To avoid encumbering the pages with foot-notes, all references requiring them have been omitted, but the principal works and passages referred to will be found in this Index, excepting those that already appear in the body of the work. Many of the old Chronicles have been inspected for historical facts, but it has not been thought necessary to specify them, except in a few instances; and where one is cited, the fact is frequently corroborated by two or three others. Hickes’s ‘Thesaurus,’ vol. i, pp. 209-14, and Gebelin’s ‘Allegories Orientales,’ contain a good deal of learning about Yule or Gule, and the former as to midwinter. Du Cange’s ‘Glossary,’ in voce Festum, gives many particulars respecting the Feasts of Asses and Fools. The Wardrobe Accounts, temp. Edw. First, have entries connected with that time; and Mr. Collier’s ‘Annals of the Stage, and History of Dramatic Poetry,’ and the ‘Account of Revels,’ by Mr. Peter Cunningham, both works containing much valuable information, the Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York, of Henry the Eighth, and of the Princess Mary, the ‘Northumberland Household Book,’ and Nichols’s ‘Progresses of Queen Elizabeth and King James,’ are the authorities for many of the plays and masks, and the particulars of the accounts connected with them, and the New Year’s Gifts from the time of Henry the Seventh to that of James the First; and many additional particulars may be found in them. Brady’s ‘Clavis Calendaria’ contains much information respecting the early history of Christmas; and Mosheim’s ‘Ecclesiastical History,’ may also be consulted. Spelman’s ‘Glossary,’ voce Xenia, and Boulanger, ‘l’AntiquitÉ DevoilÉe,’ iv, 16, 17, a work however not to be recommended, speak of the ancient New Year’s Gifts. Madox’s ‘History of the Exchequor’ states the movements of our early monarchs, mentioning for a long series of years where they kept their Christmasses; and Turner’s, Henry’s, and Lingard’s ‘Histories of England,’ and the ‘Pictorial History,’ may be referred to also, by those wishing to look further into the subject. Many facts taken from these books do not appear to require more than this general reference to them. PAGE | LINE | 3 | 29 | Nehemiah, viii, 10. | 15 | 31 | Rabelais, vol. i, 478, n. ed. 1823. | 20 | 22 | Lingard’s Hist. Eng. ed. 1837, vol. i, 259. | 21 | 22 | John of Bromton. Twysden, X Scriptores. | 25 | 26 | ArchÆologia, vol. xi, 13 (from Wilkins’s Concil.). | 27 | 26 | Blount, Fragmenta Antiq., by Beckwith, 50. | 30 | 13,21 | Madox’s Hist. Exchequer, 258. | 33 | 13 | The Woman’s Prize, Fletcher, iv, 2. | 34 | 9 | Hamlet i, 1. | 36 | 18,29 | Baker’s Chronicle, 82, 83. | 37 | 31 | ThÉÂtre FranÇais au moyen Age, 1842, p. 118. | 38 | 20 | Cronica Jocelini de Brakelonda, 46. | 39 | 21 | ArchÆologia, xxvi, 342. | 40 | 24, 30 | ArchÆologia, xxxi, 37, 38, 43, 122. | 42 | 9 | Cotton MS. Nero, C. viii. | — | 15 | PetitÔt MÉmoires, 1st Ser. vi, 66. | — | 22 | Monstrelet, ed. 1840, i, 153. | 44 | 11 | Warton, Hist. of Poetry, 8vo, ii, 71, 72. | 45 | — | Henry V, i, 1. | 46 | 24 | ArchÆologia, xxi, 66. Old Poem on Siege of Rouen. | — | 31 | PetitÔt MÉmoires, 1st Ser. viii, 35. | 47 | 26,31 | Excerpta Historica, 148, 150.