Appendix I.


The Egyptian Dynasties According To Manetho (As Quoted By Julius Africanus, a.d. 220), Etc.

[The excerpts of Africanus are known from George the Synkellos (a.d. 790) and Eusebius (a.d. 326): where Eusebius differs from Synkellos the fact is stated.]

(Each king is followed by the number of years reigned.)

Dynasty i.—Thinites: 8 kings.

1. Menes 62
2. AthÔthis his son 57
3. Kenkenes his son 31
4. Ouenephes his son 23
5. Ousaphaidos his son (Ousaphaes, Eus.) 20
6. Miebidos his son (Niebaes, Eus.) 26
7. Semempses his son 18
8. BiÊnakhes his son (Oubienthes or Vibethis, Eus.) 26
Sum 253
(Eus. 252
Really 263)
[pg 288]

Dynasty ii.—Thinites: 9 kings.

1. BoÊthos (BÔkhos, Eus.) 38
2. KaiekhÔs (Khoos or Kekhous, Eus.) 39
3. BinÔthris (Biophis, Eus.) 47
4. Tlas (unnamed by Eus.) 17
5. SethenÊs (unnamed by Eus.) 41
6. Khaires (unnamed by Eus.) 17
7. Nepherkheres 25
8. SesÔkhris 48
9. Kheneres (unnamed by Eus.) 30
Sum 302
(Eus. 297)

Dynasty iii.—Memphites: 9 kings.

1. Nekherophes (NekherÔkhis, Eus.) 28
2. Tosorthros (Sesorthos, Eus.) 29
3. Tyreis (unnamed by Eus.) 7
4. MesÔkhris (unnamed by Eus.) 17
5. SÔyphis (unnamed by Eus.) 16
6. Tosertasis (unnamed by Eus.) 19
7. Akhes (unnamed by Eus.) 42
8. SÊphouris (unnamed by Eus.) 30
9. Kerpheres (unnamed by Eus.) 26
Sum 214
(Eus. 197)

Dynasty iv.—Memphites: 8 kings. (Eus. 17.)

1. SÔris (unnamed by Eus.) 29
2. Souphis i. (3rd king of the dynasty, Eus.) 63
3. Souphis ii. (unnamed by Eus.) 66
4. Menkheres (unnamed by Eus.) 63
5. Ratoises (unnamed by Eus.) 25
6. Bikheris (unnamed by Eus.) 22
7. Seberkheres (unnamed by Eus.) 7
8. Thamphthis (unnamed by Eus.) 9
Sum 277
(Eus. 448
Really 284)

Dynasty v.—Elephantines: 9 kings.

(Eus. 31 kings, including OthoÊs or Othius the First and PhiÔps; the others are unnamed.)

1. Ouserkheres 28
2. Sephres 13
3. Nepherkheres 20
4. Sisires or Sisikhis 7
5. Kheres or Ekheres 20
6. Rathoures 44
7. Menkheres 9
8. Tankheres 44
9. Ounos or Obnos 33
Sum 248
(Really 218)

Dynasty vi.—Memphites: 6 kings. (No number in Eus.)

1. OthoÊs 30
2. Phios 53 (or 3)
3. Menthu-Souphis 7
4. PhiÔps (lived 100 years) 94
5. Menthe-Souphis 1
6. NitÔkris, a queen 12
Sum 160
(Eus. 245)

Dynasty vii.—70 Memphites for 70 days. (Eus. 5 kings for 75 days, or 75 years according to the Armenian Version.)

Dynasty viii.—27 Memphites for 146 years. (Eus. 5 kings for 100 years, or 9 kings according to the Armenian Version.)

Dynasty ix.—19 Herakleopolites for 409 years. (Eus. 4 kings for 100 years.)

1. Akhthoes ?

Dynasty x.—19 Herakleopolites for 185 years.

Dynasty xi.—16 Thebans for 43 years, after whom Ammenemes reigned 16 years.

End of Manetho's first book, the kings of the first eleven dynasties reigning altogether 2300 years (Eus. 2200) and 70 days (really 2287 years and 70 days).

Dynasty xii.—Thebans: 7 kings.

1. SesonkhÔsis, son of Ammenemes 46
2. Ammanemes, slain by his eunuchs 38
3. SesÔstris 48
4. Lakhares (Lamaris or Lambares, Eus.), the builder of the Labyrinth 8
5. Ammeres (unnamed by Eus.) 8
6. Ammenemes (unnamed by Eus. 8
7. Skemiophris his sister (unnamed by Eus.) 4
Sum 160
(Eus. 245)

Dynasty xiii.—Thebans: 60 kings for 453 years.

Dynasty xiv.—Xoites: 76 kings for 134 years. (Eus. 484 years).

Dynasty xv.—Shepherds: 6 Phoenician strangers at Memphis for 284 years. (Eus. Thebans for 250 years).

