- Adams, Bristow, 105
- Adams, H. B., 199
- Adams, Thos., 228
- Advertising, community, 66
- Age of community's people, 31
- Agricultural colleges, 107;
- Agriculture, goal of, 61;
- American Farm Bureau Federation, 115
- Americanization, 30
- Amusements, commercial, 158
- Angell, Norman, 70
- Associations and organizations, 212
- Athletic leagues, 162
- Atkeson, T. C., 170
- Atkinson, H. A., 163
- Atwood, M. V., 104
- Automobile, influence of, 41, 50, 157
- Bands, 176
- Banker-farmer, 50
- Belleville, N. Y., 34
- Beloved community, 136
- Bengtson, Amalia M., 147
- Bidwell, P. W., 68
- Boardman, John R., 17
- Boys' and girls' clubs, 119, 163;
- Boy Scouts, 163
- Brunner, E. DeS., 136
- Burritt, M. C., 109
- Butterfield, K. L., 2
- Business, farm, community aspects, 58-66
- Camp Fire Girls, 163
- Capital, local, 50
- Cemetery association, 179
- Centralization of buying power, 73
- Chamber of commerce, county, 56
- Childhood, play and, 155
- Child placing, 190;
- Church and health, 138;
- Cities, 54;
- City, effect of, on farm, 68-70;
- Claghorn, Kate Holladay, 186
- Clock System Rural Index, 231
- Communication, 37-45
- Community activities, 217;
- association, Plainsboro Township, N. J., constitution, 247;
- buildings, 165-167;
- legislation for, 204;
- center, 7
- Community chests, 215;
- churches, 127-129;
- councils, 6, 215, 220;
- defined, 7, 9, 10;
- etymology, 37, 77;
- experience, 65;
- forests, 230;
- incorporation, 204;
- mapping, 6;
- organization, 89, 209-221;
- of extension service, 116;
- people, 29-33;
- planning, 222-233;
- pride, 57, 223;
- school districts, 203;
- score card, 116;
- service, 245;
- vs. home, 24-25
- Competition, dogma of, 49
- Conflict and progress, 48
- Collective bargaining, 74
- CoÖperation and community, 77-90;
- business democracy, 86;
- Danish, 87;
- in farm operations, 77;
- strengthens community, 87
- CoÖperative buying, 51, 79-81;
- companies, essentials of, 78;
- credit, 81;
- educational League, 98;
- manufacture, 63;
- marketing, 74;
- selling associations, 83;
- stores, 53, 54, 80
- County agent movement, 109;
- boards of public welfare, 191;
- health officer, 146;
- library, 102;
- manager, 202
- Country church, 123;
- life commission, 110;
- weekly, 105
- Dadisman, A. J., 33
- Dane Co., Wisconsin, 30
- Daniels, John, 30
- Darwin, Charles, 49
- Decentralization of industry, 54
- Defectives, 183
- Delinquency, 185-186
- Democracy, 207, 239
- Demonstration agent, 109;
- Denominational rivalry, 127
- Dependent, 181-195
- Dewey, Evelyn, 165
- Disadvantaged, 181
- Doctors, country, 141
- Douglas, H. Paul, 204
- Dramatics, 27, 160
- Dutchess Co., N. Y., health survey, 140
- Education, 91-105;
- objectives of, 95;
- religious, 99
- Educational methods of extension work, 116
- Exchange of goods, 68
- Exploiter, 58
- Extension movement, 107-120;
- service, of schools, 95-96;
- work, methods, 116
- Family, 15;
- Farm bureau, 112-115
- Farmers clubs, 174;
- coÖperative demonstration work, 110;
- institutes, 107;
- organizations, 170-174;
- union, 174
- Farming types, effect of, 61
- Farm loan act, 82;
- Federated church, 129
- Feeble-minded, 184
- Fire companies, 177
- Fiske, John, 155, 196
- Fernandis, Sarah Collins, 245
- Follett, M. P., 238
- Frame, Nat T., 116
- French Creek, W. Va., 32
- Gale, Zona, 179
- Galpin, C. J., 6, 135
- Gibbons, C. E., 186
- Gillette, J. M., 62
- Girl Scouts, 163
- Government, rural, 196-208, 214
- Grange, 170;
- Grading in marketing, 71-72
- Gross, Karl, 155
- Halsey, Abigail F., 161
- Harvey, Mrs. M. T., 165
- Hatch Act, 107
- Hayes, A. W., 93
- Health centers, 151;
- Hieronymous, R. E., 234
- High schools, 94;
- History, community, 33;
- Hoag, Emily F., 34
- Home bureau, 118
- Home bureau creed, 119;
- Hospitals, 149-150
- Husbandman, 59
- Industries in villages, 54
- Insects, a community problem, 64
- Justice of peace, 188
- Juvenile courts, 188
- Kidd, Benj., 27
- Kile, O. M., 115
- Kingdom of God, 135, 238
- Kirkwood, W. P., 103
- Knapp, S. A., 109
- Kolb, J. H., 30, 91
- Kropotkin, P., 49
- Leadership, 117, 218, 241;
- Lee, Joseph, 155
- Lewis, Sinclair, 101, 222
- Library, 45;
- Lindeman, E. C., 169, 220, 239
- Lodges, 174
- Lowell, G. J., 172
- Loyalty, community, 234-245
- Lumsden, L. L., 144
- Maciver, R. M., 245
- Macklin, Th., 63, 85
- Mann, A. R., 194
- Markets, effect of, 67-76
- Martin, O. B., 109
- Maternal mortality, 142
- Mormons, 121, 197
- Morrill Act, 107
- Moving pictures, 45, 158
- Nason, W. C., 167
- Nasmyth, George, 49
- Nationalities, 29
- Neglected, the, 186
- Neighborhood areas, 91;
- defined, 9;
- social center, 92
- Newspaper, country, 103-106
- Nourse, E. G., 68
- Numbering farms, 231
- Nurses, rural, 147-149
- Organization, rural, difficulty of, 44
- Organizations of rural community, 169-180
- Orchestras, 177
- Overchurching, 125
- Pageants, 36, 161
- Parent-teachers associations, 97-98
- Parks, 230
- Park, R. E., and Miller, 236
- Patrons of Husbandry, 170
- Personality and play, 154
- Physical education, 162
- Plainsboro, N. J., incorporation, 205, 247
- Play and recreation, 153-168;
- Plunkett, Sir Horace, 12, 87, 88
- Poe, Clarence, 81, 202
- Poor officer, 187
- Population, changes, 32;
- Postal service, 43
- Poverty, 181, 182
- Powell, G. Harold, 84
- Pratt, Edwin A., 80
- Provincialism, value of, 240
- Public speaking contest, 96
- Public welfare boards, 191
- Race problems, 29, 30
- Railroad, effect of, 39;
- Rankin, W. S., 145
- Recreation, 153-168;