—(Cotton MS. Cleopatra, F. iv.) | — | 28 | Proceedings of Privy Council, iii, 285. | 48 | 4 | Fairholt’s History of Costume.—(Harl. MS. 2278.) | — | 11 | Proceedings of Privy Council, v, 114. | — | 14 | Rymer’s Foedera, x, 387. | — | 30 | Collier, Hist. Dram. Poetry, ii, 127. | 50 | 17 | King John, ii, 1. | 51 | 28 | Harl. MS. 5931. | 52 | 3 | Fabliaux et Contes du xii et xiii siÈcles, i, 329, &c. | 54 | 29 | Additional MS. 6113. | 55 | 25 | Antiquarian Repertory, i, 328. | 56 | 4 | Hamlet, i, 4. | — | 7 | Love’s Labour Lost, v, 2. | 57 | 31 | Ritson’s Ancient Songs, 304. (From New Christmas Carols.) | 58 | 15 | Midsummer Night’s Dream, ii, 1. | — | 24 | Herrick’s Works, ii, 92. | 59 | 25 | Ordinances of Royal Household, 120. | 61 | 14 | ArchÆologia, xxv, 319-27. | 66 | 6 | Hall’s, Holinshed’s, and Baker’s Chronicles may be consulted for this and most of the Christmas revels in the time of Henry VIII; also Collier’s Annals of the Stage, for many particulars of payments and gifts. | 72 | 29 | Henry VIII, i, 4. | 76 | 18 | Hall’s Chronicle. | 78 | 14 | Ellis’s Original Letters, i, 271.—(Cotton MS. Vespasian, F. xiii.) | 79 | 16 | Cotton MS. Appendix, xxviii. | 80 | 27 | Strutt’s Sports, &c. 305. | 81 | 8 | ArchÆologia, xxv, 422. | 82 | 4 | Leland’s Itinerary, iv, 182. | 83 | 7 | Camden’s Remains, 262. | — | 18 | Archaeological Journal, No. 4, 367. | — | 24 | Kalendars of the Exchequer, i, 269. | 89 | 10 | Particulars of George Ferrer’s Misrule will be found in Stow’s Annals, Baker’s Chronicle, Loseley MS. 45, &c. and Machyn’s Diary, 13, &c. | 90 | 10 | Loseley MS. 90. | 91 | 17 | Machyn’s Diary, 162. | 92 | 4 | Machyn’s Diary, 222. | 93 | 19 | Dugdale Origines Jurid. | — | 24 | Account of Revels, 28. | 95 | — | See Collier, i, 196, &c., for this page. | 96 | 13 | Lansdowne MS. 71. | — | 22 | Ben Jonson’s Conversations with Drummond, 23. | 102 | — | See ArchÆologia, i,9; Ditto, xix, 292; Nichols’s Progresses; Sloane MS. 4827; Ditto, 814, Additional MS. 5751;—for particulars of New Year’s Gifts in this and preceding pages. | 103 | 6 | Account of Revels, 204 | 108 | 12,22 | Pictorial History of England, iii, 88. | 110 | 25 | Nichols’s Progresses, i, xl, n. | — | 30 | Account of Revels, xi. | 111 | 30 | Lansdowne MS. 92. | 112 | 26 | Doblado’s Letters. | 113 | 17 | Introduction to Canto 6, Marmion. | — | 28 | Romeo and Juliet, i, 4. | 115 | 6 | Horace, lib. i, od. 9. | — | 19 | Michaelmas Term, ii, 3. | — | 23 | Promptorium Parvulorum, 238. | 116 | 2 | Johnes’s Translation, vol. iii, c. 7. | — | 16 | Herrick’s Works, ii, 124. | — | 30 | Witty Fair One, iv, 2. | 118 | 27 | Nichols’s Illustrations of Manners and Expenses, 53. | 121 | 25 | ArchÆologia, xviii, 335. | 122 | 6 | Curiosities of Literature, iii, 269. | 124 | 6 | Hone’s Every Day Book, i, 9. (Banquet