1. Saites 19
2. BnÔn 44
3. Pakhnan 61
4. Staan 50
5. Arkles 49
6. AphÔbis 61
Sum 284

Dynasty xvi.—Shepherds: 32 kings for 582 years. (Eus. 5 Thebans for 190 years).

Dynasty xvii.—Shepherds: 43 kings for 151 years and 43 Thebans for 151 years. (Eus. Shepherds, Phoenician strangers for 103 years:

1. Saites 19
2. BnÔn 40
3. Arkles (Arm. Version) 30
4. AphÔphis (Arm. Version) 14
Sum 103
[pg 292]

Dynasty xviii.—Thebans: 16 kings. (Eus. 14 kings.)

1. AmÔs[is] 25
2. KhebrÔs (KhebrÔn, Eus.) 13
3. AmenÔphthis (AmenÔphis for 21 years, Eus.) 24
4. Amensis or Amersis (omitted by Eus.) 22
5. Misaphris (Miphris for 12 years, Eus.) 13
6. MisphragmouthÔsis 26
7. TouthmÔsis 9
8. AmenÔphis MemnÔn 31
9. Horos (Oros, Eus.) 37
10. Akherres (Akhenkheres or Akhenkherses for 16 or 12 years, Eus.) 32
11. RathÔs (omitted by Eus.) 6
12. KhebrÉs (Akherres for 8 years, Eus.) 12
13. Akherres (Kherres for 15 years, Eus.) 12
14. Armeses (Armais Danaos, Eus.) 5
15. Ramesses (Ramesses Ægyptos for 68 years, Eus.) 1
16. AmenÔphath (AmenÔphis for 40 years, Eus.) 19
Sum 263
(Eus. 348
Really 287)

Dynasty xix.—Thebans: 7 kings. (Eus. 5 kings.)

1. SethÔs (for 55 years, Eus.) 51
2. Rapsakes (Rampses for 66 years, Eus.) 61
3. Ammenephthes (for 8 years, Eus.) 20
4. Ramesses (omitted by Eus.) 60
5. Ammenemmes (for 26 years, Eus.) 5
6. ThouÔris or Polybos 7
Sum 209
(Eus. 194
Really 204)
[pg 293]

Dynasty xx.—Thebans: 12 kings for 135 years. (Eus. 172 or 178 years.)

Among the 12 kings were:—

NekhepsÔs 19
Psammouthis 13
KÊrtos 16 (Eus. 12)
Rampsis 45
Amenses or Ammenemes 26
Okhyras 14
Sum 137

Dynasty xxi.—Tanites: 7 kings.

1. Smendes 26
2. Psousennes (for 41 years, Eus.) 46
3. Nephelkheres (Nepherkheres, Eus.) 4
4. AmenÔphthis 9
5. OsokhÔr 6
6. Psinakhes 9
7. Psousennes (for 35 years, Eus.) 14
Sum 130
(Eus. 130
Really 114)

Dynasty xxii.—Bubastites: 9 kings. (Eus. 3 kings.)

1. Sesonkhis (SesonkhÔsis, Eus.) 21
2. OsorthÔn 15
3, 4, 5. Unnamed (omitted by Eus.) 25
6. TakelÔthis 13
7, 8, 9. Unnamed (omitted by Eus.) 42
Sum 120
(Eus. 44
Really 116)
[pg 294]

Dynasty xxiii.—Tanites; 4 kings. (Eus. 3 kings.)

1. Petoubates (Petoubastes for 25 years, Eus.) 40
2. OsorkhÔ HÊraklÊs (OsorthÔn for 9 years, Eus.) 8
3. Psammous 10
4. ZÊt (omitted by Eus.) 31
Sum 89
(Eus. 44)

Dynasty xxiv.—One Saite.

1. BokkhÔris the legislator (for 44 years, Eus.) 6

Dynasty xxv.—Ethiopians: 3 kings.

1. SabakÔn (for 12 years, Eus.) 8
2. SebikhÔs his son (for 12 years, Eus.) 14
3. Tearkos (Tarakos for 20 years, Eus.) 18
Sum 40
(Eus. 44)

Dynasty xxvi.—Saites: 9 kings. (Eus. 1, Ammeris the Ethiopian for 18 or 12 years.)

1. Stephinates (Stephinathis, the 2nd king, Eus.) 7
2. NekhepsÔs (the 3rd king, Eus.) 6
3. NekhaÔ (for 6 years, Eus.) 8
4. PsammÊtikhos (for 44 or 45 years, Eus.) 54
5. NekhaÔ II. 6
6. Psammouthis II. (or Psammitikhos, for 17 years, Eus.) 6
7. Ouaphris, (for 25 years, Eus.) 19
8. AmÔsis (for 42 years, Eus.) 44
9. Psammekherites (omitted by Eus.) 1/2
Sum 150-1/2
(Eus. 167)
[pg 295]

Dynasty xxvii.—Persians: 8 kings.

(Each king is followed by the number of years and months reigned.)

