. The Period is the longest pause—a full stop. It marks the end of a sentence, and shows the sense complete; as, The sky is blue`. Pause the time of counting six, and let the voice fall. ? The Interrogation is used at the end of a question; as, Is the sky blue´? If the question can be answered by yes or no, the voice rises; if not, it falls; as, Where is your map`;? Pause the time of counting six. ! The Exclamation denotes wonder, surprise, pain, or joy; as, O´! what a sweet rose`! Pause the time of counting one, after a single word, and let the voice rise; but after a complete sentence, pause the time of counting six, and let the voice fall. : The Colon is a pause shorter than the Period; as, The sky is clear`: the sun shines. Pause the time of counting four, and let the voice fall. ; The Semicolon is a pause shorter than the Colon; as, The rose is fair`; but it soon fades. Pause the time of counting two, and let the voice fall. Sometimes the voice should rise, as the sense may require. , The Comma is the shortest pause; as, Jane goes to school´, and learns to read. Pause the time of counting one, and keep the voice up. — The Dash denotes a sudden pause or change of subject; as, I saw him—but what a sight! When the dash is used after any other pause, the time of that pause is doubled. |