rnal">130, 182, 414, 427 ConfÉdÉration GÉnÉrale de Travail, 101 Conference, Chicago, 361; - First National Birth Control, 298ff.;
- Fifth International, 337, 354;
- Los Angeles, 416;
- Regional, 416;
- Sixth International Malthusian and Birth Control, 369ff.;
- World Population Conference, Geneva, 376–388;
- Zurich, 408ff.
Connecticut, birth control legislation, 293f. Content, Assistant District Attorney Harold A., 115, 120, 180ff., 189 Contraception, 104, 143, 290, 363f., 407ff. Cooper, John M., Ph.D., 415 Copeland, Senator Royal S., 427 Cornell Medical School, 433 Corning, N.Y., 11, 19, 24, 27f., 43, 493 Corrigan, Magistrate Joseph E., 306 Coughlin, Father Charles E., 425 Courtney, Lieutenant Joseph, 313 Cousins, Margaret, 461 Cox, Harold, 172, 272, 296, 299, 303f. Crane, Judge Frederick E., 292, 296 Crew, Dr. A. F., 380 Cummings, Attorney General, 428 Darjeeling, India, 475 Darrow, Clarence, 185 Dave, Victor, 100f. Davenport, C. B., 374 Dawson, Baron, of Penn, 294f., 370f., 411 Day, Mrs. George H., Sr., 293, 396, 415 Debs, Eugene V., 69f., 351 Delafield, Mrs. Lewis L., 230, 304, 396 Dennett, Mary Ware, 180f., 189, 414, 427 Hanihara, Masanao, 318 Hapgood, Hutchins, 74, 96 Harman, Moses, 374 Harris, Dr. Louis T., 407 Harum, David, 44 Hastings, Senator Daniel O., 426f. Hastings-on-Hudson, 61ff., 96 Hatfield, Senator Henry D., 423, 426 Hatting, Magistrate Peter A., 311 Hawthorne, Charles, 96 Hayes, Archbishop Patrick J., 299, 306ff. Haynes, E. P. C., 172 Haywood, William (Big Bill), 70, 75, 80, 84, 96, 100f., 104, 264 Hazel, Judge, 115, 118, 120, 180 Healey, Representative Arthur D., 424 Health Day, Moscow, 444 Henri, Robert, 74 Hepburn, Mrs. Thomas, 188, 293, 395, 417 Herrmann, Justice Moses, 229 Higgins, Anne Purcell, 11, 16, 27, 41 Higgins, Bob, 493 Higgins, Dick, 493 Higgins, Ethel, 22, 26, 42ff.; Higgins, Henry George McGlynn, 29ff. Higgins, Joe, 27 Higgins, Mary, 14f., 34, 63, 494 Higgins, Michael Hennessey, 12ff., 27ff., 41ff., 114, 208, 265, 493 Higgins, Nan, 34f., 59, 63, 265 Himes, Professor Norman, 365f. Hindus, Maurice, 434 Hirschfeld, Dr. Magnus, 376; world, 376ff. Porter, Noel, 274 Portet, Lorenzo, 123, 153ff. Portland, Ore., 204 Post Office, New York, 110, 261 Potter, Rev. Charles Francis, 420 Prison experiences, 221ff., 240–250 Prostitution, Chinese, 345f. Protestant Episcopal Church, 410 Provincetown, Mass., 95ff., 264 Putnam, Major General G. P., 172, 377 Queens County Penitentiary, 240–250 Rabbis, Central Conference of, 411 Rai, Lajpat, 351 Raid, Brownsville, 310; - Fifteenth Street Clinic, 402ff.
Ramasan, Sir Vepa, 484f. Rappard, Williams, 378 Raugh, Mrs. Enoch, 196 Rauh, Ida, 207, 234 Raymond Street Jail, 221ff. Reed, John, 70, 84, 182, 264 Reedy, William Marion, 199f. Reid, Mrs. Ogden, 306 Reiland, Dr. Karl, 307, 405 Reitman, Ben, 207 Reynal, Eugene Sugney, 54 Rhythm of Sterility and Fertility in Women, 412, 425 Ridge, Lola, 74 Riese, Dr. Herthe, 389 Riviera, 380ff. Roberts, Walter A., 252 Robertson-Jones, Mrs. F., 384, 395 Robinson, Dr. William J., 171, 181, 207 Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 78, 315 Rocker, Rudolph and Milly, 280ff. Rodman, Henrietta, 108, 187f. Roman Catholic, see Catholic Roosevelt, Theodore, 201 Rose, Florence, 433, 444f. Rosenbluth, Magistrate, 404ff. Ross, Edward Alsworth, 94, 364, 456 Social agencies, criticism, 196f. Socialism, 23, 68ff., 75f., 96, 109 Spain, 153–168 Spargo, John, 68 Spinney, Mabel, 260 Spinney, William, 245 Spermatoxin, 442 Stalin, 437, 439, 446 Stalingrad, 452 Steffens, Lincoln, 68 Stillman, Clara, 180 Stoddard, Lothrop, 302 Stokes, J. G. Phelps, 73 Stokes, Rose Pastor, 74, 188 Stone, Dr. Abraham, 434 Stone, Dr. Hannah M., 360, 363, 374, 399, 403f., 434 Stopes, Marie, 171, 186, 272 Strike, laundry workers, 78; - Lawrence textile workers, 80;
- Paterson silk workers, 83
Stritt, Frau Maria, 112, 285 Strunsky, Anna, 74 Stuart, Amelia, 36, 54, 208 Sullivan, matron at penitentiary, 240, 244 Sullivan, Mrs. Mary, 403f., 406, 408 Summers, Hatton W., 424 Sun, New York, 110, 186 Sundaram, Dr. Manjeri, 485, 488 Swan, Judge Thomas, 427 Swazey, George, 258, 259 Switzerland, 299, 376–391, 408ff. Syndicalism, 101f. Syracuse, 411 Tagore, Rabindranath, 471f. Taj Mahal, 479 Tarver, Representative Malcolm C., 424 Thomas, Albert, 379 Tiflis, 454ff. The Norton imprint on a book means that in the publisher’s estimation it is a book not for a single season but for the years. |