1. Kambyses, in the 5th year of his reign (for 3 years, Eus.) 6 0
2. Dareios, son of Hystaspes 36 0
3. Xerxes I. 21 0
4. Artabanos (omitted by Eus.) 0 7
5. Artaxerxes 41 0
6. Xerxes II. 0 2
7. Sogdianos 0 7
8. Dareios, son of Xerxes 19 0
Sum 124 4
(Eus. 120 4)

Dynasty xxviii.—One Saite.

1. Amyrtaios 6 0

Dynasty xxix.—Mendesians: 4 kings. (Eus. 5 kings.)

1. Nepherites I. or Nekherites 6 0
2. AkhÔris 13 0
3. Psammouthes 1 0
(Eus. inserts Mouthis here, 1 year.)
4. Nepherites II. 0 4
Sum 20 4
(Eus. 21 4)

Dynasty xxx.—Sebennytes: 3 kings.

(Each king is followed by the number of years reigned.)

1. Nektanebes I. (for 10 years, Eus.) 18
2. TeÔs 2
3. Nektanebes II. (for 8 years, Eus.) 18
Sum 38
(Eus. 20)
[pg 296]

Dynasty xxxi.—Persians: 3 kings.

1. Okhos, in his 20th year (for 6 years, Eus.) 2
2. Arses (for 4 years, Eus.) 3
3. Dareios (for 6 years, Eus.) 4
Sum 9
(Eus. 16)

The Dynasties Of Manetho According To Josephus.

Dynasty xv.—HyksÔs or Shepherds.

After the overthrow of Timaios, the last king of the fourteenth dynasty, a period of anarchy.

(Each king is followed by the number of years and months reigned.)

1. Salatis at Memphis 13 0
2. Beon 44 0
3. Apakhnas 36 7
4. ApÔphis 61 0
5. Yanias or Annas 50 1
6. Assis 49 2

Dynasties xviii. and xix.—Thebans.

1. TethmÔsis 25 4
2. KhebrÔn his son 13 0
3. AmenÔphis i. 20 7
4. Amesses his sister 21 9
5. Mephres 12 9
6. MephramouthÔsis 25 10
7. ThmÔsis 9 8
8. AmenÔphis ii. 30 10
9. Oros 36 5
10. Akenkhres his daughter 12 1
11. RathÔtis her brother 9 0
12. Akenkheres i. 12 5
13. Akenkheres ii. 12 3
14. Armais 4 1
15. Ramesses 1 4
16. Armesses Miamoun 60 2
17. AmenÔphis iii. 19 6
18. SethÔsis Ægyptos and Ramesses (or Hermeus) Danaos 59 0
19. Rhampses his son 66 0
20. AmenÔphis his son ?
21. SethÔs Ramesses his son ?

[The order ought to be: 15, 18, 19 (identical with 16), 20 (identical with 17).]

The Theban Kings Of Egypt According To Eratosthenes.

(Each king is followed by the number of years reigned.)

1. MÊnes, a ThÊnite of Thebes, interpreted “of Amon” 62
2. AthÔthes, son of MÊnes, interpreted “born of Thoth” 59
3. AthÔthes ii. 32
4. DiabiÊs his son, interpreted “loving his comrades” 19
5. PemphÔs his brother, interpreted “son of HÊraklÊs” (Semempsis) 18
6. Toigar the invincible Momkheiri, a Memphite, interpreted “with superfluous limbs” (Tosorthros) 79
7. Stoikhos his son, interpreted “insensate ArÊs” [? Set] 6
8. Gosormies (perhaps Tosertasis) 30
9. Mares his son, interpreted “Sun-given” 26
10. AnÔyphis his son, interpreted “promiscuous” or “festive” 20
11. Sirios, interpreted “son of side-locks” or “unenvied” 18
12. Khnoubos Gneuros, interpreted “the golden son of the golden” 22
13. RauÔsis, interpreted “chief ruler” (Ratoises) 13
14. Biyres (Bikheres) 10
15. SaÔphis, interpreted “long-haired” or “tradesman” (Kheops) 29
16. SaÔphis ii. (Khephren) 27
17. Moskheres, interpreted “given to the Sun” (Mykerinos) 31
18. Mousthis 33
19. Pammes Arkhondes (Pepi i.) 35
20. Pappos the Great (Pepi ii.) 100
21. Ekheso-Sokaras (Sokar-m-saf) 1
22. NitÔkris, a queen, interpreted “Nit the victorious” 6
23. Myrtaios the given to Amon 22
24. Thyosi-mares, interpreted “the strong Sun” 12
25. Thirillos or Thinillos, interpreted “who has increased his father's strength” (Nefer-ka-Ra Terel) 8
26. Semphroukrates, interpreted “HÊraklÊs Harpokrates” 18
27. KhouthÊr Tauros the tyrant (perhaps AkhthoÊs) 7
28. Meures 12
29. KhÔmaephtha, interpreted “a world loving Ptah” 11
30. Soikouniosokhos the tyrant 60
31. Pente-athyris 16
32. Stammenes iii. (Amen-m-hat ii.) 23
33. Sistosi-khermes, interpreted “HeraklÊs the strong” (Usertesen ii.) 55
34. Maris (Amen-m-hat iii.) 43
35. Siphyas (Siphthas), interpreted “Thoth the son of Ptah” (Si-Ptah) 5
36. Name lost 14
37. PhrourÔn or Neilos (Sebek-neferu-Ra) 5
38. Amouthantaios 63
[pg 299]

Dynasty i.

