* *——* Portrait of the Author, | Frontispiece | The French Revolution—The Feast of Reason, | 16 | Storming the Bastile, | 18 | Karl Marx, | 19 | Michael Bakounine, | 20 | Pierre Joseph Proudhon, | 21 | Louise Michel, | 24 | Ferdinand Lassalle, | 25 | Excavated Dynamite Mine in Moscow, | 33 | “It is Too Soon to Thank God.”—The Assassination of Czar Alexander II., | 35 | The Czar’s Carriage after the Explosion, | 36 | Diagram of Elnikoff’s Bomb, | 36 | The Nihilists in the Dock, | 38 | Execution of the Nihilist Conspirators, | 39 | The Book Bomb, | 40 | Scenes from the Riots at Pittsburg, 1877, | 51 | The Great Strike in Baltimore—The Militia Fighting their Way through the Streets, | 57 | The Labor Troubles of 1877—Riots at the Halsted Street Viaduct, Chicago, | 63 | Dr. Carl Eduard Nobiling, | 67 | Max Hoedel, | 67 | Banners of the Social Revolution—I., | 69 | Carter H. Harrison, | 70 | The Black Flag, | 75 | The Office of the Arbeiter-Zeitung, | 76 | An Anarchist Procession, | 78 | The Board of Trade, | 80 | Banners of the Social Revolution—II., | 85 | A Group of Anarchists, | 87 | Banners of the Social Revolution—III., | 91 | The Red Banner of the Carpenters’ Union, | 93 | Dr. Nobiling’s Attempt to Assassinate the Emperor of Germany, | 95 | August Reinsdorf, | 96 | Johann Most, | 100 | Banners of the Social Revolution—IV., | 109 | Interior View of Neff’s Hall, | 111 | A Strike—The Walking Delegate Sowing the Seed of Discontent, | 114 | Greif’s Hall, | 115 | A Round-up, | 118 | Specimen Rioters—Hynek Djenek and Anton Seveski, | 120 | ——John Pototski and Frank Novak, | 121 | ——Vaclav Djenek and Anton Stimak, | 122 | ——Ignatz Urban and Joseph Sugar, | 123 | Charging the Mob at McCormick’s, | 126 | Officer Casey’s Peril, | 127 | Franz Mikolanda, a Polish Conspirator, | 128 | Fac-simile of the Famous “Revenge” Circular, | 130 | The Call for the Haymarket Meeting—Fac-simile I., | 132 | —— Fac-simile II., | 135 | Neff’s Hall, Exterior View, | 136 | The Haymarket Meeting—“In the Name of the People I Command You to Disperse,” | 140 | The Haymarket Riot—The Explosion and the Conflict, | 142 | Inspector John Bonfield, | 143 | Captain William Ward, | 144 | Lieut. (now Chief) G. W. Hubbard, | 145 | Sergt. (now Capt.) J. E. Fitzpatrick, | 146 | Lieut. James P. Stanton, | 147 | Lieut. Bowler, | 147 | The Desplaines Street Station, | 151 | The Haymarket Martyrs, | 154 | Adolph Fischer, | 157 | The Fischer Family, | 158 | Fischer’s Belt and Poisoned Daggers, | 159 | August Spies, | 160 | Miss Nina Van Zandt, | 162 | Chris Spies, | 163 | Miss Gretchen Spies, | 164 | Michael Schwab, | 165 | Albert R. Parsons, | 166 | Mrs. Lucy Parsons, | 167 | Oscar W. Neebe, | 168 | Rudolph Schnaubelt, the Bomb-Thrower, | 170 | Balthasar Rau, | 173 | Lingg’s Candlestick, | 177 | Round Iron Bomb, | 180 | Samuel Fielden, | 181 | Detective James Bonfield, | 184 | Officer Henry Palmer, | 185 | Officer (now Lieut.) Baer, | 186 | Detective Hermann Schuettler, | 189 | Detective Michael Hoffman, | 189 | Detective Michael Whalen, | 189 | Detective Charles Rehm, | 189 | Detective John Stift, | 189 | Detective Jacob Loewenstein, | 189 | Edmund Furthmann, | 191 | The East Chicago Avenue Station, | 193 | A Back-Yard Interview, | 195 | A Friendly Communication, | 197 | The Notorious Florus’ Hall, | 203 | The Shadowed Detectives, | 204 | The “Red” Sisterhood, | 207 | Turning the Tables, | 209 | Underground Auditors, | 211 | Betrayed by Beauty, | 214 | Thalia Hall, | 218 | Underground Conspirators, | 220 | Officer Nordrum, | 221 | The Scared Amateur Anarchist, | 223 | Watching a Suspect, | 225 | Julius Oppenheimer’s Double, | 231 | Mr. and Mrs. William Seliger, | 236 | A Noble Woman’s Influence-A Kiss that Prevented Bloodshed, | 239 | John Thielen, | 248 | Louis Lingg, the Bomb-maker, | 257 | Lingg’s Trunk, | 258 | Coils of Fuse Found in Lingg’s Trunk, | 259 | Composition Bomb Found in Lingg’s Room, | 261 | Cast-Iron and Large Gas-pipe Bombs, | 