CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY | 4 | | Introductions to Birth Control by Margaret H. Sanger, | | | Havelock Ellis, August Forel and G. F. Lydston. | | | | CHAPTER II. THE ORIGIN AND PRACTICE OF BIRTH CONTROL IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES | 23 | | Genesis of Movement, | | | England, | | | Holland, | | | France, | | | United States, | | | Other Countries. | | | | CHAPTER III. POPULATION AND BIRTH RATE | 43 | | Birth Control, by Havelock Ellis, | | | Population Facts in United States, | | | Birth Rate of British Empire, | | | Birth Rate of Other Countries (With Tables). | | | | CHAPTER IV. INFANT MORTALITY | 93 | | General Statistics, | | | Results of Children’s Bureau Survey at Johnstown, Pa., by Emma Duke, | | | Manchester Report. | | | | CHAPTER V. MATERNAL MORTALITY AND DISEASES AFFECTED BY PREGNANCY | 155 | | Children’s Bureau Report, by Grace L. Meigs, | | | Death Rates from Child Birth in Foreign Countries, | | | A Municipal Birth Control Clinic, | | | Tuberculosis, | | | Kidney Diseases, | | | Eclampsia, | | | Diabetes, | | | Pelvic Deformities, | | | Heart Disease, | | | Too Frequent Pregnancies, | | | Pernicious Vomiting. | | | | CHAPTER VI. HARMFUL METHODS PRACTICED TO AVOID LARGE FAMILIES | 185 | | Coitus Interruptus, | | | Continence, | | | The Objects of Marriage, by Havelock Ellis, | | | Abortion. | | | | CHAPTER VII. PROSTITUTION, FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS AND VENEREAL DISEASES | 197 | | The Social Evil, | | | Feeble-mindedness, | | | Syphilis, | | | Gonorrhea. | | | | CHAPTER VIII. OTHER TRANSMISSIBLE DISEASES AND PAUPERISM | 223 | | Insanity, | | | Epilepsy, | | | Alcoholism, | | | Pauperism, | | | Child Labor. | | | | CHAPTER IX. CONCLUSION: EMINENT OPINIONS | 245 | | The Progress of Holland, | | | Eminent Opinions | | | | GLOSSARY | 250 |