Finally the day came when Oisette must say good-by to Quebec, to grandmother, to ancient Carleau, to Napoleon, to the yellow canary, and then pay a last visit to the Terrace, and say good-by to everything there. The lovely view, the harbor boats, the statue of Champlain, the beautiful ChÂteau Frontenac, the band, and last, but not least, to the little Sage girl, who had been so friendly to her. All these things would soon be memories, banked in her mind forever and ever. Monsieur Tremblent and Oisette returned to Montreal by rail, leaving the ancient walled city soon after the noontime, and, journeying back by a fast express, they reached the Place Viger "Alouette, gentille Alouette, Alouette Je te plumerai, A very pleasant surprise was when they reached Montreal, and her father decided to stop at the Place Viger Hotel for a meal before they should take the trolley home. For, to tell the truth, Oisette was very hungry indeed, and so was her father. Presently they were seated at a little table out on a beautiful stone balcony, with pretty striped awnings, potted plants, where there was When the meal was finished and they were about to depart, to her great surprise, as they passed near the piano, she heard a voice say, "Bon soir, Oisette." Monsieur Tremblent stopped, too, and shook hands with several of the musicians; and Oisette gasped with surprise, During the five minutes' rest accorded this hotel orchestra these girls chatted like magpies with the travelers, and sent messages to the other members of the family, and said they When the-round-the-mountain car stopped at Cote-des-Neiges that night, Monsieur Tremblent and his little daughter alighted in the dusk. They planned to surprise the household. By crossing a meadow they approached the house from the rear, and thought it would be great fun to slip into the kitchen in the darkness and leave their parcels, and then perhaps take off their wraps. Oisette wondered if she might manage to be discovered playing the piano. The French Canadian loves a practical joke. But it happened that some one in a motor When at last she went to bed she gazed about her own room with a new interest. The room seemed smaller than she had thought it before, but her pictures were so pretty. Nowhere had she seen anything she liked as well as her Joan of Arc banner wrought in silk. And there was her own bedspread again, "the music of the spheres," placed there in honor of her return. "Chime, chime, chime, chime," rang the church bell next morning. This was the bell that had awakened our little Quebec cousin since her birth. It sounded like an old friend, but what a funny, feeble little bell it was after the great tongues of the Quebec bells to which her ears had become attuned. Presently she heard the popping noise of firecrackers, and Carleau barking madly in the door yard: and she remembered that it was July first, Dominion Day, a legal holiday all By the time she had finished her breakfast and was out in the morning sunshine, she gazed with rapture at the Dudley's house. First of all, the Union Jack was flying from a tall flag staff, then the piazza was draped with red, white, and blue; all the posts were wound with red, and strings of Chinese lanterns were dancing in the wind. She was told that there was to be a children's party and she was to come over to it, and they would like her to sing a little song, as there was to be an entertainment with the piazza for a stage. "You are to sing in French. Our governess says that will make a pleasing variety," explained the children. "Here is what I am to recite," demonstrated Queenie Dudley, making a deep bow toward Oisette: "Four fingers, a thumb, on each little hand; "But that is not suited to the summertime," objected her brother. "Father taught you that for a Christmas party. You should have learned a new one by this time." "Bosh," said young Queenie, "you always recite the same old thing, every party we have or go to. You just make your bow and say: "Speaking pieces. What's the use, I'd like to know? Presently the piano was moved close to the window, and the governess played some tunes They all joined in with a will, and sang "The Maple Leaf, the Maple Leaf Forever"; and "Oh, Canada." When they had sung this once through in English, she coaxed Oisette Mary to repeat it alone in French, which she did in a very winning manner. All day long on Dominion Day these children romped together. Oisette felt it was good to be home with her dear little neighbors again; and when at last, tired out after the party, she went home and nestled down in her little bed she said an extra little prayer of gratitude to Our Lady for giving her such a happy first day home, and then, tucking the rosary under her pillow, she was soon asleep. Oisette, like so many little French Canadian girls who are convent trained, will become proficient with her needle, she will play the piano, she will always greet one with a pretty bow The Province of Quebec is not all French, there are little girls with a Scotch accent, and there are those with an English accent, and in Ontario there are those very like American children. But perhaps the French Canadian child with her quaint little ways in her humble home proves far the most interesting to the traveler, and her simple life teaches every one who knows her a lesson of obedience and contentment. "Chime-Chime-Chime-Chime"—yes, the story ends here, but the bells still call and call little Oisette to awake, to come to prayers, to attend vespers—"Chime-Chime-Chime-Chime." Our little Quebec cousin bows her head when she hears them "Chime-Chime-Chime-Chime"—and life goes on. THE END Selections from THE BLUE BONNET SERIES Each large 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated, per volume $1.50 A TEXAS BLUE BONNET By Caroline E. Jacobs. "The book's heroine, Blue Bonnet, has the very finest kind of wholesome, honest, lively girlishness."—Chicago Inter-Ocean. BLUE BONNET'S RANCH PARTY By Caroline E. Jacobs and Edyth Ellerbeck Read. "A healthy, natural atmosphere breathes from every chapter."—Boston Transcript. BLUE BONNET IN BOSTON; Or, Boarding-School Days at Miss North's. By Caroline E. Jacobs and Lela Horn Richards. "It is bound to become popular because of its wholesomeness and its many human touches."—Boston Globe. BLUE BONNET KEEPS HOUSE; Or, The New Home in the East. By Caroline E. 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Cover design and decorations by Peter Verberg. "A mighty attractive volume in which the owner may record the good times she has on decorated pages, and under the directions as it were of Annie Fellows Johnston."—Buffalo Express. ![]() Transcriber's Notes: Page 41, "skii-jumping" changed to "ski-jumping" (is a ski-jumping contest) Page 58, "labelel" changed to "labeled" (Everything is labeled) Page 63, "illustrous" changed to "illustrious" (illustrious past, and now) Page 70, "Pere" changed to "PÈre" (this same Rev. PÈre de) Page 92, "Napoelon" changed to "Napoleon" (the name of Napoleon) |