smaller details, is in itself conclusive evidence that the protoplasms of the amebas are chemically different; the resemblance between the gross anatomy and physiology between two different species is due to the greater conspicuousness of such characters as are the result of the action of physical processes. That is to say, chemically or molecularly different masses of matter may resemble each other in their molar aspects. It is to be noted however that the more intimate structure of streaming protoplasm cannot always express itself externally as it can in ameba. As was suggested in the introduction, there is no good reason for supposing that the causes of streaming in the various organisms in which it is observed are fundamentally different. The problem of ameboid movement cannot be considered apart from the streaming of protoplasm in foraminifera, myxomycetes, plant cells, lymphocytes, desmids, diatoms and ciliates. The streaming of endoplasm in some cells, such as in ciliates and plant cells, does not give rise to change of shape of the cell as it does in ameba. In these cases the character of streaming is highly restricted; the unyielding ectoplasm or cell wall as the case may be, prevents any but the most essential features of streaming from occurring. Recalling the analogy of crystallization, streaming in a plant cell or in a ciliate is analogous to crystallization occurring in a tube or vessel too small for the crystals to form properly. This discussion anent the fundamental chemical uniqueness of each species of ameba is of course not complete without an examination of the views expressed to the contrary. And it is to this side of the discussion that we may now briefly direct our attention. |