Abydos. SaqqÂrah. Turin Papyrus. Manetho.
1. Meni Meni Menes
2. Teta Atut Athothis
3. Atota Kenkenes
4. Ata Ouenephes i.
5. Husapti Husapti Ousaphaidos
6. Mer-ba-pa Mer-ba-pen Mer-ba-pen, 73 yrs. Miebidos
7. Samsu Samsu, 72 yrs. Semempses
8. Qabh(u) Qabhu Qabhu, 83 yrs. Bienekhes.

Dynasty ii.

Abydos. SaqqÂrah. Turin Papyrus. Manetho.
1. Buzau Bai-nuter (Buzau), 95 yrs. BoÊthos
2. Kakau Kakau Kakau Kaiekhos
3. Ba-nuter-en Ba-nuter-en Ba-nuter-en, 95 yrs. Binothris
4. Uznas Uznas (Uznas), 70 yrs. Tlas
5. Senda10 Send Senda, 74 (?) yrs. Sethenes
6. Nefer-ka-Ra (Nefer-ka-Ra), 70 yrs. Nepherkheres.

Dynasty iii.

Abydos. SaqqÂrah. Turin Papyrus. Manetho.
1. Nefer-ka-Sokar Nefer-ka-Sokar (? 2) 8 yrs. 4 mths. 2 dys. Nekherophes
2. Zefa Hu-Zefa, 25(?) yrs. 8 mths. 4 dys. Tosorthros
3. Babai
4. Zazai Zazai, 37 yrs. 2 mths. 1 day. Tyreis
5. Neb-ka Neb-ka-(Ra), 19 yrs. Mesokhris
6. Zoser-Sa Zoser Zoser, 19 yrs. 2 mths. SÔyphis
7. Teta ii. Zoser-teta Zoser-teta, 6 yrs. Tosertasis
8. Sezes Neb-ka-Ra Akhes
9. Nefer-ka-Ra i. (Nefer-ka-Ra), 6 yrs. Sephouris
10. Huni Huni, 24 yrs. Kerpheres.

Dynasty iv.

Abydos. SaqqÂrah. Turin Papyrus. Manetho.
1. Snefru Snefru Snefru, 24 yrs. Soris
2. Khufu Khufuf (Khufu), 23 yrs. Souphis i.
3. Ra-dad-f Ra-dad-f (Ra-dad-f), 8 yrs. Ratoises
4. KhÂ-f-Ra KhÂ-f-Ra Souphis ii.
5. Men-kau-Ra [Men]-kau-[Ra] Menkheres
6. Shepseskaf Shepseskaf Seberkheres (?)

Dynasty v.

Abydos. SaqqÂrah. Turin Papyrus. Manetho.
1. User-ka-f User-ka-f (Userkaf), 28 yrs. Ouserkheres
2. Sahu-Ra Sahu-Ra (Sahu-Ra), 4 yrs. Sephres
3. Kaka (Kaka), 2 yrs.
4. Nefer-Ra Nefer-ar-ka-Ra11 (Nefer-ar-ka-Ra), 7 yrs. Nepherkheres
5. Shepses-ka-Ra (Shepses-ka-Ra), 12 yrs. Sisires
6. KhÂ-nefer-Ra Kheres
7. Akau-Hor, 7 yrs.12 Rathoures
8. Ra-n-user (An) (Ra-n-user-An), 25 yrs.
9. Men-kau-Hor Men-ka-Hor Men-ka-Hor, 8 yrs. Menkheres
10. Dad-ka-Ra (Assa) MÂ-ka-Ra Dad(-ka Ra Assa), 28 yrs. Tankheres
11. Unas Unas Unas, 30 yrs. Obnos.

Dynasty vi.

Abydos. SaqqÂrah. Turin Papyrus. Manetho.
1. Teta iii. Teta Othoes
2. User-ka-Ra (Ati?)
3. Meri-Ra (Pepi i.) Pepi i. (Pepi i.), 20 yrs. Phios
4. Mer-n-Ra Miht-m-saf i. Mer-n-Ra i. (Miht-m-saf i.), 14 yrs. Methousouphis
5. Nefer-ka-Ra (Pepi i.) Nefer-ka-Ra (Pepi ii. ), 9 (4) yrs. Phiops
6. Mer-n-Ra Miht-m-saf ii. (Miht-m-saf ii.), 1 yr. 1 mth. Menthesouphis
7. Neit-aker, a queen Nitokris.

