No. 4. BEEF CURRY (Madras). |
For a Pound of Beef. - 2 Tablespoons Coriander Powder and 1 of Rice Powder.
- 1 Saltspoon Saffron and a Pinch of Cumin Powder and Fenugreek.[4]
- ½ Pint of Milk or good Gravy.
- 1 Large or few small Onions.
- A bit of Cinnamon, 2 Cloves (if you wish spices).
- ½ Teaspoon Green Ginger chopped up fine.
- A Small Garlic chopped up fine.
- 1 Large Spoonful of Butter (fresh); Salt to taste.
N.B.—This Curry is made in Madras with or without Cocoanut, but little Tamarind will flavour this Curry better than Lemon Juice. Vinegar, Curry Leaves, etc., are used in Madras and Ceylon. This is a first-class Curry if carefully prepared. Mode.—Have the meat ready cut in half-inch squares; then slice the onions; put a good stew-pan on the fire, add the butter; soon as the butter gets hot put in the onions and Curry Powder, but not the ginger, garlic, and spices. When the onions, Curry stuffs, etc., are nicely browned, add the meat, garlic, ginger, spices, and give it a turn. Let it stand for a few seconds, then add the milk or gravy, salt, etc.; set on slow fire for about 20 minutes. When sending to table add a few drops of lemon or good pickle vinegar, but tamarind is best. Add little cayenne if preferred hot; a hot Curry is considered always nice and healthy, the cayenne to be added when preparing. |