Adventures of Jimmie Dale. Frank L. Packard.
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. A. Conan Doyle.
Adventures of the D. C. I. Major C. E. Russell.
Affair in Duplex 9B, The. William Johnston.
Affair at the Chateau, The. Mrs. Baillie Reynolds.
Affinities and Other Stories. Mary Roberts Rinehart.
After House, The. Mary Roberts Rinehart.
After Noon. Susan Ertz.
Ah, the Delicate Passion. Elizabeth Hall Yates.
Ailsa Page. Robert W. Chambers.
Alcatraz. Max Brand.
All at Sea. Carolyn Wells.
All the Way by Water. Elizabeth Stancy Payne.
Altar of Friendship, The. Blanche Upright.
Amateur Gentleman. Jeffery Farnol.
Amateur Inn, The. Albert Payson Terhune.
Anabel at Sea. Samuel Merwin.
An Accidental Accomplice. William Johnston.
Ancestor Jorico. William J. Locke.
And They Lived Happily Ever After. Meredith Nicholson.
Angel Esquire. Edgar Wallace.
Angel of Terror. Edgar Wallace.
Anne of the Island. L. M. Montgomery.
Anne's House of Dreams. L. M. Montgomery.
Annihilation. Isabel Ostrander.
Ann's Crime. R. T. M. Scott.
An Ordeal of Honor. Anthony Pryde.
Anything But the Truth. Carolyn Wells.
April and Sally June. Margaret Piper Chalmers.
Are All Men Alike, and The Lost Titan. Arthur Stringer.
Aristocratic Miss Brewster, The. Joseph C. Lincoln.
Around Old Chester. Margaret Deland.
Arrant Rover, The. Berta Ruck.
As a Thief in the Night. R. Austin Freeman.
A Self-Made Thief. Hulbert Footner.
Astounding Crime on Torrington Road, The. William Gillette.
At Sight of Gold. Cynthia Lombard.
At the Foot of the Rainbow. James B. Hendryx.
At the Mercy of Tiberius. Augusta Evans Wilson.
At the South Gate. Grace S. Richmond.
Auction Block, The. Rex Beach.
Aunt Jane of Kentucky. Eliza C. Hall.
Aurelius Smith—Detective. R. T. M. Scott.
Autocrat, The. Pearl Doles Bell.
Aw Hell! Clarke Venable.
Bab: a Sub-Deb. Mary Roberts Rinehart.
Babe Ruth's Own Book of Baseball. George Herman Ruth.
Backwoods Princess, A. Hulbert Footner.
Bad One, The. John Farrow.
"Barabbas." Marie Corelli.
Barberry Bush. Kathleen Norris.
Barrier, The. Rex Beach.
Bars of Iron, The. Ethel M. Dell.
Bartenstein Mystery, The. J. S. Fletcher.
Bar-20. Clarence E. Mulford.
Bar-20 Days. Clarence E. Mulford.
Bar-20 Rides Again, The. Clarence E. Mulford.
Bar-20 Three. Clarence E. Mulford.
Bat Wing. Sax Rohmer.
Beauty and the Beast. Kathleen Norris.
Beauty Mask, The. H. M. Clamp.
Beginners, The. Henry Kitchell Webster.
Beg Pardon Sir! Reginald Wright Kauffman.
Bella Donna. Robert Hichens.
Bellamy Trial, The. Frances Noyes Hart.
Belonging. Olive Wadsley.
Beloved Pawn, The. Harold Titus.
Beloved Rajah, The. A. E. R. Craig.
Beloved Traitor, The. Frank L. Packard.
Beloved Vagabond, The. William J. Locke.
Beloved Woman, The. Kathleen Norris.
Beltane the Smith. Jeffery Farnol.
Benson Murder Case, The. S. S. Van Dine.
Best Ghost Stories, The. Edited by Bohun Lynch.
Beyond the Frontier. Randall Parrish.