Dynasties vii. and viii.13

Turin Papyrus. Abydos.
1. Nefer-ka, 2 yrs. 1 mth. 1 dy. 1. Nuter-ka-Ra
2. Neferus, 4 yrs. 2 mth. 1 dy. 2. Men-ka-Ra
3. Ab-n-Ra I., 2 yrs. 1 mth. 1 dy. 3. Nefer-ka-Ra iii.
4. ... 1 yr. 8 dys. 4. Nefer-ka-Ra iv. Nebi
5. Ab-n-Ra ii. 5. Dad-ka-Ra Shema
6. Hanti 6. Nefer-ka-Ra v. Khondu
7. Pest-sat-n-Sopd 7. Mer-n-Hor
8. Pait-kheps 8. Snefer-ka i.
9. Serhlinib.14 9. Ka-n-Ra.
10. Nefer-ka-Ra vi. Terel
11. Nefer-ka-Hor
12. Nefer-ka-Ra vii. Pepi-Seneb
13. Snefer-ka ii. Annu
14. [User-]kau-Ra
15. Nefer-kau-Ra
16. Nefer-kau-Hor
17. Nefer-ar-ka-Ra.

Dynasty ix. Monuments.

Khiti (or Khruti) i. Mer-ab-Ra (the Akhthoes of Manetho) Âa-hotep-Ra SkhÂ-n-Ra
MÂa-ab-Ra Se-n(?)-mu-Ra15

Dynasty x.

Monuments. Turin Papyrus.
Ra-hotep-ab Amu-si-Hor-nez-hirtef Khiti ii.
Mer ...
Meh ...
Hu ...17

Dynasty xi.18

Karnak. Other Monuments.
1. Antef I., Prince (of Thebes) Seshes-Hor-ap-mÂa-Ra Antuf-Aa
2. Men[tu-hotep i.] the Pharaoh Neb-hotep Mentu-hotep i.
3. Antef ii. Uah-Ânkh [Ter?]-seshes ap-mÂa-Ra Antef-Aa, his son
4. Antef iii. Seshes-herher-mÂa-Ra Antef, his brother
5. Nuter-nefer Neb-taui-Ra Mentu-hotep ii.
6. Antef iv. Nub-kheper-Ra Antauf (more than 50 yrs.)
7. Neb-[khru]-Ra Neb-khru-Ra Mentu-hotep iii. (more than 46 yrs.)
8. Queen Aah
9. Antef v. her son
10. S-Ânkh-ka-Ra S-Ânkh-ka-Ra19
[pg 304]

Dynasty xii.

Monuments. Turin Papyrus. Manetho.
1. Amen-m-hat i. S-hotep-ab-Ra alone, 20 yrs. With Usertesen i., 10 yrs. S-hotep-ab-Ra, 19 yrs. Ammenemes
2. Userteseni. Kheper-ka-Ra alone, 32 yrs. With Amen-m-hat ii., 3 yrs. ... 45 yrs. 7 mths. Sesonkhosis
3. Amen-m-hat ii. Nub-kau-Ra alone, 29 yrs. With Usertesen ii., 6 yrs. ... 3[2] yrs. Ammanemes
4. Usertesen ii. KhÂ-kheper-Ra ... 19 yrs. Sesostris
5. Usertesen iii. KhÂ-kau-Ra (more than 26 yrs.) ... 3[8] yrs. Lakhares
6. Amen-m-hat iii. MÂat-n-Ra, 43 yrs. ... 4[3] yrs. Ammeres
7. Amen-m-hat iv. MÂ-khru-Ra MÂ-khru-[Ra], 9 yrs. 3 mths. 27 dys. Ammenemes
8. Sebek-nefru-Ra (a queen) Sebek-nefru-Ra, 3 yrs. 10 mths. 24 dys. Skemiophris
Sum of years of twelfth dynasty: 213 years 1 mth. 17 days.
[pg 305]

