Among Ourselves.


I desire to extend thanks to those members who have sent in new subscribers. Continue the good work. The Chairman of the Finance Committee says: “Wake up the boys, in your next issue, to secure subscribers and members—we must have them to succeed.”

Always when you write enclose some note on the birds.

Each officer of the I. O. A., and chairman of each committee, is requested at the close of every quarter to send a report of their work. Remember this on April 1st.

Some time ago I forwarded the names of Guy C. Rich, Sioux City, and M. Earl Halvorsen, Forest City, for active membership and W. E. Mulligan, Grand Rapids, Mich., for associate, to the executive council; have not heard from them yet. Please be more prompt.

According to Sec. 8 of the By-Laws, the annual dues of active members are $1.00, payable January 1st of each year. If you have not paid your dues for 1896, this paragraph is marked with a blue pencil. Please do not delay remitting.

Mr. E. B. Webster, Cresco, Ia., is doing the printing of Vol. II for $80.00, same to be made in two payments: first, when second issue is completed, and second, when the fourth issue is printed. We have 500 copies printed of each issue.


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