Bigamist, The. John Jay Chichester.
Big Brother. Rex Beach.
Big Mogul, The. Joseph C. Lincoln.
Big Shot, The. Frank L. Packard.
Big Timber. Bertrand W. Sinclair.
Bill the Conqueror. P. Q. Wodehouse.
Bill—The Sheik. A. M. Williamson.
Bird of Freedom. Hugh Pendexter.
Black Abbot, The. Edgar Wallace.
Black Bartlemy's Treasure. Jeffery Farnol.
Black Bull, The. H. Bedford-Jones.
Black Buttes. Clarence E. Mulford.
Black Company, The. W. B. M. Ferguson.
Black Flemings, The. Kathleen Norris.
Black Butterflies. Elizabeth Jordan.
Black Glove, The. J. G. Sarasin.
Black Ivory. Polan Banks.
Black Magician, The. R. T. M. Scott.
Black Oxen. Gertrude Atherton.
Black Stamp, The. Will Scott.
Black Turret, The. Patrick Wynnton.
Blades. George Barr McCutcheon.
Blair's Attic. Joseph C. Lincoln and Freeman Lincoln,
Blatchington Tangle, The. G. D. H. and Margaret Cole.
Bleston Mystery, The. Robert Milward Kennedy.
Bloody Ground. Oscar J. Friend.
Blue Blood. Owen Johnson.
Blue Car Mystery, The. Natalie Sumner Lincoln.
Blue Castle, The. L. M. Montgomery.
Blue Hand. Edgar Wallace.
Blue Jay, The. Max Brand.
Bob, Son of Battle. Alfred Ollivant.
Bondwoman, The. G. U. Ellis.
Born Rich. Hughes Cornell.
Borrowed Shield, The. Richard E. Enright.
Boss of Eagle's Nest, The. William West Winter.
Boss of the Diamond A. Robert Ames Bennet.
Boss of the Tumbling H. Frank C. Robertson.
Box With Broken Seals. E. Phillips Oppenheim.
Branded. Robert Ames Bennet.
Brass. Charles G. Norris.
Brass Bowl, Louis Joseph Vance.
Bravo Jim. W. D. Hoffman.
Bread. Charles G. Norris.
Bread and Jam. Nalbro Bartley.
Break-Up, The. Esther Birdsall Darling.
Breaking Point, The. Mary Roberts Rinehart.
Bride's Progress, The. Harold Weston.
Bright Shawl, The. Joseph Hergesheimer.
Bring Me His Ears. Clarence E. Mulford.
Broad Highway, The. Jeffery Farnol.
Broken Barriers. Meredith Nicholson.
Broken Waters. Frank L. Packard.
Bronze Hand, The. Carolyn Wells.
Brood of the Witch Queen. Sax Rohmer.
Brook Evans. Susan Glaspell.
Brown Study, The. Grace S. Richmond.
Buck Peters, Ranchman. Clarence E. Mulford
Bullet Eater. Oscar J. Friend.
Burned Evidence. Mrs. Wilson Woodrow.
Bush Rancher, The. Harold Bindloss.
Bush That Burned, A. Marjorie Barclay McClure.
Buster, The. William Patterson White.
Butterfly. Kathleen Norris.
Cabbages and Kings. O. Henry.
Cabin at the Trail's End. Sheba Hargreaves
Callahans and the Murphys. Kathleen Norris.
Calling of Dan Matthews. Harold Bell Wright.
Can Women Forget? Florence Riddell.
Cape Cod Stories. Joseph C. Lincoln.
Captain Brand of the Schooner "Centipede." Lieut. Henry A. Wise.
Cap'n Dan's Daughter. Joseph C. Lincoln.
Cap'n Eri. Joseph C. Lincoln.
Cap'n Jonah's Fortune. James A. Cooper.
Captains of Souls. Edgar Wallace.
Cap'n Sue. Hulbert Footner.