Dynasties xiii. and xiv. Turin Papyrus.20

1. Sebek-hotep i. [Sekhem]-khu-taui-Ra (son of Sebek-nefru-Ra), 1 yr. 3 mths. 24 dys.
2. Sekhem-ka-Ra, 6 yrs.
3. Ra Amen-m-hat v.
4. S-hotep-ab-Ra ii.
5. Aufni, 2 yrs.
6. S-Ânkh-ab-Ra [Ameni Antuf Amen-m-hat], 1 yr.
7. S-men-ka-Ra
8. S-hotep-ab-Ra iii.
9. S-Ânkh-ka-Ra
10, 11. Destroyed
12. Nezem-ab-Ra
13. Ra-Sebek-hotep ii.
14. Ran-seneb
15. Autu-ab-Ra i. (Hor)21
16. Sezef-[ka]-Ra
17. Sekhem-khu-taui-Ra ii. Sebek-hotep iii.
18. User-n-Ra
19. S-menkh-ka-Ra Mer-menfiu
20. ... ka-Ra
21. S-user-set-Ra
22. Sekhem-uaz-taui-Ra Sebek-hotep iv.
23. KhÂ-seshesh-Ra Nefer-hotep, son of Ha-Ânkh-f
24. Si-Hathor-Ra
25. KhÂ-nefer-Ra Sebek-hotep v.
26. [KhÂ-ka-Ra]
27. [KhÂ-Ânkh-Ra Sebek-hotep vi.]
28. KhÂ-hotep-Ra Sebek-hotep vii., 4 yrs. 8 mths. 29 dys.
29. Uab-Ra Aa-ab, 10 yrs. 8 mths. 29 dys.
30. Mer-nefer-Ra Ai, 23 yrs.22 8 mths. 18 dys.
31. Mer-hotep-Ra Ana, 2 yrs. 2 mths. 9 dys.
32. S-Ânkh-n-s-uaztu-Ra, 3 yrs. 2 mths.
33. Mer-sekhem-Ra Anran,23 3 yrs. 1 mth.
34. S-uaz-ka-Ra Ur, 5 yrs. ... mth. 8 dys.
35. Anemen ... Ra
[pg 306]
36-46. Destroyed
47. Mer-kheper-Ra
48. Mer-kau-Ra Sebek-hotep viii.
49-53. Destroyed
54. ... mes-Ra
55. ... mÂt-Ra Aba
56. Nefer-uben-Ra i.
57. ... ka-Ra
58. S-uaz-n-Ra.
59-60. Destroyed
61. Nehasi-Ra24
62. KhÂ-khru-Ra
63. Neb-f-autu-Ra, 2 yrs. 5 mths. 15 dys.
64. S-heb-Ra, 3 yrs.
65. Mer-zefa-Ra, 3 yrs.
66. S-uaz-ka-Ra, 1 yr.
67. Neb-zefa-Ra, 1 yr.
68. Uben-Ra i.
69-70. Destroyed
71. [Neb-]zefa-Ra ii., 4 yrs.
72. [Nefer-]Uben-Ra ii.
73. Autu-ab-Ra ii.
74. Her-ab-Ra
75. Neb-sen-Ra
76-79. Destroyed
80. S-kheper-n-Ra
81. Dad-khru-Ra
82. S-Ânkh-ka-Ra
83. Nefer-tum-Ra
84. Sekhem ... Ra
85. Ka ... Ra
86. Nefer-ab-Ra
87. A ... ka-Ra
88. Kh ... Ra, 2 yrs.
89. Nez-ka ... Ra
90. S-men ... Ra
91-111. Destroyed.
112. Sekhem ... Ra
113. Sekhem ... Ra
114. Sekhem-us ... Ra
115. Sesen ... Ra
116. Neb-ati-uzu-Ra
117. Neb-aten-uzu-Ra
118. S-men-ka-Ra
119. S-user-[aten]-Ra
120. KhÂ-sekhem-[hent]-Ra
Some 37 more names are illegible.

[Dynasties xiii. and xiv. Karnak.

1. ... ka.
2. S-uaz-n-Ra (Nefer-ka-Ra)
3. S-ankh-ab-Ra (T. P. 6)
4. Sekhem-khu-taui-Ra (T. P. 17)
[pg 307]
5. Sekhem-s-uaz-taui-Ra. (T. P. 22)
6. KhÂ-seshesh-Ra (T. P. 23)
7. KhÂ-nefer-Ra (T. P. 25)
8. KhÂ-ka-Ra (T. P. 26)
9. KhÂ-Ânkh-Ra (T. P. 27)
10. Kha-hotep-Ra
11. S-nefer-Ra
12. ... Ra
13. Ses-user-taui-Ra
14. Mer-sekhem-Ra
15. Sekhem-uaz-khÂu-Ra (Sebek-m-saf i.)
16. S-uah-n-Ra
17. [Sekhem]-uah-khÂu-Ra (Sebek-m-saf ii.)
18. Za ... Ra
19. S-uaz-n-Ra
20. S-nefer ... Ra
21. ... Ra.

Other Monuments.

Men-khÂu-Ra An-ab
Sekhem-nefer-khÂu-Ra Apheru-m-saf
MÂa-nt-n-Ra Ter-n-Ra
Men-nefer-Ra (Menophres)
Sekhem-sheddi-taui-Ra Sebek-m-saf ii.
Ra-seshes-men-taui Tehuti].

Dynasties xv. and xvi. Turin Papyrus.

1. Abehnas ... (?)
2. Apepi
3. A ...

Other Monuments.

Shalati (?)
BanÂn (?)
Ya'qob-hal (“Jacob-el”)
Khian S-user-(Set-)n-Ra
Apepi i. Aa-user-Ra (reigned more than 33 years)
Apepi ii. Aa-ab-taui-Ra.
[pg 308]

Dynasty xvii.

Skenen-Ra Taa i. (contemporary with Apepi ii.)
Skenen-Ra Taa ii. Aa
Skenen-Ra Taa iii. Ken
Uaz-kheper-Ra Ka-mes, and wife Aah-hotep.