of Jests, 1634.) | 125 | 29 | PetitÔt MÉmoires, 47, 101. | 136 | 17 | Percy’s Reliques, ed. 1840, 169. | — | 28 | Evans’s Ballads, iii, 262. | 137 | 15 | Evans’s Ballads, i, 146. | 138 | 15 | City Madam, ii, 1. | 144 | 23 | Roper’s Life of Sir T. More, 73. | 146 | 17 | Cowley’s Anaercontiques, No. 2. | 147 | 9 | Wine and Walnuts, ii, 157. | — | 30 | New Year’s Day, by Hartley Coleridge. | 149 | 30 | Brady Clavis Calendaria, ii, 316, 17. | 154 | 20 | In Wily Beguiled. | 155 | 22 | Collier’s Annals of the Stage, i, 22. | 157 | 18 | Malcontent, by Marston, iv, 2. | 158 | — | Dr. Macculloch’s Proofs and Illustrations of the Attributes of God, i, 358, a work of remarkable learning and information joined to sincere and unaffected piety—the production of a gifted and accomplished man, whose death will ever be regretted by those who, in his lifetime, enjoyed his friendship. | 160 | 25 | Milton’s Ode on the Nativity. | 161 | 25 | Sandys’s Travels, 141. | 162 | 12 | Harl. MSS. 437, 619. | — | 16 | Apocryphal New Testament, 2, 3.—Infancy, iii, 2. | — | 29 | Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy, 1638, 225. | 163 | 16 | Diary of Philip Henslowe, 70. | — | 22, 28 | Hone’s Every Day Book, i, 46. | 165 | 16 | Fabliaux et Contes, par Barbazan et Meon, ii, 285. | — | 18 | Strutt’s Sports and Pastimes, 8vo, 344. | 166 | 12 | Archives Curieuses de l’Histoire de France, 2 Series, v, 392. | 168 | 13 | Warton’s History of Poetry, 8vo, ii, 91 n. | — | 16 | Harl. MS. 5931. | 170 | 9 | French Mystery of the 15th Century, ‘Le Geu des trois Rois.’ | 171 | 13 | MS. Bibl. Reg. 5 F. xiv, 7. Ib. 18 A, x, 8. Harl. MS. 1704-11. | — | 14 | Harl. MS. 2407, 13. | 178 | 24 | This reference should be ‘Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales.’ | 179 | 12 | Barzaz-Breiz, Chants Populaires de la Bretagne, i, 1, 25. | 180 | 2 | Description of Patent Rolls, by T. D. Hardy, 129. | 183 | 6 | Privy Purse Expenses of Princess Mary, Int
roduction, xxvii. | — | 7 | Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York, 83. | 184 | 25 | Barnaby Googe, translation of Naogeorgus. | 185 | 11 | Pictorial History of England, iii, 446 (address by Mr. John Davison to General Assembly in Scotland, 1596). | 186 | 25 | Old Ballads, 1723, p. 69. | 188 | 11 | Batt upon Batt, 1711, p. 6. | 191 | 6 | BibliothÈque de l’Ecole des Chartes, i, 250. | — | 20 | Rabelais, vi, 209, n. (liv. 4, c. 22). | — | 26 | Pasquier les Recherches de la France, 383-4. | — | 30 | MÉnage Diction. Etymol., voce NoËl. | 192 | 3 | ArchÆologia, 22. | — | 17 | Fabliaux et Contes, iv, 80, 99. | 194 | 1 | Laborde’s Essai, i, 118, n. | 200 | 27 | Notes and Queries, v, 7, communication by Mr. Thoms. | 203 | 8 | Introduction to Scotch songs, i, 104. | 206 | 2 | See French mystery of fifteenth century, La NativitÉ, edited by Jubinal, ii, 19, Cornish play of Creation of the World, and poem of Mount Calvary, for further particulars. | — | 26 | Horne’s introduction to the Scriptures, i, 629. | 213 | 2 | Maccabees, 15, 38. |