MAKING A ROSE GARDEN THE HOUSE & GARDEN MAKING BOOKS It is the intention of the publishers to make this series of little volumes, of which Making a Rose Garden is one, a complete library of authoritative and well illustrated handbooks dealing with the activities of the home-maker and amateur gardener. Text, pictures and diagrams will, in each respective book, aim to make perfectly clear the possibility of having, and the means of having, some of the more important features of a modern country or suburban home. Among the titles already issued or planned for early publication are the following: Making a Lawn; Making a Tennis Court; Making a Garden Bloom This Year; Making a Fireplace; Making Roads and Paths; Making a Poultry House; Making a Hotbed and Cold-frame; Making Built-in Bookcases, Shelves and Seats; Making a Rock Garden; Making a Water Garden; Making a Perennial Border; Making a Shrubbery Group; Making a Naturalized Bulb Garden; with others to be announced later.
An English rose garden that is nearly ideal in its arrangement. All the paths are of grass, the beds being sunk a few inches below the turf level in order to conserve the moisture.