Other kings of the seventeenth dynasty were:—


Dynasty xviii.

1. Neb-pehuti-Ra Aahmes (more than 20 yrs.), and wife Nefert-ari-Aahmes25 Amosis
2. Ser-ka-Ra Amen-hotep i., his son (20 yrs. 7 mths.); his mother at first regent AmenÔphis i.
3. Aa-kheper-ka-Ra Tehuti-mes i., his son, and wife Aahmes Meri-Amen, and Queen Amen-sit. Chebron (?)
4. Aa-kheper-n-Ra Tehuti-mes ii., his son (more than 9 yrs.), and wife (sister) Hashepsu i. MÂ-ka-Ra Amensis
5. Khnum Amen Hashepsu ii. MÂ-ka-Ra, his sister (more than 16 yrs.) Amensis (?)
6. Ra-men-kheper Tehuti-mes iii., her brother, (57 yrs. 11 mths. 1 dy., b.c. 1503, March 20-1449, Feb. 1426) Misaphris
7. Aa-khepru-Ra Amen-hotep ii., his son (more then 5 yrs.) Misphragmu-thosis
8. Men-khepru-Ra Tehuti-mes iv., his son (more than 7 yrs.) Touthmosis
9. Neb-mÂ-Ra Amen-hotep iii., his son, (more then 35 yrs.), and wife Teie AmenÔphis II.
10. Nefer-khepru-Ra Amen-hotep iv. Khu-n-aten27, his son (more than 17 yrs), and wife Nefrui-Thi S-Âa-ka-khepru-Ra Horos
11. Ankh-khepru-Ra, and wife Meri-Aten Akherres
12. Tut-Ânkh-Amen Khepru-neb-Ra, and wife Ankh-nes-Amen Rathotis
13. Aten-Ra-nefer-nefru-mer-Aten
14. Ai Kheper-khepru-ar-mÂ-Ra and wife Thi more than 4 yrs.
15. Hor-m-hib Mi-Amen Ser-khepru-Ka (more than 3 yrs.) Armais

Dynasty xix.

1. Men-pehuti-Ra Ramessu i. (more than 2 yrs.) Ramesses
2. Men-mÂ-Ra Seti I. Mer-n-Ptah i. (more than 27 yrs.), and wife Tua Sethos
3. User-mÂ-Ra (Osymandyas) Sotep-n-Ra Ramessu ii. Mi-Amen (b.c. 1348-1281)
4. Mer-n-Ptah ii. Hotep-hi-ma Ba-n-Ra Mi-Amen Ammenephthes
5. User-khepru-Ra Seti II. Mer-n-Ptah iii. Sethos Ramesses
6. Amen-mesu Hik-An Mer-kha-Ra Sotep-n-Ra Amenemes
7. Khu-n-Ra Sotep-n-Ra Mer-n-Ptah iv. Si-Ptah (more than 6 yrs.), and wife Ta-user Thouoris

Dynasty xx.

1. Set-nekt Merer Mi Amon (recovered the kingdom from the Phoenician Arisu)
2. Ramessu iii. Hik-An (more than 32 yrs.)
3. Ramessu iv. Hik-MÂ Mi-Amen (more than 11 yrs.)
4. Ramessu v. User-mÂ-s-kheper-n-Ra Mi-Amen (more than 4 yrs.)
5. Ramessu vi. Neb-mÂ-Ra Mi-Amen Amen-hir-khopesh-f (Ramessu Meri-Tum in northern Egypt)
6. Ramessu vii. At-Amen User-mÂ-Ra Mi-Amen
7. Ramessu viii. Set-hir-khopesh-f Mi-Amen User-mÂ-Ra Khu-n-Amen
8. Ramessu ix. Si-Ptah S-khÂ-n-Ra Mi-Amen (19 yrs.)
9. Ramessu x. Nefer-ka-Ra Mi-Amen Sotep-n-Ra (more than 10 yrs.)
10. Ramessu xi. Amen-hir-khopesh-f Kheper-m Ra Sotep-n-Ra
11. Ramessu xii. Men-mÂ-Ra Mi-Amen Sotep-n-Ptah KhÂ-m-uas (more than 27 yrs.)
[pg 311]

Dynasty xxi. Illegitimate.

1. Hir-Hor Si-Amen, High-priest of Amon at Thebes, and wife Nezem-mut
2. Piankhi, High-priest, and wife Tent-Amen
3. Pinezem i., High-priest, and wife Hont-taui
4. Pinezem ii., King, and wife MÂ-ka-Ra
5. Men-kheper-Ra, High-priest, and wife Isis-m-kheb
6. Pinezem iii., High-priest.

Dynasty xxi. Legitimate.

1. Nes-Bindidi Mi-Amen Smendes
2. P-seb-khÂ-n i. Mi-Amen Aa-kheper-Ra Sotep-n-Amen Psousennes i.
3. [Nefer-ka-Ra] Nephelkheres
4. Amen-m-apt Amenophthis
5. Osokhor
6. Pinezem (?) Psinakhes
7. Hor P-seb-khÂ-n ii. Psousennes ii.