Cap'n Warren's Wards. Joseph C. Lincoln.
Cardigan. Robert W. Chambers.
Carib Gold. Ellery H. Clark.
Carnac's Folly. Sir Gilbert Parker.
Carry On, Jeeves! P. G. Wodehouse.
Case and the Girl. Randall Parrish.
Case Book of Sherlock Holmes, The. A. Conan Doyle.
Cask, The. Freeman Wills Crofts.
Cat-O'Mountain. Arthur O. Friel.
Cat's Eye, The. R. Austin Freeman.
Catspaw, The. Terry Shannon.
Cattle. Winifred Eaton Reeve.
Cattle Baron, The. Robert Ames Bennet.
Cavalier of Tennessee. Meredith Nicholson.
Celestial City, The. Baroness Orczy.
Certain Dr. Thorndyke. A. R. Austin Freeman.
Certain People of Importance. Kathleen Norris.
Chaffee of Roaring Horse. Ernest Haycox.
Chance—and the Woman. Ellis Middleton.
Charteris Mystery. A. Fielding.
Cherry Square. Grace S. Richmond.
Cheyne Mystery, The. Freeman Wills Crofts.
Child of the North. Ridgwell Cullum.
Child of the Wild. Edison Marshall.
Children of Divorce. Owen Johnson.
Chronicles of Avonlea. L. M. Montgomery.
Cinema Murder, The. E. Phillips Oppenheim.
City of Lilies, The. Anthony Pryde and R. K. Weeks.
City of Peril, The. Arthur Stringer.
City of the Sun, The. Edwin L. Sabin.
Clair De Lune. Anthony Pryde.
Clever One, The. Edgar Wallace.
Click of Triangle T. Oscar J. Friend.
Clifford Affair, The. A. Fielding.
Clock Strikes Two, The. Henry Kitchell Webster.
Clouded Pearl, The. Berta Ruck.
Cloudy in the West. William Patterson White.
Club of Masks, The. Allen Upward.
Clue of the New Pin, The. Edgar Wallace.
Clue of the Twisted Candle. Edgar Wallace.
Coast of Enchantment. Burton E. Stevenson.
Cock's Feather. Katherine Newlin Burt.
Cold Harbour. Francis Brett Young.
Colorado Jim. George Goodchild.
Come Home. Stella G. S. Perry.
Coming of Cassidy, The. Clarence E. Mulford.
Coming of Cosgrove, The. Laurie Y. Erskine.
Coming of the Law, The. Charles A. Selzer.
Communicating Door, The. Wadsworth Camp.
Concerning Him. Introduced by the writer of "To M. I. G."
Confidence Man, The. Laurie Y. Erskine.
Conquest of Canaan, The. Booth Tarkington.
Conquering Lover, The. Pamela Wynne.
Conqueror Passes, A. Larry Barretto.
Constant Nymph, The. Margaret Kennedy.
Contraband. Clarence Budington Kelland.
Copper Moon. Edwin Bateman Morris.
Corbin Necklace, The. Henry Kitchell Webster.
Corsican Justice. J. G. Sarasin.
Corson of the J. C. Clarence E. Mulford.
Cottonwood Gulch. Clarence E. Mulford.
Court of Inquiry, A. Grace S. Richmond.
Cow Woman, The. George Gilbert.
Crime at Red Towers. Chester K. Steele.
Crime in the Crypt, The. Carolyn Wells.
Crimson Circle, The. Edgar Wallace.
Crooked. Maximilian Foster.
Crooked Cross, The. Charles J. Dutton.
Crook's Shadow, The. J. Jefferson Farjeon.
Cross Trails. Harold Bindloss.
Cruel Fellowship. Cyril Hume.
Cryder of the Big Woods. George C. Shedd.
Cry in the Wilderness, A. Mary E. Waller.
Crystal Cup, The. Gertrude Atherton.
Cup of Fury, The. Rupert Hughes.