262 | Gas-pipe Bombs Found in Lingg’s Room, | 263 | Gas-pipe Bombs without Fuse, | 264 | Unfinished Gas-pipe Bombs Found in Lingg’s Dinner-box, | 265 | Lingg’s Revolver, | 267 | A Desperate Struggle—Louis Lingg’s Arrest, | 269 | Iron Bolt Found in Lingg’s Trunk, | 271 | Lingg’s Sweetheart, | 274 | Ladle used by Lingg in Casting, with Can of English Dynamite, | 276 | Muntzenberg Peddling Books and Bombs, | 281 | George Engel, | 284 | Miss Mary Engel, | 285 | Gottfried Waller, | 287 | Underground Rifle Practice—A Meeting of the Lehr und Wehr Verein, | 289 | Numbered Plates from L. u. W. V. Rifles, | 290 | “Liberty Hall,” | 295 | Otto Lehman, | 298 | Gustav Lehman, | 303 | Zepf’s Hall, | 306 | Timmerhof Hall, | 309 | Herman Muntzenberg, | 313 | A Hasty Toilet, | 325 | A Dangerous Storing-Place, | 327 | An Obstreperous Prisoner, | 329 | The Conspiracy Meeting—Waller Reading Engel’s “Plan,” | 336 | The “Czar” Bomb, | 343 | Anarchist Ammunition—I., | 348 | 1. Incendiary Bomb, with powder flask detached. 2. Gas-Pipe Bombs, without cap or fuse, but loaded with dynamite. Found in Lingg’s Room. 3. Bombs used in Evidence, after analysis by chemists. 4. Gas-pipe Bombs, with fuse and caps, secreted by Julius Oppenheimer under a dancing-platform. | A Group of the Lehr und Wehr Verein, | 352 | The Wife-Beater’s Trial, | 362 | An Incendiary Can, | 365 | Henry Spies, | 368 | The Larrabee Street Station, | 371 | The Hinman Street Station, | 374 | Neebe’s Sword and Belt, | 377 | Anarchist Ammunition—II., | 381 | 1. Round Iron Bombs, cast whole, and designed for use with percussion caps, to explode on falling. 2. Sheet-iron Molds, used by Lingg in the construction of infernal machines. 3, 4. Sectional Views of the “Czar” Bomb. | Hon Joseph E. Gary, | 384 | Portraits of the Jury, | 386 | Portraits of the Jury, | 387 | Hon. Julius S. Grinnell, | 391 | The Great Trial—Scene in the Court-room, | 410 | Spies’ Manuscript of the Famous “Ruhe” Signal—Fac-simile, | 421 | “Y—Come Monday Evening”—Fac-simile, | 422 | Reduced Fac-simile of Heading of the Fackel, | 423 | Plan of the Seliger Residence, | 425 | Dynamite Packages, | 436 | 1. Package left at Judge Tree’s House. 2. Package left at C., B. & Q. Railroad offices. | Socialistic Bombs—Diagrams from Daily News of January 14, 1886, | 437 | Chart of Street Warfare, | 438 | Interior Plan of Greif’s Hall, | 440 | Interior Plan of Neff’s Hall, | 443 | Adolph Lieske, | 449 | Parsons’ Handwriting, | 451 | A Picnic of the “Reds” at Sheffield, | 453 | 1. Experimenting with Dynamite. 2. Getting Inspiration. 3. Engel on the Stump. 4. “Hoch die Anarchie!” 5. Mrs. Parsons Addressing the Crowd. 6. Children Peddling Most’s Literature. 7. A Family Feast. | Engel’s Blast Furnace, | 469 | Moses Salomon, | 479 | Spies Addressing the Strikers at McCormick’s, | 511 | Francis W. Walker, | 526 | Sigismund Zeisler, | 536 | George C. Ingham, | 542 | William A. Foster, | 546 | Capt. William P. Black, | 554 | Lingg’s Suicide Bombs, | 595 | E. F. L. Gauss, | 607 | Henry Severin, | 607 | Judge Benjamin D. Magruder, | 609 | Jailor Folz, | 629 | Benjamin P. Price, | 632 | Lingg’s Terrible Death, | 633 | 1. Lighting the Deadly Bomb. 2. The Explosion. 3. The Deputy Entering Lingg’s Cell. 4. The Dying Bomb-Maker in the Hands of the Surgeons. | Lingg’s Last Request, | 635 | John C. Klein, | 636 | The Chicago Water-works, | 641 | Sheriff Canute R. Matson, | 643 | The Execution, | 645 | John A. Roche, | 648 | Kierlan’s Souvenir, | 653 | The Haymarket Monument, | 659 | An Anarchist “Sunday-school”—Teaching Unbelief and Lawlessness, | 669 | Frank Chleboun, | 673 | Frank Capek, | 673 | Charles L. Bodendick, | 675 | Anarchist Sympathizers—Court-room Sketches, | 678 | Anarchist Sympathizers—Court-room Sketches, | 678 | Anarchist Sympathizers—Court-room Sketches, | 678 | Hronek’s Portrait and Description—I. Showing New Police Method of Identifying Criminals, | 679 | Hronek’s Portrait and Description—II., | 680 |