Dynasty xxii.

1. Shashanq i. Mi-Amen Hez-kheper-Ra Sotep-n-Ra, son of Nemart (more than 21 yrs.), and wife Ka-rÂ-mÂt Sesonkhis
2. Usarkon i. Mi-Amen Sekhem-kheper-Ra (married MÂ-ka-Ra, daughter of P-seb-khÂ-n ii.) Osorkon
3. Takelet i. Mi-Amen Si-Isis User-mÂ-Ra Sotep-n-Amen (more than 23 yrs.)
4. Usarkon ii. Mi-Amen Si-Bast User-mÂ-Ra (more than 23 yrs.)
5. Shashanq ii. Mi-Amen Sekhem-kheper-Ra
6. Takelet ii. Mi-Amen Si-Isis Hez-kheper-Ra (more then 15 yrs.) Takelothis
7. Shashanq iii. Mi-Amen Si-Bast User-mÂ-Ra (52 yrs.)
8. Pimai Mi-Amen User-mÂ-Ra Sotep-n-Amen
9. Shashanq iv. Aa-kheper-Ra (more than 37 yrs.)

Dynasty xxiii.

1. S-her-ab-Ra Petu-si-Bast Petoubastes
2. Usarkon iii. Mi-Amen Aa-kheper-Ra Sotep-n-Amen Osorkho
3. P-si-Mut User-Ra Sotep-n-Ptah Psammos
4. Zet.


Egypt, divided between several princes, including Tef-nekht (Tnephakhthos), father of Bak-n-ran-f. It is overrun by Piankhi the Ethiopian, while Usarkon iii. reigns at Bubastis. The son and successor of Piankhi is Mi-Amen-Nut.

Dynasty xxiv.

1. Bak-n-ran-f Uah-ka-Ra (more than 16 yrs.)28 Bokkhoris
[pg 313]

Dynasty xxv.

1. Shabaka Nefer-ka-Ra, son of Kashet (12 yrs.) Sabako
2. Shabataka Dad-ka-Ra Sebikhos
3. Taharka Nefer-tum-khu-Ra or Tirhakah (26 yrs.) Tearkos


The Assyrian conquest and division of Egypt into twenty satrapies, b.c. 672-660. Taharka and his successor Urdamanu (Rud-Amen), or, as the name may also be read, Tandamane (Tanuath-Amen), make vain attempts to recover it. In Manetho the period is represented by Stephinates (Sotep-n-Nit), Nekhepsos and Nekhao, the last of whom is called in the Assyrian inscriptions Niku, the father of Psammetikhos, and vassal-king of Memphis and Sais.

Dynasty xxvi.

1. Psamtik i. Uah-ab-Ra and wife Mehet-usekh (b.c. 664-610) Psammetikhos
2. Nekau Nem-ab-Ra and wife Mi-Mut Nit-aker (b.c. 610-594) Nekhao
3. Psamtik ii. Nefer-ab-Ra, and wife Nit-aker (b.c. 594-589) Psammouthis
4. Uah-ab-Ra Haa-ab-Ra and wife Aah-hotep (b.c. 589-570) Ouaphris
5. Aah-mes Si-Nit Khnum-ab-Ra and wife Thent-kheta (b.c. 570-526) Amosis
6. Psamtik iii. Ankh-ka-n-Ra (b.c. 526-525) Psammekherites
[pg 314]

Dynasty xxvii.

1. Kambathet Sam-taui Mestu-Ra (b.c. 525-519) Kambyses
2. Ntariush i. Settu-Ra (b.c. 521-485) Dareios i.
3. Khabbash Senen Tanen Sotep-n-Ptah (b.c. 485)
4. Khsherish (b.c. 484) Xerxes i.
Artakhsharsha (b.c. 465-425) Artaxerxes
Ntariush Mi-Amen-Ra (b.c. 424-405) Dareios ii.

Dynasty xxviii.

Amen-ar-t-rut29 (more than 6 yrs.), b.c. 415 Amyrtaios

Dynasty xxix.

1. Nef-Âa-rut i. Ba-n-Ra Mi-nuteru (more than 4 yrs.) Nepherites i.
2. Hakori Khnum-mÂ-Ra Sotep-n-Ptah (13 yrs.) Akhoris
3. P-si-Mut User-Ptah-sotep-n-Ra (1 yr.) Psammouthes
4. Hor-neb-kha (1 yr.) Mouthes
5. Nef-Âa-rut ii. (1 yr.) Nepherites ii.

Dynasty xxx.

1. Nekht-Hor-hib Ra-snezem-ab Sotep-n-Anhur, son of Nef-Âa-rut i. (9 yrs.) Nektanebes i.
2. Zihu (1 yr.) TeÔs
3. Nekht-neb-f Kheper-ka-Ra (18 yrs.) Nektanebes ii.

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