Curious Quest, The. E. Phillips Oppenheim,
Cursed Be the Treasure. H. B. Drake.
Cytherea. Joseph Hergesheimer.
Cy Whittaker's Place. Joseph C. Lincoln.
Daffodil Murder, The. Edgar Wallace.
Dagger, The. Anthony Wynne.
Dalehouse Murder, The. Francis Everton.
Damsel in Distress, A. Pelham G. Wodehouse.
Dan Barry's Daughter. Max Brand.
Dance Magic. Clarence Budington Kelland.
Dancers in the Dark. Dorothy Speare.
Dancing Silhouette, The. Natalie Sumner Lincoln.
Dancing Star. Berta Ruck.
Danger. Ernest Poole.
Danger and Other Stories. A. Conan Doyle.
Dangerous Business. Edwin Balmer.
Dark Duel. Marguerite Steen.
Darkest Spot, The. Lee Thayer.
Dark Eyes of London, The. Edgar Wallace.
David Strange. Nelia Gardner White.
Daughter of the House. Carolyn Wells.
Daughter of the Sands, A. Frances Everard.
Daughter Pays, The. Mrs. Baillie Reynolds.
David Copperfield. Charles Dickens.
Deadfall, The. Edison Marshall.
Dead Men's Shoes. Lee Thayer.
Dead Ride Hard, The. Louis Joseph Vance.
Dear Pretender, The. Alice Ross Colver.
Death Maker, The. Austin J. Small.
Deeper Scar, The. Sinclair Gluck.
Deep in the Hearts of Men. Mary E. Waller.
Deep Lake Mystery. Carolyn Wells.
Deep Seam, The. Jack Bethea.
Defenders, The. Stella G. S. Perry.
Delight. Mazo de la Roche.
Demon Caravan, The. Georges Surdez.
Depot Master, The. Joseph C. Lincoln.
Desert Dust. Edwin L. Sabin.
Desert Healer. E. M. Hull.
Desire. Gladys Johnson.
Desire of His Life, and Other Stories. Ethel M. Dell.
Destiny. Rupert Hughes.
Devil of Pei-ling, The. Herbert Asbury.
Devil's Mantle, The. Frank L. Packard.
Devil's Paw, The. E. Phillips Oppenheim.
Devonshers, The. Honore Willsie Morrow.
Diamond Murders, The. J. S. Fletcher.
Diamond Thieves, The. Arthur Stringer.
Diana at the Bath. Elizabeth Hall Yates.
Diana of Kara-Kara. Edgar Wallace.
Diane's Adventure. Ann Sumner.
Dimmest Dream, The. Alice Ross Colver.
Divine Event. Will N. Harben.
Divots. P. G. Wodehouse.
Dixiana, A Novelization. Winnie Brandon.
Dr. Glazebrook's Revenge. Andrew Cassels Brown.
Dr. Nye. Joseph C. Lincoln.
Doctor S. O. S. Lee Thayer.
Doctor Who Held Hands, The. Hulbert Footner.
Don Careless. Rex Beach.
Door of Dread, The. Arthur Stringer.
Doors of the Night. Frank L. Packard.
Door With Seven Locks. Edgar Wallace.
Dope. Sax Rohmer.
Double Chance, The. J. S. Fletcher.
Double House, The. Elizabeth Dejeans.
Double Thirteen, The. Anthony Wynne.
Double Traitor, The. E. Phillips Oppenheim.
Downey of the Mounted. James B. Hendryx.
Draycott Murder Mystery. Molly Thynne.
Dream Detective. Sax Rohmer.
Dream Kiss. Ann Sumner.
Drums of Aulone, The. Robert W. Chambers.
Drums of Doom. Robert Welles Ritchie.
Duke Steps Out, The. Lucian Cary.
Dust. Armine Von Tempski.
Dust of the Desert. Robert Welles Ritchie.
Dust to Dust. Isabel Ostrander.